Saturday, August 16, 2003

I woke this morning with a profound sense of well being inside of me and the need to do some major stretching, Things are going well in my life right now, I do have a few problems, but they are incidental when compared to global ones. I'm waiting for the coffee to brew, then I'm going to head out to meet up with my buddy Zach attack aka SimpleSimon who is not so simple as he seems, and we are going to move him to Clear lake where he'll be attending college at UH And what is my good friend going to give me for helping him out? A Yamahah Virago 535 Motorcycle, do I have the coolest friends or what? Oh hell yeah I do!

Speaking of friends, head on over to Anita's new little home on the web and get an insight into another one of my good friends, it's not a blog, she's being hosted at which is similar to livejournal at least she's out there writing getting her thoughts out of her head, writing is very therapeutic as was noted in a previous post of mine. In fact you'll be able to read more about my friends straight from their own perspective, just simply click on a name on the left and it'll take you right to them.

I was going to do the Saturday Scruples, but the site isn't coming up. So until that happens you'll have to wait. haha.

I'm heading out now, you have a great day and don't wind up like this guy...Ben

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