So much has been going on in the past week and especially this weekend, it just seems that everything in my life has been going wrong for quite a long time, well except for a certain someone, but I screwed that up and won't go into it here, at least not again. I've been out of town for work, my duty to my country or whatever you want to call it, trashed me, I worked some hella long hours and then went home to my parents a noisy place filled with way too much drama.
Friday I drove a good friend home to Houston, because he was stranded in Austin after his own little major drama, he stayed with me while he was here and damn can that boy eat, reminded me of my little brother at times, but what can I say he's a good friend, if a little odd at times. He's home now and hopefully everything will get better for him soon.
I had to report for Duty this weekend and on Saturday morning I needed to be there at 0500 hours, so at 0415 I'm trying to get my truck started in the cold and while attempting to put a car charger in my useless cigarrette lighter/adapter I blew a fuse in my beast of an old truck frying my radio in the process, I didn't have time to fix it then I had to be at work, which turned out to be a total nightmare of movement and work, I was trashed physically and mentally to say the least. I got to work and back home making only a minor stop at Fry's in Houston to take somethings back I had bought months ago, which Fry's robbed me out of what I paid for them, ran into my good buddy Zach and we got to run around Fry's for a bit, then it was off to meetup with another friend while they were passing through town, it was good to see them again, though I was seriously tired and needed to get home. The truck was making funny noises so I decided to check it later that night and due to it being oddly constructed ( I can thank my father for that one ) I spent hours trying to find the right fuse before I finally got the right one,mostly those hours were spent out in the cold lying on the ground half in and out of the truck and were not much fun, I didn't finish till just after midnight when I tried to start it and it the truck wouldn't start, apparantly I had flooded it somehow, well I got that fixed and then I went inside about 01:30 hours and crashed like crazy
Sunday wasn't much better, tons more work, my truck wouldn't start in the morning and yet I was able to plead my way out of staying longer into the evening and I was released early and I headed back home through Houston traffic which was insane as it always is. I had crashed for about an hour at my parents in Houston then I needed to get back on the road, my friend nicki in Austin had been dealing with some Drama at the apartments and I needed to be there err here where I am now to help her out with it. Too bad my Dad's old crazy truck strikes again just south of Hempstead ( which is about an hour north of Houston) on 290 and almost exactly where my transmission trashed on me a few weeks ago. apparantly I lost a U-joint and my drive shaft dropped to the road below, I made it to the side of the road somehow and after walking around the truck and checking everything. I began making phone calls and only got ahold of a few people. Those that I did get ahold of told me that it would be awhile before they could help me. so I waited for hours in the cold before I was rescued by my sister and my brother-in-law who brought me here to Austin. Then they drove all the way back to Houston, in fact they just left. Have I mentioned before how much they Rock!! at times? it's now 02:00 hours in the morning and I'm extremely tired and falling asleep, I can feel myself spiraling down...when the phone rings, it's one of the tenants upstairs apparantly there are three "people" digging through our dumpster outside and so now I must go and talk to them or call the police and wait for their slow ass's to show up. will this day ever end?
My trucks sitting on the side of the road, there's drama at home and drama here, I'm just so tired about a lot of things, but it should get better soon, there's not much worse that it can get. Anyway I've got to go talk to some "transients and tenants". Have a great one all!
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