I am trying to return to school, yet being a member of the military seems to be a deterrant to scholastic admittance. I signed up for classes at the local community college, but then I got word from my commander that we're up for mobilization, so I'm like F*ck, and I go to the school and withdraw. In a few days I have to go to Houston, I'm in the Army Reserves and they've called me to come in for briefings. sometimes, it's a big hassle serving my country. It's the military, at any time they can call me up, I have to go and they do it a lot. tends to play hell with the academic calendar and a lot of professors and schools won't cut you any slack for it, which I'm having a big problem with UT about right now.
My transcripts suck due to the fact that I've been activated so many times in the middle of semesters, UT refuses to take into the account that I'm a veteran and has continuosly denied me admittance. This is crazy I was born in this State, I grew up in this State, I joined the Army in this State, Served a major portion of my duty in this State and yet I'm not allowed to attend a STATE University?!?! this thouroughly pisses me off. I dont understand that! This has been going on for awhile now and I'm ready to just go over there and kick some teeth in at the admissions office. All I want to do is go to school, get an education and I am denied this basic right. It's tough and frustrating, I try so hard and yet they simply smack me down with form letters stating there are more qualified applicants, how can there be more qualified applicants when on the UT application it asks if you're a veteran and seeking veterans preference for admittance to the university? what does a veterans preference mean if it's disregarded? does that mean all my years of service are disregarded too? I can't get an answer from anyone at the university, there isn't a veterans representative, just a secretary in the registrar's office that knows nothing! the ROTC people won't help me unless I'm accepted to the school, WTF! ALL I WANT IS AN EDUCATION!! there are kids at that school that don't know what they want, they're just there for parties, alchohol and whatever! I'm so pissed at this School it's not funny! I'd write more, but you get the idea...
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