What do you think? would you hire me?
Hugh H. Melrose III 2405 Rio Grande Box 39 Apt 108 Austin, Texas 78705
512 - 477 - 5941 / 512 - 947 - 2848
Employment History
Aug, 2003 to Present El Rio Apartments, 2405 Rio Grande, Austin, Texas 78705
Aug, 2002 to Dec, 2002 H.E.Butts Corporation, Austin # 346, Far West Austin, Texas
Cashier, Bagger,Carryout
Jan, 1996 to Present U.S. Army 75th Division 1st Brigade Battlefield Projections Group, Battle Command Staff Training and Support, Houston, Texas 77054
Current Rank/Pay Grade: Seargent / E-5, Oct 2002
Security Level: Secret
Signal Systems Operations - Specialized training, Cable/Wire Systems, Unit Administration, Radio, Communications Security & Training
Jan, 1999 to Dec, 2001 ExxonMobil Exploration Corporation, Upstream Technical Computing 222 Benmar Houston, Texas 77060
Technical Assistant - Information Management Systems
Aug, 1998 to Dec, 1998 StaffMark, Formerly International Team Consultants
Contractor assigned to Exxon Exploration Corporation in Geo-Science Data Resource Management
Feb, 1998 to Jun,1998 SSL Enterprises, Mail Boxes Etc. #346, Spring,Texas shipping, receiving, customer service, sales clerk, inventory
Education History
2003 – present Austin Community College – Rio Grande Campus
1998 - 2003 North Harris Montgomery Community College System, Houston, Texas
Business and Engineering major, Graphics design and Business courses
1997 - 1997 Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas
Business and Engineering major, ROTC advanced standing
1996 - 1997 United States Army, Fort Gordon Georgia
31 Lima School - Cable and Wire systems installation and maintenance
35 Echo School - Radio and Communications Security, operations and maintenance
1996 United States Army, Fort Leonardwood, Missouri
U.S. Army Basic Training
1992 - 1996 Klein Oak High School, Spring, Texas. graduated May,1996 with special study in Drafting / Architectural Computer aided design, Athletics, Sports Medicine and Marine Biology courses
1995 Second Place Regional Winner in Aerospace Design (AutoCAD)
Computer Applications Experience
Microsoft Office XP/2000, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, XP, NT, Win98, Win95,Office 97 AutoCADD R12, R13, R14, R2000, 3D Studio, 3D Max, 3D Viz, Corel Draw,Adobe Photo Shop 6.0/7.0, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Webpage design
*DD - 214 On file with Harris County Clerk - verifies military training and honorable discharge from Active Army status to Active Army Reserve status.
Boy Scouts of America, Sam Houston Area Council, Houston, Texas
Nov. 1995 Assistant Scout Master, Troop 87, Polaris District
Oct. 1995 Achieved Eagle Scout Rank, Polaris District
Sep. 1993 Explorer Scouts of America, Post 555, Polaris District
Jul. 1993 Order of the Arrow, honor camper youth group of Boy Scouts of America
Brotherhood member
Team Army - USAC - A Road, Mountain and Cyclocross Cycling Club - Mountain Bike Racer
International Mountain Bikers Association
Volunteer Experience
Boy Scouts of America, Sam Houston Area Council, Houston, Texas
Summer camp staff at El Rancho Cima's Horseshoe Bend Camp, 1995
Cockerel River Camp - 1993
Philmont Scout Ranch - 1992, 1994
Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 87, Spring, Texas, Polaris District
Explorer Post 555
Assisted in variety of volunteer efforts designed to benefit the community
Habitat for Humanity, Houston, Texas - Volunteer assisting in construction of homes
Red Cross Disaster Aid Volunteer - Houston, Texas
Texas Sports Medicine Center - Tomball, Texas - Volunteer Physical Therapy Assistant
*References available upon request.
Some of you may like it, some of you may hate it and others could care less about it, This is my blog, there are many like it and many not like it, but this one is mine, you will learn to either love it like your own or not, but remember this one is mine. Thanks for reading it.
Saturday, December 27, 2003
You're Mickey!
which Snatch movie character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are "I Miss You"
which Incubus song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yes, I'm still here in the states, though for how much longer I'm not sure, I have several fellow soldiers that have been recalled and are deployed all over the world in support of current operations. I get almost daily updates on real life situations going on in both Iraq and Afghanistan as well as in the Balkans. I could be deployed to any of these regions at any time and it's interesting to hear about what's going on there, the culures and everything, War isn't always a bad thing it gives us a broader perspective of the world. Life is interesting sometimes and I just tend to wonder about what it could bring. I'm not saying war is a good thing, I'm just saying it isn't always a bad thing if you can wrap your mind around that one.
I keep wondering about things though.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Friday, December 26, 2003
Fight Club!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla
The Elvish name generator, you have a secret name find out here
my elvish name: Haldamir Anwamanë
The Hobbit name generator, you also have a hobbit name find it here
my hobbit name: Togo Broadbelt of Buckland
Thursday, December 18, 2003
So it seems mightily important to some few people that I update my blog on a regular basis. I am sorry my friends and readers I did not think that not posting would garner the response that it has, Thank you all for both your kind and not so kind words. I shall endeavor to post more frequently.
What has been going on in the life of Hugh, inquiring minds want to know, ha!
I've completed my semester with a vengeance! I know I struggled and faltered early on in my academic endeavors, but it seems lately, within the past few years that I have somehow achieved a mental state which obliterates coursework without even thinking about it. I have earned "A's" in all my courses and will continue to do so with future courses. It just remains to me to decide what to take next semester, hmmm... there are so many options.
As for my daily life, it is rather dull and boring with moments of insanity and drama thrown in for a bit of spice. I spend most of my days now in the office waiting for people to call or fielding phone calls from people who might call... or calling people who have called.. or I spend it online at any of three sites that seem to have sucked me in, one being Tribe which is not so bad, it is similar to Friendster but it tends to work a bit better and load faster, The next one though is a serious addiction, bordering upon OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Myspace by far blows the two previous out of the water with it's speed and load time, user features and general accessability to others.
It has become an addiction that my friends have remarked upon and to this end I have started taking long walks outside, despite the cold, I love this city it's beauty pulls at me, the clean air, the skies so clear, It's youthfulness next to the history of our state, everything about this city pulls at me. The young intellectuals that reside in the myriad of coffee houses, bars and clubs, sitting side by side with the freaks and geeks, sorority girls and Frat boys, The wanted and unwanted all residing together in this beautiful kaleidescope of a city.
However; I do miss Houston, my friends, my family. being able to go somewhere and hang out for hours on end with people that truly mean the world to me. I wish we were closer to each other, but life and choices have pulled us apart. I miss the dirty beauty of Houston and the northern suburbs/towns of Tomball, Spring and those unnamed areas that we've all given names to, like slices of a big pie they all fit into the puzzle to form a whole work of art.
Hopefully soon I will be able to see it, to experience it. I am still working out getting a ride to Houston to see my family for the holidays. Several options have presented themselves to me, but my odd little workload has prevented me from accepting them. My parents say they'll come and get me if they have to, but I don't want to place that burden upon them. They've had to deal with so much that I don't want to place additional strain on them. Heck I think just my coming home and adding another mouth to feed will be hard enough on them.
I tend to worry about others more than I do myself, I often put my own thoughts and feelings aside if it will help someone else. This has been a detriment to my entire life, to moving forward to become what I want to become, even though the path I'm on is planned and I'm doing it for others in my life, I want to know that my efforts are for me as well, I've made so many choices with others in mind that it's hard to think about what I need and so easy to forget about wants, to simply walk away from something that could be good. All because my duty to others comes first.
I have so much going on in my life, the war, my family, I'm still single, College, The Apartments, Work, Friends... I tend to exist in a perpetual state of tense, I can't relax it seems. I haven't been sleeping a lot lately, my eating habits are the subject of concern among my friends and coworkers. I say these things not to worry you or to make you feel for me, these things are what they are, this is a part of my life, I know that someday things might work out and everything will be okay.
The day is beautiful outside, if a bit cold, I'm going to go out and get something to eat and see what the world has to offer...
oh and in case you're wondering if you're going to get rid of me anytime soon, don't get your hopes up, apparantly I'll be around for a long time in fact according to Deathclock my personal day of death is Tuesday, April 4, 2051.
hopefully this will satisfy y'all for a little while, if not then feel free to contact me or post a reply in my comments. Have a great one all! Happy Holidays or whatever makes you happy.
Hey, Texas Rollergirls fans!
As you may already know, Texas Rollergirls' own badass Pris (Chelsea Taylor) suffered a holiday tragedy when her house caught fire and burned last week. Pris and her mom are just fine physically, but they lost a lot of their personal belongings in the fire. The big-hearted folks at Ego's -- and some kick-ass bands -- have offered to help with a fundraiser this Saturday, December 20. It's a punk rock BBQ to help Pris and her mom get back on their feet in time to enjoy the rest of the holidays.
What: Punk Rock BBQ to benefit Pris
Where: Ego's on South Congress @ Riverside
Date: Saturday, December 20
Time: 3:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Music from: Amber Violand, Seaflea, The Dickens, and The Rockland Eagles
Thanks in advance for coming out on Saturday -- and an extra special thank you to Ego's for their unflagging support of the Texas Rollergirls.
Best wishes for a safe, happy holiday season,
The Texas Rollergirls
P.S. If you wish to make a donation via paypal you can do so at the following link...
(You may need to cut and paste the link)
What has been going on in the life of Hugh, inquiring minds want to know, ha!
I've completed my semester with a vengeance! I know I struggled and faltered early on in my academic endeavors, but it seems lately, within the past few years that I have somehow achieved a mental state which obliterates coursework without even thinking about it. I have earned "A's" in all my courses and will continue to do so with future courses. It just remains to me to decide what to take next semester, hmmm... there are so many options.
As for my daily life, it is rather dull and boring with moments of insanity and drama thrown in for a bit of spice. I spend most of my days now in the office waiting for people to call or fielding phone calls from people who might call... or calling people who have called.. or I spend it online at any of three sites that seem to have sucked me in, one being Tribe which is not so bad, it is similar to Friendster but it tends to work a bit better and load faster, The next one though is a serious addiction, bordering upon OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Myspace by far blows the two previous out of the water with it's speed and load time, user features and general accessability to others.
It has become an addiction that my friends have remarked upon and to this end I have started taking long walks outside, despite the cold, I love this city it's beauty pulls at me, the clean air, the skies so clear, It's youthfulness next to the history of our state, everything about this city pulls at me. The young intellectuals that reside in the myriad of coffee houses, bars and clubs, sitting side by side with the freaks and geeks, sorority girls and Frat boys, The wanted and unwanted all residing together in this beautiful kaleidescope of a city.
However; I do miss Houston, my friends, my family. being able to go somewhere and hang out for hours on end with people that truly mean the world to me. I wish we were closer to each other, but life and choices have pulled us apart. I miss the dirty beauty of Houston and the northern suburbs/towns of Tomball, Spring and those unnamed areas that we've all given names to, like slices of a big pie they all fit into the puzzle to form a whole work of art.
Hopefully soon I will be able to see it, to experience it. I am still working out getting a ride to Houston to see my family for the holidays. Several options have presented themselves to me, but my odd little workload has prevented me from accepting them. My parents say they'll come and get me if they have to, but I don't want to place that burden upon them. They've had to deal with so much that I don't want to place additional strain on them. Heck I think just my coming home and adding another mouth to feed will be hard enough on them.
I tend to worry about others more than I do myself, I often put my own thoughts and feelings aside if it will help someone else. This has been a detriment to my entire life, to moving forward to become what I want to become, even though the path I'm on is planned and I'm doing it for others in my life, I want to know that my efforts are for me as well, I've made so many choices with others in mind that it's hard to think about what I need and so easy to forget about wants, to simply walk away from something that could be good. All because my duty to others comes first.
I have so much going on in my life, the war, my family, I'm still single, College, The Apartments, Work, Friends... I tend to exist in a perpetual state of tense, I can't relax it seems. I haven't been sleeping a lot lately, my eating habits are the subject of concern among my friends and coworkers. I say these things not to worry you or to make you feel for me, these things are what they are, this is a part of my life, I know that someday things might work out and everything will be okay.
The day is beautiful outside, if a bit cold, I'm going to go out and get something to eat and see what the world has to offer...
oh and in case you're wondering if you're going to get rid of me anytime soon, don't get your hopes up, apparantly I'll be around for a long time in fact according to Deathclock my personal day of death is Tuesday, April 4, 2051.
hopefully this will satisfy y'all for a little while, if not then feel free to contact me or post a reply in my comments. Have a great one all! Happy Holidays or whatever makes you happy.
Hey, Texas Rollergirls fans!
As you may already know, Texas Rollergirls' own badass Pris (Chelsea Taylor) suffered a holiday tragedy when her house caught fire and burned last week. Pris and her mom are just fine physically, but they lost a lot of their personal belongings in the fire. The big-hearted folks at Ego's -- and some kick-ass bands -- have offered to help with a fundraiser this Saturday, December 20. It's a punk rock BBQ to help Pris and her mom get back on their feet in time to enjoy the rest of the holidays.
What: Punk Rock BBQ to benefit Pris
Where: Ego's on South Congress @ Riverside
Date: Saturday, December 20
Time: 3:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Music from: Amber Violand, Seaflea, The Dickens, and The Rockland Eagles
Thanks in advance for coming out on Saturday -- and an extra special thank you to Ego's for their unflagging support of the Texas Rollergirls.
Best wishes for a safe, happy holiday season,
The Texas Rollergirls
P.S. If you wish to make a donation via paypal you can do so at the following link...
(You may need to cut and paste the link)
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
you want to....
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I loveable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. When and how did we first meet?
5. What was your first impression?
6. Do you still think that way about me now?
7. What do you think my weakness is?
8. Do you think I'll get married?
9. What makes me happy?
10. What makes me sad?
11. What reminds you of me?
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
13. How well do you know me?
14. When's the last time you saw me?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
16. Do you think I could kill someone?
17. Describe me in one word.
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
20. Are you going to post this on your bulletin and see what I say about you?
I need to sleep, it's been so long since I've been able to close my eyes. there's so much going on that I need to get settled...
I had my two finals tonight, I know I got an "A" in government and I'm waiting to hear back on my physical geography class.
more to come soon...
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I loveable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. When and how did we first meet?
5. What was your first impression?
6. Do you still think that way about me now?
7. What do you think my weakness is?
8. Do you think I'll get married?
9. What makes me happy?
10. What makes me sad?
11. What reminds you of me?
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
13. How well do you know me?
14. When's the last time you saw me?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
16. Do you think I could kill someone?
17. Describe me in one word.
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
20. Are you going to post this on your bulletin and see what I say about you?
I need to sleep, it's been so long since I've been able to close my eyes. there's so much going on that I need to get settled...
I had my two finals tonight, I know I got an "A" in government and I'm waiting to hear back on my physical geography class.
more to come soon...
You Should Get a Japanese Inspired Tattoo!
Kanji, anime, manga - whatever.
You're geeky, high tech, slightly obsessive…
Yet cool enough to ink up!
What Tattoo Should You Get?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Monday, December 08, 2003
So much has been going on in the past week and especially this weekend, it just seems that everything in my life has been going wrong for quite a long time, well except for a certain someone, but I screwed that up and won't go into it here, at least not again. I've been out of town for work, my duty to my country or whatever you want to call it, trashed me, I worked some hella long hours and then went home to my parents a noisy place filled with way too much drama.
Friday I drove a good friend home to Houston, because he was stranded in Austin after his own little major drama, he stayed with me while he was here and damn can that boy eat, reminded me of my little brother at times, but what can I say he's a good friend, if a little odd at times. He's home now and hopefully everything will get better for him soon.
I had to report for Duty this weekend and on Saturday morning I needed to be there at 0500 hours, so at 0415 I'm trying to get my truck started in the cold and while attempting to put a car charger in my useless cigarrette lighter/adapter I blew a fuse in my beast of an old truck frying my radio in the process, I didn't have time to fix it then I had to be at work, which turned out to be a total nightmare of movement and work, I was trashed physically and mentally to say the least. I got to work and back home making only a minor stop at Fry's in Houston to take somethings back I had bought months ago, which Fry's robbed me out of what I paid for them, ran into my good buddy Zach and we got to run around Fry's for a bit, then it was off to meetup with another friend while they were passing through town, it was good to see them again, though I was seriously tired and needed to get home. The truck was making funny noises so I decided to check it later that night and due to it being oddly constructed ( I can thank my father for that one ) I spent hours trying to find the right fuse before I finally got the right one,mostly those hours were spent out in the cold lying on the ground half in and out of the truck and were not much fun, I didn't finish till just after midnight when I tried to start it and it the truck wouldn't start, apparantly I had flooded it somehow, well I got that fixed and then I went inside about 01:30 hours and crashed like crazy
Sunday wasn't much better, tons more work, my truck wouldn't start in the morning and yet I was able to plead my way out of staying longer into the evening and I was released early and I headed back home through Houston traffic which was insane as it always is. I had crashed for about an hour at my parents in Houston then I needed to get back on the road, my friend nicki in Austin had been dealing with some Drama at the apartments and I needed to be there err here where I am now to help her out with it. Too bad my Dad's old crazy truck strikes again just south of Hempstead ( which is about an hour north of Houston) on 290 and almost exactly where my transmission trashed on me a few weeks ago. apparantly I lost a U-joint and my drive shaft dropped to the road below, I made it to the side of the road somehow and after walking around the truck and checking everything. I began making phone calls and only got ahold of a few people. Those that I did get ahold of told me that it would be awhile before they could help me. so I waited for hours in the cold before I was rescued by my sister and my brother-in-law who brought me here to Austin. Then they drove all the way back to Houston, in fact they just left. Have I mentioned before how much they Rock!! at times? it's now 02:00 hours in the morning and I'm extremely tired and falling asleep, I can feel myself spiraling down...when the phone rings, it's one of the tenants upstairs apparantly there are three "people" digging through our dumpster outside and so now I must go and talk to them or call the police and wait for their slow ass's to show up. will this day ever end?
My trucks sitting on the side of the road, there's drama at home and drama here, I'm just so tired about a lot of things, but it should get better soon, there's not much worse that it can get. Anyway I've got to go talk to some "transients and tenants". Have a great one all!
Friday I drove a good friend home to Houston, because he was stranded in Austin after his own little major drama, he stayed with me while he was here and damn can that boy eat, reminded me of my little brother at times, but what can I say he's a good friend, if a little odd at times. He's home now and hopefully everything will get better for him soon.
I had to report for Duty this weekend and on Saturday morning I needed to be there at 0500 hours, so at 0415 I'm trying to get my truck started in the cold and while attempting to put a car charger in my useless cigarrette lighter/adapter I blew a fuse in my beast of an old truck frying my radio in the process, I didn't have time to fix it then I had to be at work, which turned out to be a total nightmare of movement and work, I was trashed physically and mentally to say the least. I got to work and back home making only a minor stop at Fry's in Houston to take somethings back I had bought months ago, which Fry's robbed me out of what I paid for them, ran into my good buddy Zach and we got to run around Fry's for a bit, then it was off to meetup with another friend while they were passing through town, it was good to see them again, though I was seriously tired and needed to get home. The truck was making funny noises so I decided to check it later that night and due to it being oddly constructed ( I can thank my father for that one ) I spent hours trying to find the right fuse before I finally got the right one,mostly those hours were spent out in the cold lying on the ground half in and out of the truck and were not much fun, I didn't finish till just after midnight when I tried to start it and it the truck wouldn't start, apparantly I had flooded it somehow, well I got that fixed and then I went inside about 01:30 hours and crashed like crazy
Sunday wasn't much better, tons more work, my truck wouldn't start in the morning and yet I was able to plead my way out of staying longer into the evening and I was released early and I headed back home through Houston traffic which was insane as it always is. I had crashed for about an hour at my parents in Houston then I needed to get back on the road, my friend nicki in Austin had been dealing with some Drama at the apartments and I needed to be there err here where I am now to help her out with it. Too bad my Dad's old crazy truck strikes again just south of Hempstead ( which is about an hour north of Houston) on 290 and almost exactly where my transmission trashed on me a few weeks ago. apparantly I lost a U-joint and my drive shaft dropped to the road below, I made it to the side of the road somehow and after walking around the truck and checking everything. I began making phone calls and only got ahold of a few people. Those that I did get ahold of told me that it would be awhile before they could help me. so I waited for hours in the cold before I was rescued by my sister and my brother-in-law who brought me here to Austin. Then they drove all the way back to Houston, in fact they just left. Have I mentioned before how much they Rock!! at times? it's now 02:00 hours in the morning and I'm extremely tired and falling asleep, I can feel myself spiraling down...when the phone rings, it's one of the tenants upstairs apparantly there are three "people" digging through our dumpster outside and so now I must go and talk to them or call the police and wait for their slow ass's to show up. will this day ever end?
My trucks sitting on the side of the road, there's drama at home and drama here, I'm just so tired about a lot of things, but it should get better soon, there's not much worse that it can get. Anyway I've got to go talk to some "transients and tenants". Have a great one all!
Thursday, December 04, 2003
A word of advice:
Don't get mad at your friends on things based on heresay, kids. You'll end up looking like an ass. Friendships fall apart because of this. If you care enough about your friends, talk it out.
We're not in high school anymore. Grow the fuck up.
[edit] btw, before someone thinks this has to do with me, it doesn't. it has to do with my juvenile friends. it's quite sad, is all.
Don't get mad at your friends on things based on heresay, kids. You'll end up looking like an ass. Friendships fall apart because of this. If you care enough about your friends, talk it out.
We're not in high school anymore. Grow the fuck up.
[edit] btw, before someone thinks this has to do with me, it doesn't. it has to do with my juvenile friends. it's quite sad, is all.
I will be in town this coming weekend, the 5-7th of December and possibly the 8th, who knows, I'm reporting to my unit this weekend and a lot of things are going to happen, but I only have possibilities and no definite plans. I know that there are units being formed and that they aren't at full strength, They're first looking for volunteers and then they'll assign people to slots. It sucks sometimes being in the military, you have no say in where you go, how long you'll stay and that puts a strain on relationships and your own self. Perhaps its just me, I don't know.
My Dad is doing well after his hip replacement surgery, I must mention that I was wrong in saying it was his right hip when it was his left. I'm not sure how I got that mixed up, but it was fifty/fifty shot. I do know that he's had a lot of work done on his right leg. He finally got through to the doctor and will have some in home help for physical/occupational therapy. I hope he's up and moving around again soon. The holidays are going to be extremely hard on my family as it is.
My sister and her family moved again this weekend, I swear sometimes I think she's part nomad or something. I worry about the childrens future, about what's going to occurr to them mentally and psychologically. You need stability when growing up. A home and I know my sister is trying hard and so is her husband, they're doing what they can. She's even gone back to college and is doing well.
it's Thursday and I've got a final tonight, so I'm going to get back to studying. I do miss you all very much, I don't know what I'd do without people like you as friends, family.
My Dad is doing well after his hip replacement surgery, I must mention that I was wrong in saying it was his right hip when it was his left. I'm not sure how I got that mixed up, but it was fifty/fifty shot. I do know that he's had a lot of work done on his right leg. He finally got through to the doctor and will have some in home help for physical/occupational therapy. I hope he's up and moving around again soon. The holidays are going to be extremely hard on my family as it is.
My sister and her family moved again this weekend, I swear sometimes I think she's part nomad or something. I worry about the childrens future, about what's going to occurr to them mentally and psychologically. You need stability when growing up. A home and I know my sister is trying hard and so is her husband, they're doing what they can. She's even gone back to college and is doing well.
it's Thursday and I've got a final tonight, so I'm going to get back to studying. I do miss you all very much, I don't know what I'd do without people like you as friends, family.
Monday, December 01, 2003
Sorry about not writing sooner or calling any of you back, this weekend has been fraught with drama and trauma. I spent most of my holiday with my family,helping out my Dad. How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was a bit Dysfunctional, but still well spent with family. The Holidays are going to be hard for them, Mom works for the school district and with all these holidays coming up her paychecks are going to keep getting shorter and shorter. My brother's looking good though he's lost a lot of weight from working constantly, at least I hope that's why, I think he weighs something like 195 now and that's amazing considering he's always been up in the 230/240's. Dad's doing better since his surgery, but he still whines like a little baby, I know it hurts, but he's got to get up and move around and I'm not going to cut him any slack.
I did get to see my sister and her family, with the exception of my niece Haley, but I did get to play with both Cheyanne and Garret and that was a lot of fun. I've never been close to getting to know her husband Chris, but he seems a decent enough guy, I remember he and vicky drove out to Hempstead practically when my truck decided to upchuck it's transmission fluid, so I know he's not a bad guy, but he's not a very open person either.
It was good to get out of Austin for a bit, to actually see old friends and know that they are doing well. You might be proud to know that I only went to Starbucks once when I was in Spring and once was enough. Some things are hard to face, especially when you might run into someone that you hurt so much. but I can't live my life as a lie, so it is what it is..
The Drama here at El Rio has been interesting to say the least. There was a fire, a "supposed assault" which really didn't happen, but the girl involved was egged on by the local police into filing charges, no it wasn't me, I was still in Houston when this all happened. Apparantly someone went to jail and there were police, fire and ems all around the building. I think there was a bottle of Irish Whiskey and some beer involved. I got a call the next day on Saturday and that sent me into a flurry of packing and driving back to Austin.
Then Saturday night more Drama happened which someone a friend of mine has asked me not to speak of, but even typing this is going to get you to wonder and it is technically speaking of the incident. Once again I'm not involved other than being a friend.
It's been a little crazy here at El Rio for the past few days, I leave and the whole place just starts falling apart, it's a little odd, maybe it has something to do with the weather or the Holidays? perhaps everyone had too much Turkey and their blood sugar levels were elevated to the point of insanity.
I'm just trying to maintain a level of objectivity in this whole mess. There are too many people involved, most of my friends here.
On to the next bit of news, I'll be in Spring/Houston next weekend, Our Friend Uncle Sam has asked for my presence. There is a military ball coming up and just to be honest for a few minutes I actually entertained the idea of asking someone to go, but I screwed up things with that someone and knowing her thoughts and the fact that the tickets are $50 each I thought it best not to. My unit's threatening me with activation again, this time it would be the full meal deal, there's a unit being formed and they've asked for volunteers as we have yet to be assigned this mission, but knowing the military as we do it won't be long before someone get's assigned to fill these vacancies. I'm not saying anything that we both don't already know, Yes, I could be taken at any time that's just how it works and it sucks, but I have only myself to blame. So I'll be in town by Friday, possibly sooner, if you want to get together or whatever let me know.
Once again, Sorry for not calling/emailing I'm a dork and have been really busy, believe it or not this is actually the first time I've had to sit down to the computer and just type. Anyway I hope your weekend went well and that you enjoyed the break from life, How's that going by the way? I know I'm trying to add a lot here at the end and Yes, I'm a dork, but I'm not all bad, one day though...one day I will have it all figured out and until then I've got to be what I've got to be. I hope your week is starting out well and good and that it only gets better! Have a great one!
I did get to see my sister and her family, with the exception of my niece Haley, but I did get to play with both Cheyanne and Garret and that was a lot of fun. I've never been close to getting to know her husband Chris, but he seems a decent enough guy, I remember he and vicky drove out to Hempstead practically when my truck decided to upchuck it's transmission fluid, so I know he's not a bad guy, but he's not a very open person either.
It was good to get out of Austin for a bit, to actually see old friends and know that they are doing well. You might be proud to know that I only went to Starbucks once when I was in Spring and once was enough. Some things are hard to face, especially when you might run into someone that you hurt so much. but I can't live my life as a lie, so it is what it is..
The Drama here at El Rio has been interesting to say the least. There was a fire, a "supposed assault" which really didn't happen, but the girl involved was egged on by the local police into filing charges, no it wasn't me, I was still in Houston when this all happened. Apparantly someone went to jail and there were police, fire and ems all around the building. I think there was a bottle of Irish Whiskey and some beer involved. I got a call the next day on Saturday and that sent me into a flurry of packing and driving back to Austin.
Then Saturday night more Drama happened which someone a friend of mine has asked me not to speak of, but even typing this is going to get you to wonder and it is technically speaking of the incident. Once again I'm not involved other than being a friend.
It's been a little crazy here at El Rio for the past few days, I leave and the whole place just starts falling apart, it's a little odd, maybe it has something to do with the weather or the Holidays? perhaps everyone had too much Turkey and their blood sugar levels were elevated to the point of insanity.
I'm just trying to maintain a level of objectivity in this whole mess. There are too many people involved, most of my friends here.
On to the next bit of news, I'll be in Spring/Houston next weekend, Our Friend Uncle Sam has asked for my presence. There is a military ball coming up and just to be honest for a few minutes I actually entertained the idea of asking someone to go, but I screwed up things with that someone and knowing her thoughts and the fact that the tickets are $50 each I thought it best not to. My unit's threatening me with activation again, this time it would be the full meal deal, there's a unit being formed and they've asked for volunteers as we have yet to be assigned this mission, but knowing the military as we do it won't be long before someone get's assigned to fill these vacancies. I'm not saying anything that we both don't already know, Yes, I could be taken at any time that's just how it works and it sucks, but I have only myself to blame. So I'll be in town by Friday, possibly sooner, if you want to get together or whatever let me know.
Once again, Sorry for not calling/emailing I'm a dork and have been really busy, believe it or not this is actually the first time I've had to sit down to the computer and just type. Anyway I hope your weekend went well and that you enjoyed the break from life, How's that going by the way? I know I'm trying to add a lot here at the end and Yes, I'm a dork, but I'm not all bad, one day though...one day I will have it all figured out and until then I've got to be what I've got to be. I hope your week is starting out well and good and that it only gets better! Have a great one!
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