Happy Holidays Everyone!
Some of you may like it, some of you may hate it and others could care less about it, This is my blog, there are many like it and many not like it, but this one is mine, you will learn to either love it like your own or not, but remember this one is mine. Thanks for reading it.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Hugh H. Melrose III 403 Franklin Austin, Texas 78751
512 - 947 – 2848 hmelrose@gmail.com
Employment History
Feb, 2003 to Oct, 2004 City of Austin, Parks and Recreation Dept, Aquatics Divison
Sales, Customer Service
Aug, 2003 to Aug, 2004 ElRio Apartments, 2405 Rio Grande, Austin, Texas 78705
Aug, 2002 to Dec, 2002 H.E.Butts Corporation, Austin # 346, Far West Austin, Texas
Cashier, Bagger,Carryout
Jan, 1996 to Present U.S. Army 75th Division 1st Brigade Battlefield Projections Group, Battle Command Staff Training and Support, Houston, Texas 77054
Current Rank/Pay Grade: Seargent / E-5, Oct 2002
Security Level: Secret
Signal Systems Operations - Specialized training, Cable/Wire Systems, Unit Administration, Radio, Communications Security & Training
Jan, 1999 to Dec, 2001 ExxonMobil Exploration Corporation, Upstream Technical Computing 222 Benmar Houston, Texas 77060
Technical Assistant - Information Management Systems
Aug, 1998 to Dec, 1998 StaffMark, Formerly International Team Consultants
Contractor assigned to Exxon Exploration Corporation in Geo-Science Data Resource Management
Feb, 1998 to Jun,1998 SSL Enterprises, Mail Boxes Etc. #346, Spring,Texas shipping, receiving, customer service, sales clerk, inventory
Education History
2003 – present Austin Community College – Rio Grande Campus
1998 - 2003 North Harris Montgomery Community College System, Houston, Texas
Business and Engineering major, Graphics design and Business courses
1997 - 1997 Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas
Business and Engineering major, ROTC advanced standing
1996 - 1997 United States Army, Fort Gordon Georgia
31 Lima School - Cable and Wire systems installation and maintenance
35 Echo School - Radio and Communications Security, operations and maintenance
1996 United States Army, Fort Leonardwood, Missouri
U.S. Army Basic Training
1992 - 1996 Klein Oak High School, Spring, Texas. graduated May,1996 with special study in Drafting / Architectural Computer aided design, Athletics, Sports Medicine and Marine Biology courses
1995 Second Place Regional Winner in Aerospace Design (AutoCAD)
Computer Applications Experience
Microsoft Office XP/2000, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, XP, NT, Win98, Win95,Office 97 AutoCADD R12, R13, R14, R2000, 3D Studio, 3D Max, 3D Viz, Corel Draw,Adobe Photo Shop 6.0/7.0, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Webpage design
*DD - 214 On file with Harris County Clerk - verifies military training and honorable discharge from Active Army status to Active Army Reserve status.
Hugh H. Melrose III 403 Franklin Austin, Texas 78751
512 - 947 – 2848 hmelrose@gmail.com
Boy Scouts of America, Sam Houston Area Council, Houston, Texas
Nov. 1995 Assistant Scout Master, Troop 87, Polaris District
Oct. 1995 Achieved Eagle Scout Rank, Polaris District
Sep. 1993 Explorer Scouts of America, Post 555, Polaris District
Jul. 1993 Order of the Arrow, honor camper youth group of Boy Scouts of America
Brotherhood member
Team Army - USAC - A Road, Mountain and Cyclocross Cycling Club - Mountain Bike Racer
International Mountain Bikers Association
Volunteer Experience
Boy Scouts of America, Sam Houston Area Council, Houston, Texas
Summer camp staff at El Rancho Cima's Horseshoe Bend Camp, 1995
Cockerel River Camp - 1993
Philmont Scout Ranch - 1992, 1994
Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 87, Spring, Texas, Polaris District
Explorer Post 555
Assisted in variety of volunteer efforts designed to benefit the community
Habitat for Humanity, Houston, Texas - Volunteer assisting in construction of homes
Red Cross Disaster Aid Volunteer - Houston, Texas
Texas Sports Medicine Center - Tomball, Texas - Volunteer Physical Therapy Assistant
*References available upon request.
512 - 947 – 2848 hmelrose@gmail.com
Employment History
Feb, 2003 to Oct, 2004 City of Austin, Parks and Recreation Dept, Aquatics Divison
Sales, Customer Service
Aug, 2003 to Aug, 2004 ElRio Apartments, 2405 Rio Grande, Austin, Texas 78705
Aug, 2002 to Dec, 2002 H.E.Butts Corporation, Austin # 346, Far West Austin, Texas
Cashier, Bagger,Carryout
Jan, 1996 to Present U.S. Army 75th Division 1st Brigade Battlefield Projections Group, Battle Command Staff Training and Support, Houston, Texas 77054
Current Rank/Pay Grade: Seargent / E-5, Oct 2002
Security Level: Secret
Signal Systems Operations - Specialized training, Cable/Wire Systems, Unit Administration, Radio, Communications Security & Training
Jan, 1999 to Dec, 2001 ExxonMobil Exploration Corporation, Upstream Technical Computing 222 Benmar Houston, Texas 77060
Technical Assistant - Information Management Systems
Aug, 1998 to Dec, 1998 StaffMark, Formerly International Team Consultants
Contractor assigned to Exxon Exploration Corporation in Geo-Science Data Resource Management
Feb, 1998 to Jun,1998 SSL Enterprises, Mail Boxes Etc. #346, Spring,Texas shipping, receiving, customer service, sales clerk, inventory
Education History
2003 – present Austin Community College – Rio Grande Campus
1998 - 2003 North Harris Montgomery Community College System, Houston, Texas
Business and Engineering major, Graphics design and Business courses
1997 - 1997 Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas
Business and Engineering major, ROTC advanced standing
1996 - 1997 United States Army, Fort Gordon Georgia
31 Lima School - Cable and Wire systems installation and maintenance
35 Echo School - Radio and Communications Security, operations and maintenance
1996 United States Army, Fort Leonardwood, Missouri
U.S. Army Basic Training
1992 - 1996 Klein Oak High School, Spring, Texas. graduated May,1996 with special study in Drafting / Architectural Computer aided design, Athletics, Sports Medicine and Marine Biology courses
1995 Second Place Regional Winner in Aerospace Design (AutoCAD)
Computer Applications Experience
Microsoft Office XP/2000, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, XP, NT, Win98, Win95,Office 97 AutoCADD R12, R13, R14, R2000, 3D Studio, 3D Max, 3D Viz, Corel Draw,Adobe Photo Shop 6.0/7.0, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Webpage design
*DD - 214 On file with Harris County Clerk - verifies military training and honorable discharge from Active Army status to Active Army Reserve status.
Hugh H. Melrose III 403 Franklin Austin, Texas 78751
512 - 947 – 2848 hmelrose@gmail.com
Boy Scouts of America, Sam Houston Area Council, Houston, Texas
Nov. 1995 Assistant Scout Master, Troop 87, Polaris District
Oct. 1995 Achieved Eagle Scout Rank, Polaris District
Sep. 1993 Explorer Scouts of America, Post 555, Polaris District
Jul. 1993 Order of the Arrow, honor camper youth group of Boy Scouts of America
Brotherhood member
Team Army - USAC - A Road, Mountain and Cyclocross Cycling Club - Mountain Bike Racer
International Mountain Bikers Association
Volunteer Experience
Boy Scouts of America, Sam Houston Area Council, Houston, Texas
Summer camp staff at El Rancho Cima's Horseshoe Bend Camp, 1995
Cockerel River Camp - 1993
Philmont Scout Ranch - 1992, 1994
Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 87, Spring, Texas, Polaris District
Explorer Post 555
Assisted in variety of volunteer efforts designed to benefit the community
Habitat for Humanity, Houston, Texas - Volunteer assisting in construction of homes
Red Cross Disaster Aid Volunteer - Houston, Texas
Texas Sports Medicine Center - Tomball, Texas - Volunteer Physical Therapy Assistant
*References available upon request.
what a terrible person you are...you flaunt sex with pervertedness and promiscuity... then you justify it with excuses like 'it's not so bad, i'm only human' and such... but your aberations disgust those around you... how many 'real' people have loved you in the 'real' world... name one... name one and you're saved... for your loneliness you drown it out with short-lived romance... feeding off self-validation... don't you get tired? I'd be exhausted... it's not funny when it's you though is it? it's not funny discovering all that 'love' was all a lie... how would that feel... your whole life you've been encompasing a lie... that nothing you've ever felt for anyone was 'real' or 'human'... it was all part of the lie... part of the game... part of the sickness... because you're sick and you know it... so you run from it... and never look back... it's all in the past now... it's all over now... it doesn't haunt you anymore... no one knows you... what does it mean to 'know' someone... nobody ever knows anyone ever... no one knows you... but they all know the game... because everyone has played it at some point as well... and they've all been so alone inside for much too long... now it's time for you to come out of it and be there with the rest of the world... and feel something real...do't mind me, I'm just as alone as you are.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Thursday, November 04, 2004
I was going to sit on this, but then I thought about it for awhile and realized that I want some real competition.
About Halolympics:
Every week at the Alamo Drafthouse Village in Austin, Texas, we're inviting the most frag-fueled Halo fans to come out and show their stuff on the big screen. Well, big screens, actually, because we're going to have two theaters worth of mayhem going on linked over our very own hi-def LAN-united Xboxes. If you've never played Halo 2 on a movie screen before, you have no idea what you've been missing. Not only does your Master Chief or Covenant character look immensely larger than life, but there'll be a crowd of fellow Halo fans in the theater with you, watching and cheering along with every kill you score (or laughing at your feeble skills as you get bonked on the head over and over).
Each week's tournament will be a round-robin event focusing on Free For All matches of Halo 2 with none of that pussy radar shit helping you figure out where your opponents are. You'll be all alone against 7 other players, all trying to get the most kills in a 10 frag game of Slayer. The best players will move on to Round 2, where we'll switch the levels around and see who's got what it takes to get to the semi-finals. If you can hold your own against the best of the best then you'll have your shot at the final round: one on one Slayer with you fighting against the other best player, each on your own movie screen.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
My pirate name is:
Dirty Tom Flint

You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from fidius.org.
Monday, October 25, 2004
Sorry I've been out of touch, I tend to do that sometimes. I head out to the lake or the river when I'm seeking some me time. I've got a few places around town that I don't tell my friends about and when I need it I just go. Sometimes though it's not enough since this is a little big city, so I pack my gear and I head out on the road and wherever I wind up is where I wind up. One time I just got in the car and drove. 15 hours later I was in Florida, I spent the weekend on the beach, slept in my car and just had a good time. It had been dark and raining back home so imagine my coworkers surprise when I came in with a nice sunburn tan.
I'm not always good at sharing my thoughts and feelings with someone. I tend to keep them to myself and I've noticed a pattern of fear of success in my life. I want to be happy, that's what I've come to realize, but I think I fear to be happy and that fear causes me to push people away, to not call to not message them when I know I should. It's not that I don't think of them or not want to call or write.
I've got an oral presentation in my british literature course and an exam in my psychology class coming up soon again. It seems the semester is flying by and I don't know what to do about it.
I'm still working at Barton Springs, though this is my last week and I have been looking for other possible jobs, I'm just not sure what I'd like to be doing, but I need to make a decision soon. the army still hasn't given me any idea of whether or not they're going to mobilize me. I've heard rumors that I can volunteer to be mobilized, but I'm not sure if I want to do that or not. I know it would give me a steady income and I'd be able to come back to Houston for awhile. It's something to think about. but nothing is ever guaranteed right?
I think about you and I wonder what you're doing and how things are going with you. How your studying is coming along and if you need a break from it to hang out with a certain someone, who knows? I've got to get some sleep for I'm working tomorrow, hooray for me.
Smile, cause I'm asking you too. have a great night, sleep well, sweet dreams and have a great day, a great week and whatever makes you happy.
thinking of you,
I'm not always good at sharing my thoughts and feelings with someone. I tend to keep them to myself and I've noticed a pattern of fear of success in my life. I want to be happy, that's what I've come to realize, but I think I fear to be happy and that fear causes me to push people away, to not call to not message them when I know I should. It's not that I don't think of them or not want to call or write.
I've got an oral presentation in my british literature course and an exam in my psychology class coming up soon again. It seems the semester is flying by and I don't know what to do about it.
I'm still working at Barton Springs, though this is my last week and I have been looking for other possible jobs, I'm just not sure what I'd like to be doing, but I need to make a decision soon. the army still hasn't given me any idea of whether or not they're going to mobilize me. I've heard rumors that I can volunteer to be mobilized, but I'm not sure if I want to do that or not. I know it would give me a steady income and I'd be able to come back to Houston for awhile. It's something to think about. but nothing is ever guaranteed right?
I think about you and I wonder what you're doing and how things are going with you. How your studying is coming along and if you need a break from it to hang out with a certain someone, who knows? I've got to get some sleep for I'm working tomorrow, hooray for me.
Smile, cause I'm asking you too. have a great night, sleep well, sweet dreams and have a great day, a great week and whatever makes you happy.
thinking of you,
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
All across the country on October 26th :
Video stores across the country will be waiving the usual rental fee for "Fahrenheit 9/11," beginning on October 26.
If you are a video store owner interested in getting involved, please e-mail us at F911ForFree@michaelmoore.com.
Video stores across the country will be waiving the usual rental fee for "Fahrenheit 9/11," beginning on October 26.
If you are a video store owner interested in getting involved, please e-mail us at F911ForFree@michaelmoore.com.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Recent news:
- My Roommate and friend Darren had a cd release party at Firehouse on 6th and Brazos Tuesday the 12th, that was a lot of fun, I wore an eyepatch most of the night cause I thought it would be funny. I loved staring at people staring at me and them looking away really quickly. It was a good night, I'm still waiting for my free cd though, haha. Oh and I ran into someone I hadn't seen in a long time, he's a friend of a friend I used to have and I don't know if I want them back in my life or not.
- Wednesday the 13th of October I went to a birthday party for my friend Margarette and Heath at the RedEyeFly and had a frickin blast, I seriously enjoyed talking and meeting everyone there, ya can't beat free beer and friends!
- Thursday 14Oct I had a psychology test that I was really worried about, but I got to talk to my brother Charles over Xbox live so that was cool. later I hung out with the guys from FunnyPapers, I watched them play a very interesting game. it was kind of like Battle Chess with Superheroes.
- Went to houston for the Army 16/17October. I got a really bad haircut(15Oct), I'm practically bald. The Army proceeded to kick my ass physically then verbally. I'm sick, bruised, battered and tired. Oh and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I did get to stop by the Starbucks at Kuykendahl and louetta and see a bunch of friends I hadn't seen in a long time.
- I lost my glasses 16October and had to drive all over Houston and then back to Austin without them, yeah that wasn't a whole lot of fun. luckily I have an up to date prescription and if I can scrape together enough cash then I'll be purchasing a new pair or two soon. any style reccomendations?
- Fell asleep at work while doing the new york times crossword puzzle, yep your tax dollars hard at work, haha. hey I was tired from this past weekend with the Army and I almost finished the crossword puzzle all by myself, so HA!
- Received my psychology test back and I'm happy to report a successful 86 on it. I'm happy with it, you should be too.
- Went to the Botanical Gardens for the first time, no I didn't see the Dinosaur prints, but I did see the turtle fossil. I highly reccomend it if you're coming to Austin, that and Barton Springs is right across the street along with the Umlauf Sculpture garden nearby, not to mention the hike and bike trails around the lake.
- I have an upcoming test in my British Lit II course that I'm a bit worried about. It's an in class essay test on the reading we've read up to this point and that's a lot of reading.
- I read comics and I'm not afraid to let people know. I shop at FunnyPapers at the Dobie Mall, I've got friends there who I hang with outside of the store.
- I think I might get into the Heroclix game because some of my friends here play it.
- I might go back to Houston this coming weekend for my friend Jason and his new band are having their first show at Helios at 7:00 p.m. and I'd like to see it and my friends.
- My Roommate and friend Darren had a cd release party at Firehouse on 6th and Brazos Tuesday the 12th, that was a lot of fun, I wore an eyepatch most of the night cause I thought it would be funny. I loved staring at people staring at me and them looking away really quickly. It was a good night, I'm still waiting for my free cd though, haha. Oh and I ran into someone I hadn't seen in a long time, he's a friend of a friend I used to have and I don't know if I want them back in my life or not.
- Wednesday the 13th of October I went to a birthday party for my friend Margarette and Heath at the RedEyeFly and had a frickin blast, I seriously enjoyed talking and meeting everyone there, ya can't beat free beer and friends!
- Thursday 14Oct I had a psychology test that I was really worried about, but I got to talk to my brother Charles over Xbox live so that was cool. later I hung out with the guys from FunnyPapers, I watched them play a very interesting game. it was kind of like Battle Chess with Superheroes.
- Went to houston for the Army 16/17October. I got a really bad haircut(15Oct), I'm practically bald. The Army proceeded to kick my ass physically then verbally. I'm sick, bruised, battered and tired. Oh and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I did get to stop by the Starbucks at Kuykendahl and louetta and see a bunch of friends I hadn't seen in a long time.
- I lost my glasses 16October and had to drive all over Houston and then back to Austin without them, yeah that wasn't a whole lot of fun. luckily I have an up to date prescription and if I can scrape together enough cash then I'll be purchasing a new pair or two soon. any style reccomendations?
- Fell asleep at work while doing the new york times crossword puzzle, yep your tax dollars hard at work, haha. hey I was tired from this past weekend with the Army and I almost finished the crossword puzzle all by myself, so HA!
- Received my psychology test back and I'm happy to report a successful 86 on it. I'm happy with it, you should be too.
- Went to the Botanical Gardens for the first time, no I didn't see the Dinosaur prints, but I did see the turtle fossil. I highly reccomend it if you're coming to Austin, that and Barton Springs is right across the street along with the Umlauf Sculpture garden nearby, not to mention the hike and bike trails around the lake.
- I have an upcoming test in my British Lit II course that I'm a bit worried about. It's an in class essay test on the reading we've read up to this point and that's a lot of reading.
- I read comics and I'm not afraid to let people know. I shop at FunnyPapers at the Dobie Mall, I've got friends there who I hang with outside of the store.
- I think I might get into the Heroclix game because some of my friends here play it.
- I might go back to Houston this coming weekend for my friend Jason and his new band are having their first show at Helios at 7:00 p.m. and I'd like to see it and my friends.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Friday, October 08, 2004
Due to this being a very politcal year, I decided to take a few online quizes to see where I fell in with the political spectrum. Here are the results:
The above test labeled me a Social Moderate (55% permissive)and an Economic Liberal
(33% permissive)and that I am best described as a: Centrist, I exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
Explanation Of Results
http://www.okcupid.com/politics wanted to get beyond the two catch-alls of American politics, the Democratic and Republican parties, and see where people actually stand. Parties can bring together people with marginally differing values and make collective action easier. But party platforms can misrepresent their constituents, and blind loyalty to a party can convince individuals to harbor inconsistent views.
The goal of this test was to exactly classify your personal politics, without the traditional labels. We avoided the edgy party issues and focused on fundamental values. Your score is a measure of what you believe in, economically and socially.
Higher permissiveness, on either axis, indicates a "live and let live" philosophy. Of course, we're almost conditioned in America, "Land of the Free", to think positively of such a philosophy. But practically speaking, permissiviness (or its opposite, regulation) can create any number of outcomes:
For example, on the economic axis, a highly permissive system, like the American system of the early 1900s, might mean things like low taxes and increased scientific innovation. It might also result, as it did back then, in unrestricted child labor and millions of poor people with black lung.
At the other end of the economic spectrum, a highly regulated system might conserve the environment, establish national health care, and eliminate poverty. But as we've learned from the Soviet system, extreme regulation can also lead to stagnation, sameness, and unhappiness.
Whereas http://www.politopia.com/ said that my political standpoint exists in Centerville - You would feel most at home in Centerville, which means that you are more or less pleased the status quo-you think the US government has just about the right amount of control over your economic and personal decisions. Your neighbors include democratic and republican party leaders and others who call themselves "moderates" and "centrists."
Now what does this mean? I don't know, but I invite you to respond and let me know what you think, I look forward to it. here's a recent conversation I had with my good friend Kyle, immediately after I took the first test. I respect his opinions and would like to share them with you.
HughHudson3: so I took this politics test to see where it said I fit in with my views and I was wondering what you might think
K Nielsen7: libertarian, authoritarian, liberal, or conservative?
HughHudson3: http://www.okcupid.com/politics
HughHudson3: You are a Social Moderate (55% permissive) and an...
Economic Liberal (33% permissive)You are best described as a: Centrist
HughHudson3: You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
HughHudson3: what do you think? and what does this mean?
K Nielsen7: Liberals believe in government control over economic issues (high taxes, social programs, many regulations) and freedom in social issues (abortion, gay marriage, no sodomy laws, no indecency laws, strong support of free speech).
K Nielsen7: Conservatives favor government control over aforementioned social issues and freedom in economic issues.
K Nielsen7: Libertarians favor freedom in both areas, and authoritarians favor government control over both areas.
K Nielsen7: try this one: politopia.com
HughHudson3: oh by the way, the debate was at the west mall of the ut campus
HughHudson3: or the western side of the ut tower
K Nielsen7: ah ok
K Nielsen7: Badnarik was arrested tonight trying to get into the debates
K Nielsen7: along with the Green Party candidate
K Nielsen7: they said they were either going to debate or get arrested
K Nielsen7: and they got their wish
HughHudson3: haha
K Nielsen7: so anyway, think of a libertarian like the liberal social issues, like freedom of speech support, abortion, allowing gay marriage, and etc. and the conservative part of economics. Low taxes, few social programs, few regulations and such.
K Nielsen7: you are basically a liberal-leaning centrist
HughHudson3: haha, okay.
K Nielsen7: you're very close to the center on social issues and you lean a ways liberal on economic issues.
K Nielsen7: on the politopia map, top left is libertarian, top right is conservative, bottom left is liberal and bottom right is authoritarian
HughHudson3: taking the test now, but the questions are more cut and dry
K Nielsen7: yea, some quizzes have nebulous questions.
K Nielsen7: that don't really determine political ideology well
K Nielsen7: like for example "do you believe in helping people?" Many conservatives believe in helping people, but do not believe government is the best way to do so, so it makes for an ineffective question.
K Nielsen7: if you score the same, you'll be in the south, somewhat toward the center.
HughHudson3: actually I'm dead centerville
K Nielsen7: coo coo
HughHudson3: Centerville-You would feel most at home in Centerville, which means that you are more or less pleased the status quo-you think the US government has just about the right amount of control over your economic and personal decisions. Your neighbors include democratic and republican party leaders and others who call themselves "moderates" and "centrists."
HughHudson3: now what does that mean? that I could go either way, that I'm comfortable in all situations?
HughHudson3: so where do you fit in?
K Nielsen7: your opinions may become more solid one way or the other as the years pass
K Nielsen7: I'm top left
K Nielsen7: northwest
HughHudson3: really?
K Nielsen7: yeah
HughHudson3: who else do you know that has taken the test?
K Nielsen7: I believe in personal and economic freedom
K Nielsen7: some people at DSLR
HughHudson3: that's cool
K Nielsen7: some scored center, some liberal, some conservative
K Nielsen7: 1 authoritarian
The idea I get from Kyle is that it doesn't matter what your beliefs are you can still be friends with someone who thinks and acts differently from yourself. There are more political quiz's out there and I might take them and I might not, I've got time to think about my decision. Who am I going to vote for come November 2nd? like that freaky chick from that movie, " I'll never tell".
The above test labeled me a Social Moderate (55% permissive)and an Economic Liberal
(33% permissive)and that I am best described as a: Centrist, I exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
Explanation Of Results
http://www.okcupid.com/politics wanted to get beyond the two catch-alls of American politics, the Democratic and Republican parties, and see where people actually stand. Parties can bring together people with marginally differing values and make collective action easier. But party platforms can misrepresent their constituents, and blind loyalty to a party can convince individuals to harbor inconsistent views.
The goal of this test was to exactly classify your personal politics, without the traditional labels. We avoided the edgy party issues and focused on fundamental values. Your score is a measure of what you believe in, economically and socially.
Higher permissiveness, on either axis, indicates a "live and let live" philosophy. Of course, we're almost conditioned in America, "Land of the Free", to think positively of such a philosophy. But practically speaking, permissiviness (or its opposite, regulation) can create any number of outcomes:
For example, on the economic axis, a highly permissive system, like the American system of the early 1900s, might mean things like low taxes and increased scientific innovation. It might also result, as it did back then, in unrestricted child labor and millions of poor people with black lung.
At the other end of the economic spectrum, a highly regulated system might conserve the environment, establish national health care, and eliminate poverty. But as we've learned from the Soviet system, extreme regulation can also lead to stagnation, sameness, and unhappiness.
Whereas http://www.politopia.com/ said that my political standpoint exists in Centerville - You would feel most at home in Centerville, which means that you are more or less pleased the status quo-you think the US government has just about the right amount of control over your economic and personal decisions. Your neighbors include democratic and republican party leaders and others who call themselves "moderates" and "centrists."
Now what does this mean? I don't know, but I invite you to respond and let me know what you think, I look forward to it. here's a recent conversation I had with my good friend Kyle, immediately after I took the first test. I respect his opinions and would like to share them with you.
HughHudson3: so I took this politics test to see where it said I fit in with my views and I was wondering what you might think
K Nielsen7: libertarian, authoritarian, liberal, or conservative?
HughHudson3: http://www.okcupid.com/politics
HughHudson3: You are a Social Moderate (55% permissive) and an...
Economic Liberal (33% permissive)You are best described as a: Centrist
HughHudson3: You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
HughHudson3: what do you think? and what does this mean?
K Nielsen7: Liberals believe in government control over economic issues (high taxes, social programs, many regulations) and freedom in social issues (abortion, gay marriage, no sodomy laws, no indecency laws, strong support of free speech).
K Nielsen7: Conservatives favor government control over aforementioned social issues and freedom in economic issues.
K Nielsen7: Libertarians favor freedom in both areas, and authoritarians favor government control over both areas.
K Nielsen7: try this one: politopia.com
HughHudson3: oh by the way, the debate was at the west mall of the ut campus
HughHudson3: or the western side of the ut tower
K Nielsen7: ah ok
K Nielsen7: Badnarik was arrested tonight trying to get into the debates
K Nielsen7: along with the Green Party candidate
K Nielsen7: they said they were either going to debate or get arrested
K Nielsen7: and they got their wish
HughHudson3: haha
K Nielsen7: so anyway, think of a libertarian like the liberal social issues, like freedom of speech support, abortion, allowing gay marriage, and etc. and the conservative part of economics. Low taxes, few social programs, few regulations and such.
K Nielsen7: you are basically a liberal-leaning centrist
HughHudson3: haha, okay.
K Nielsen7: you're very close to the center on social issues and you lean a ways liberal on economic issues.
K Nielsen7: on the politopia map, top left is libertarian, top right is conservative, bottom left is liberal and bottom right is authoritarian
HughHudson3: taking the test now, but the questions are more cut and dry
K Nielsen7: yea, some quizzes have nebulous questions.
K Nielsen7: that don't really determine political ideology well
K Nielsen7: like for example "do you believe in helping people?" Many conservatives believe in helping people, but do not believe government is the best way to do so, so it makes for an ineffective question.
K Nielsen7: if you score the same, you'll be in the south, somewhat toward the center.
HughHudson3: actually I'm dead centerville
K Nielsen7: coo coo
HughHudson3: Centerville-You would feel most at home in Centerville, which means that you are more or less pleased the status quo-you think the US government has just about the right amount of control over your economic and personal decisions. Your neighbors include democratic and republican party leaders and others who call themselves "moderates" and "centrists."
HughHudson3: now what does that mean? that I could go either way, that I'm comfortable in all situations?
HughHudson3: so where do you fit in?
K Nielsen7: your opinions may become more solid one way or the other as the years pass
K Nielsen7: I'm top left
K Nielsen7: northwest
HughHudson3: really?
K Nielsen7: yeah
HughHudson3: who else do you know that has taken the test?
K Nielsen7: I believe in personal and economic freedom
K Nielsen7: some people at DSLR
HughHudson3: that's cool
K Nielsen7: some scored center, some liberal, some conservative
K Nielsen7: 1 authoritarian
The idea I get from Kyle is that it doesn't matter what your beliefs are you can still be friends with someone who thinks and acts differently from yourself. There are more political quiz's out there and I might take them and I might not, I've got time to think about my decision. Who am I going to vote for come November 2nd? like that freaky chick from that movie, " I'll never tell".
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Sunday, September 26, 2004
my friend eric just moved to houston, he's cool, please make him feel welcome: 469-323-1374 AIM: PerfectRoundHead
Saturday, September 25, 2004
But who believes in science anyway?
In other news I've had an eventful few weeks. Working at Barton Springs has been a blast this Summer, yet all good things must come to an end so they say and that end will be soon unfortunately. Sometime in October I will once again be looking for a job. Speaking of jobs, I can't help but mention the Army, I've been given a verbal warning that I will be recalled to Active Duty status either late in December or early January. What do I think about that? I'm not sure what to think, I don't know where they'll send me or what I'll have to do, but I'll do it. Simply because it's my job. There's more to it, but I don't feel like going into it here.
Onto the News, last weekend was the Austin City Limits Festival and yours truly decided to attend when friends from Houston called and asked for a place to stay while the event was going on, they had planned to attend, yet they didn't have a place to stay, they didn't have an extra ticket either, so of course I said yes and set about working out how I was going to attend and not have to pay to do so. Working at the Pool has its advantages sometimes, so I started looking at the wristbands of the patrons coming into the pool and I noticed that a lot of them had not cut the ends of the plastic wristband off, so it only took a few tries before I had a collection of end pieces and with some tape I had what appeared with the covering of a thick leather watchband what looked like an ACL wristband. Then I had to test it and with a little apprehension I walked straight through the gates and into ACL. I'll come back and edit this with a list of artists that I saw later.
Other events include:
The Army kicking my ass and taking up my time
Psychology test
Brit Lit 2 Papers due
A burlesque show with the girls from Red Light and others
A Sausage Fest Fundraiser for the Black label Bike club
A Book Signing and reading with Chuck Pahlaniuk ( Author of Fight Club)
But who believes in science anyway?
In other news I've had an eventful few weeks. Working at Barton Springs has been a blast this Summer, yet all good things must come to an end so they say and that end will be soon unfortunately. Sometime in October I will once again be looking for a job. Speaking of jobs, I can't help but mention the Army, I've been given a verbal warning that I will be recalled to Active Duty status either late in December or early January. What do I think about that? I'm not sure what to think, I don't know where they'll send me or what I'll have to do, but I'll do it. Simply because it's my job. There's more to it, but I don't feel like going into it here.
Onto the News, last weekend was the Austin City Limits Festival and yours truly decided to attend when friends from Houston called and asked for a place to stay while the event was going on, they had planned to attend, yet they didn't have a place to stay, they didn't have an extra ticket either, so of course I said yes and set about working out how I was going to attend and not have to pay to do so. Working at the Pool has its advantages sometimes, so I started looking at the wristbands of the patrons coming into the pool and I noticed that a lot of them had not cut the ends of the plastic wristband off, so it only took a few tries before I had a collection of end pieces and with some tape I had what appeared with the covering of a thick leather watchband what looked like an ACL wristband. Then I had to test it and with a little apprehension I walked straight through the gates and into ACL. I'll come back and edit this with a list of artists that I saw later.
Other events include:
The Army kicking my ass and taking up my time
Psychology test
Brit Lit 2 Papers due
A burlesque show with the girls from Red Light and others
A Sausage Fest Fundraiser for the Black label Bike club
A Book Signing and reading with Chuck Pahlaniuk ( Author of Fight Club)
Thursday, September 09, 2004
What 80`s movie are you? Legend |
Click Here to Take This Quiz Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests. |
Sunday, August 22, 2004
I am proud to announce that I will be in Houston from the 26th of August through the 28th, whereupon I will be returning to Austin. Thank you, that is all.
My japanese name is 猿渡 Saruwatari (monkey on a crossing bridge) 雄大 Masahiro (big hero).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
I am a god. I am a faceless warrior...
I am the shadow in the dark
the final gleam in a descending arc
I am bored, it is late and I'm writing nonsense...
Ok go to www.babynames.com and at the top there is a search... type in your name and find out what your name or names mean...
Hugh = Bright in Mind and Spirit ( wtf? )
I am the shadow in the dark
the final gleam in a descending arc
I am bored, it is late and I'm writing nonsense...
Ok go to www.babynames.com and at the top there is a search... type in your name and find out what your name or names mean...
Hugh = Bright in Mind and Spirit ( wtf? )
the above is a link to the house my friends and I have leased.
403 Franklin
Austin, Tx 78751
the above is a link to the house my friends and I have leased.
403 Franklin
Austin, Tx 78751
Sunday, July 25, 2004
In 1977 (the year you were born) |
Jimmy Carter becomes president of the US Most of the 10,000 Vietnam War draft evaders are pardoned by President Carter Singer Anita Bryant starts her "Save Our Children" crusade against gay rights Elvis Presley dies in his Graceland bathroom Congress creates a Department of Energy Anwar Sadat flies to Jerusalem in a dramatic gesture of willingness to discuss peace Orlando Bloom, Shakira, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Liv Tyler, and Ludacris are born New York Yankees win the World Series Oakland Raiders win Superbowl XI Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup Swedish music group ABBA passes The Beatles as having most records sold Star Wars is the top grossing film The Shining by Stephen King is published "You Light Up My Life" by Debby Boone spends the most time at the top of the US charts Three's Company premieres |
Where have all the good men goneAnd where are all the gods?Where's the street-wise HerculesTo fight the rising odds?Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?Late at night I toss and turn and dreamof what I needI need a heroI'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the nightHe's gotta be strongAnd he's gotta be fastAnd he's gotta be fresh from the fightI need a heroI'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning lightHe's gotta be sureAnd it's gotta be soonAnd he's gotta be larger than lifeSomewhere after midnightIn my wildest fantasySomewhere just beyond my reachThere's someone reaching back for meRacing on the thunder end rising with the heatIt's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feetUp where the mountains meet the heavens aboveOut where the lightning splits the seaI would swear that there's someone somewhereWatching meThrough the wind end the chill and the rainAnd the storm and the floodI can feel his approachLike the fire in my blood
Things have been happening,
I have a new gmail account at hmelrose@gmail.com please email me there.
I am also moving out of my apartment complex early next month and into a lovely new house with a few of my good friends. the address is as follows:
403 Franklin
Austin, Tx 78751
Other events will be posted shortly, perhaps later though.
In other more recent events, it's 4:28 a.m. now, but you'll never guess that I'm wide frickin awake for one of the craziest reasons. Tonights festivities include a local bum I've had problems with trespassing and possibly breaking into apartments, harassing tenants, caught crawling through my dumpsters, etc. the same black guy nicki had problems with.
well Tonight at approx 3:37 A.M. my good friend, Ruben, our buildings neighbor, saw the bum break into my building, he woke me up and he watched the downstairs as I made my way up floor by floor throughout the building, checking hallways, doors, community bathrooms. I found the guy on the floor outside 201&202! laying there with his head next to the underside of one of the doorjambs, I almost pounced on him right then, but I didn't want to wake anyone up and scare them to, so I snuck up on the guy and tapped him on the leg and told him he needed to get the fuck up and get out, I followed him down the stairs and out the side door and he stopped, just stood there. I told him he needed to keep going, he said he was waiting on someone, I told him he could go wait somewhere else. he took the hint and wandered off I think.
I came back inside and dialed 311 which is almost like 911 but it's non-emergency police, don't ever dial it, you'll never get anyone to actually respond to it in a timely manner. just call 911 and act like a dying sorority girl, then you might get some response. It's been about 30 min since I've called them and still no response.
So that's my night and now I can't sleep. because this bum got in one time tonight and I don't know how. Ruben says he saw him just walk right up to the door and go in, maybe he's got a key, maybe the door didn't shut all the way. who knows. he got in once and I don't know how.
Guess what dear reader, as I was closing this up, Austin's Finest showed up, took them long enough though the bum is long gone though I know what he looks like, so perhaps 311 does work, you just have to mention that there are females in danger and they'll be on their way.
I still won't be able to sleep tonight though...
I have a new gmail account at hmelrose@gmail.com please email me there.
I am also moving out of my apartment complex early next month and into a lovely new house with a few of my good friends. the address is as follows:
403 Franklin
Austin, Tx 78751
Other events will be posted shortly, perhaps later though.
In other more recent events, it's 4:28 a.m. now, but you'll never guess that I'm wide frickin awake for one of the craziest reasons. Tonights festivities include a local bum I've had problems with trespassing and possibly breaking into apartments, harassing tenants, caught crawling through my dumpsters, etc. the same black guy nicki had problems with.
well Tonight at approx 3:37 A.M. my good friend, Ruben, our buildings neighbor, saw the bum break into my building, he woke me up and he watched the downstairs as I made my way up floor by floor throughout the building, checking hallways, doors, community bathrooms. I found the guy on the floor outside 201&202! laying there with his head next to the underside of one of the doorjambs, I almost pounced on him right then, but I didn't want to wake anyone up and scare them to, so I snuck up on the guy and tapped him on the leg and told him he needed to get the fuck up and get out, I followed him down the stairs and out the side door and he stopped, just stood there. I told him he needed to keep going, he said he was waiting on someone, I told him he could go wait somewhere else. he took the hint and wandered off I think.
I came back inside and dialed 311 which is almost like 911 but it's non-emergency police, don't ever dial it, you'll never get anyone to actually respond to it in a timely manner. just call 911 and act like a dying sorority girl, then you might get some response. It's been about 30 min since I've called them and still no response.
So that's my night and now I can't sleep. because this bum got in one time tonight and I don't know how. Ruben says he saw him just walk right up to the door and go in, maybe he's got a key, maybe the door didn't shut all the way. who knows. he got in once and I don't know how.
Guess what dear reader, as I was closing this up, Austin's Finest showed up, took them long enough though the bum is long gone though I know what he looks like, so perhaps 311 does work, you just have to mention that there are females in danger and they'll be on their way.
I still won't be able to sleep tonight though...
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Ah, these days... these days that come before us and the days that follow after are often shrouded in shades of grey, often too often I find myself mirrored in the rain. the cloud filled skies seek to mirror the pain I hold within my heart.
this night, I shall not speak of what has brought me to so low a mood, rather I shall endeavor to speak of the more recent past and the happy times, the sunshine if you will on my cloudy days...
Beginning with my Birthday, the 23rd of June, I know I sent notices to you all and harrassed you for days on end and for that I apologize if only a bit. You see that was to be my day and mine alone, set aside for me. To those of you who couldn't be there to share it with me and yet still called or sent me your warm wishes I heartily give thanks to you, my friends you'll never truely know how much you mean to me.
It was a good night, not as many people showed as said they would, but still a good night with friends, low key and beginning at the Jackalope a local bar downtown that I like to skulk about in. Friends came and left, some stayed longer while others didn't. it was good, there was cake and drinks, a camera or two. then off to the Red Fez for more drinks, British Pop music and a meet and greet with some of Austins musical underground. Thank you Sarah, Rion, Mark for sharing the night with me. As I said I kept it low key. nothing spectacular, no wild and craziness, just me and some friends, that's all I've ever wished for.
The weekend forthcoming from my birthday, was filled with the promise of a bright future for two of my most deserving of friends, in fact they should have their own posting, but I am in a melancholy mood tonight, perhaps this is my idea of being dramatic, I'm not sure. I any case two of my good friends, people that I care about were to and now are married. Jason and Leslie, whom you'll find links to their blogs/journals on your left joined hands and lives in a beautiful ceremony on the 27 of June, a Sunday amid the storms of summer did they bind their lives together. I can't tell you how happy I am for them, it knows no bounds.
Add into this a girl, no a young woman, whom I had met before and was intrigued by, entranced by, amazed by almost a year previously. A friend of a friend met only briefly before, but still in those moments amazing. I had the great and good fortune to meet her again, to speak with her one on one. The night seemed to last forever and I did not want it to end. It has been so long since... well, I won't go into that here, but she was a beam of light in my darkness, perhaps a way out of this rain I dwell in greyness... my life a shadow of what it could be, but for those few days, the heavens opened up and sunshine, music, everything was beautiful, but it paled in comparison to her beauty, not just physical yet also emotional, intellectual, everything about this woman set my heart to racing, my mind was aflame with thoughts for her and it still is. but I know I must go slowly, though everything in me says to leap forward uncaring of the consequences. I must hold back, I don't want to lose her, to push her away. the things we spoke about, the realities, the imaginings, future plans our shadowed pasts everything about this woman sang to me like a thousandfold orchestral storm strumming my heart and my life with infinite splendor. I am dazzled by this woman. If she asks me for my heart it is hers. I know there is pain in both our pasts, she hasn't spoken to me of hers, but I can sense it, does she sense my own fears? I don't know. I want so much out of this life. I don't want to push her away, but I want to pull her close. I know I must give her space, time, no labels, I must show her I care, but in subtle ways. I must stop babbling before she thinks I'm a complete lunatic.
my cold and shattered heart was warmed in her prescence...
come to tonight, tonight was a good one up until a point, it is not over, but soon it will be and I will have to put my head down to bed. goodnight unto you my friends. thank you for reading these meager words.
this night, I shall not speak of what has brought me to so low a mood, rather I shall endeavor to speak of the more recent past and the happy times, the sunshine if you will on my cloudy days...
Beginning with my Birthday, the 23rd of June, I know I sent notices to you all and harrassed you for days on end and for that I apologize if only a bit. You see that was to be my day and mine alone, set aside for me. To those of you who couldn't be there to share it with me and yet still called or sent me your warm wishes I heartily give thanks to you, my friends you'll never truely know how much you mean to me.
It was a good night, not as many people showed as said they would, but still a good night with friends, low key and beginning at the Jackalope a local bar downtown that I like to skulk about in. Friends came and left, some stayed longer while others didn't. it was good, there was cake and drinks, a camera or two. then off to the Red Fez for more drinks, British Pop music and a meet and greet with some of Austins musical underground. Thank you Sarah, Rion, Mark for sharing the night with me. As I said I kept it low key. nothing spectacular, no wild and craziness, just me and some friends, that's all I've ever wished for.
The weekend forthcoming from my birthday, was filled with the promise of a bright future for two of my most deserving of friends, in fact they should have their own posting, but I am in a melancholy mood tonight, perhaps this is my idea of being dramatic, I'm not sure. I any case two of my good friends, people that I care about were to and now are married. Jason and Leslie, whom you'll find links to their blogs/journals on your left joined hands and lives in a beautiful ceremony on the 27 of June, a Sunday amid the storms of summer did they bind their lives together. I can't tell you how happy I am for them, it knows no bounds.
Add into this a girl, no a young woman, whom I had met before and was intrigued by, entranced by, amazed by almost a year previously. A friend of a friend met only briefly before, but still in those moments amazing. I had the great and good fortune to meet her again, to speak with her one on one. The night seemed to last forever and I did not want it to end. It has been so long since... well, I won't go into that here, but she was a beam of light in my darkness, perhaps a way out of this rain I dwell in greyness... my life a shadow of what it could be, but for those few days, the heavens opened up and sunshine, music, everything was beautiful, but it paled in comparison to her beauty, not just physical yet also emotional, intellectual, everything about this woman set my heart to racing, my mind was aflame with thoughts for her and it still is. but I know I must go slowly, though everything in me says to leap forward uncaring of the consequences. I must hold back, I don't want to lose her, to push her away. the things we spoke about, the realities, the imaginings, future plans our shadowed pasts everything about this woman sang to me like a thousandfold orchestral storm strumming my heart and my life with infinite splendor. I am dazzled by this woman. If she asks me for my heart it is hers. I know there is pain in both our pasts, she hasn't spoken to me of hers, but I can sense it, does she sense my own fears? I don't know. I want so much out of this life. I don't want to push her away, but I want to pull her close. I know I must give her space, time, no labels, I must show her I care, but in subtle ways. I must stop babbling before she thinks I'm a complete lunatic.
my cold and shattered heart was warmed in her prescence...
come to tonight, tonight was a good one up until a point, it is not over, but soon it will be and I will have to put my head down to bed. goodnight unto you my friends. thank you for reading these meager words.
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
I think I now REALLY like Bruce Springstein. This good ole boy really has deep thoughts. The more popular this man became, the more he expresses what is truly on his mind. A bold move many industry artists horribly avoid!
Read Bruce Springstein's Public Message.
Read Bruce Springstein's Public Message.
Monday, June 14, 2004
Alright,so it was getting a little crowded in Heaven, so God decided to change the admittance policy. The new law was that, in order to get into Heaven, you had to have a really bad day when you died. The Angel at the gate said to the man, "Before I let you in, I need you to tell me how your day was going when you died."
"No problem," the man said. "I came home to my 10th floor apartment on my lunch hour and caught my wife half naked. I knew she was fucking some bitch, I glanced out onto the balcony and noticed that there was a man hanging off the edge by his fingertips! Well, I ran out onto the balcony and stomped on his fingers until he fell to the ground. But wouldn't you know it, he landed in some trees and bushes that broke his fall and he didn't die. This pissed me off even more. I wanted to kill the fucker! So I unplugged my refrigerator, pushed it out onto the balcony, and tipped it over the side. It plummeted 10 stories and crushed him! The excitement of the moment was so great that I had a heart attack and died almost instantly."
The Angel considers this, and let's him in cuz it WAS a bad day....The next dude comes up, and is asked the same question. So the dude replies, "But you're not going to believe this. I was on the balcony of my 11th floor apartment doing my daily exercises. I was really pushing hard, and I guess I got a little carried away, slipped, and accidentally fell over the side! Luckily, I was able to catch myself by the fingertips on the balcony below mine. But all of a sudden this crazy man comes running out of his apartment, started cussing, and stomps on my fingers. I fell and fucking hit some trees and bushes at the bottom which broke my fall so I didn't die right away. As I'm laying there face up on the ground in shock and in excruciating pain, I see this guy push his refrigerator, of all things, off the balcony. It falls the 10 floors and lands on top of me, killing me instantly."
So the Angel chuckles, thinks his job is pretty cool, and let's this dude in...the third dude comes up, and again the Angel asks him the same question about how he died. So the dude goes, 'Okay, picture this, I'm hiding in this refrigerator right..."
"No problem," the man said. "I came home to my 10th floor apartment on my lunch hour and caught my wife half naked. I knew she was fucking some bitch, I glanced out onto the balcony and noticed that there was a man hanging off the edge by his fingertips! Well, I ran out onto the balcony and stomped on his fingers until he fell to the ground. But wouldn't you know it, he landed in some trees and bushes that broke his fall and he didn't die. This pissed me off even more. I wanted to kill the fucker! So I unplugged my refrigerator, pushed it out onto the balcony, and tipped it over the side. It plummeted 10 stories and crushed him! The excitement of the moment was so great that I had a heart attack and died almost instantly."
The Angel considers this, and let's him in cuz it WAS a bad day....The next dude comes up, and is asked the same question. So the dude replies, "But you're not going to believe this. I was on the balcony of my 11th floor apartment doing my daily exercises. I was really pushing hard, and I guess I got a little carried away, slipped, and accidentally fell over the side! Luckily, I was able to catch myself by the fingertips on the balcony below mine. But all of a sudden this crazy man comes running out of his apartment, started cussing, and stomps on my fingers. I fell and fucking hit some trees and bushes at the bottom which broke my fall so I didn't die right away. As I'm laying there face up on the ground in shock and in excruciating pain, I see this guy push his refrigerator, of all things, off the balcony. It falls the 10 floors and lands on top of me, killing me instantly."
So the Angel chuckles, thinks his job is pretty cool, and let's this dude in...the third dude comes up, and again the Angel asks him the same question about how he died. So the dude goes, 'Okay, picture this, I'm hiding in this refrigerator right..."
Sunday, June 13, 2004
H | Hilarious |
U | Unusual |
G | Gloomy |
H | Handy |
M | Mystical |
E | Entertaining |
L | Little |
R | Relaxing |
O | Organic |
S | Slippery |
E | Eccentric |
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
My Birthday, the 23rd of June, jackalope, located at 404 E. 6th St. Austin, Tx 78701 who's invited? you and all your friends especially those who like to drink, dance to 80's music, listen to the occasional local bands, and did I say drink? sarah's bringing the cake!!
So I'm going to be 27, you don't really have to get me anything, just showing up is good enough for me. Y'all are all going to be out anyway. so why not spend some time with friends.
Oh and if you don't show up, I'll hunt you all down.
Then after mine is all done and not soon forgotten, get ready for Sarah's Bday!!in JenRea style, she's giving us kids a month! or something like that, till her birthday gets here!
the plan as it stands its a pajama/lingerie at Joe's new house on or about July 8th. so start getting that outfit together! I know you can do it! you sexy mother fuckers!
and its plenty of time to save for that fab. present you're gonna buy Her!
So I'm going to be 27, you don't really have to get me anything, just showing up is good enough for me. Y'all are all going to be out anyway. so why not spend some time with friends.
Oh and if you don't show up, I'll hunt you all down.
Then after mine is all done and not soon forgotten, get ready for Sarah's Bday!!in JenRea style, she's giving us kids a month! or something like that, till her birthday gets here!
the plan as it stands its a pajama/lingerie at Joe's new house on or about July 8th. so start getting that outfit together! I know you can do it! you sexy mother fuckers!
and its plenty of time to save for that fab. present you're gonna buy Her!
Sunday, June 06, 2004
It seems we stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . .
Frozen whisper Night breathes shadows Ghosts stir snow
Night fades to dawning day Sunrise over green budding leaves
Warm air billows Tarmac like black fire Summer Hitch-hike
Warm air heats, hotter, brighter Limp grass lies thirsty and parched
Skies cloud over Silver shower of September Darken colored leaves
Leaves rustle crisply sighing Dark bare trees stand, sentinels
Owls in the twilight Ruffled wings stirs silence Lonely hunter flies
Winged hunter floats over snow Deepening darkness creeps
Lone moon rises Winter glows with ancient life Nature’s nightlight
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can't remember where or when. . .
Frozen whisper Night breathes shadows Ghosts stir snow
Night fades to dawning day Sunrise over green budding leaves
Warm air billows Tarmac like black fire Summer Hitch-hike
Warm air heats, hotter, brighter Limp grass lies thirsty and parched
Skies cloud over Silver shower of September Darken colored leaves
Leaves rustle crisply sighing Dark bare trees stand, sentinels
Owls in the twilight Ruffled wings stirs silence Lonely hunter flies
Winged hunter floats over snow Deepening darkness creeps
Lone moon rises Winter glows with ancient life Nature’s nightlight
Here's an interesting report on Pat Tillman, the football player recently killed in Afghanistan.
Some of y'all might think this is an anti-war post and on today of all days you might especially think it is. But today is JUNE 6th and Sixty years ago, thousands of young men flew over the english channel into the fight of their lives. My Grandfather was among them and he didn't come home. REMEMBER! That's right remember where you came from, those who fought for you, who died for you and those who have to live with the memories.
Soldiers aren't inhuman beasts of war, we're men and women, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, aunts and uncles and we are scared, though we fight on even in the midst or irksome tasks and weighty responsibilities, we continue on.
War isn't a good thing, nor is it always a necessary thing, but sometimes it is.
Some of y'all might think this is an anti-war post and on today of all days you might especially think it is. But today is JUNE 6th and Sixty years ago, thousands of young men flew over the english channel into the fight of their lives. My Grandfather was among them and he didn't come home. REMEMBER! That's right remember where you came from, those who fought for you, who died for you and those who have to live with the memories.
Soldiers aren't inhuman beasts of war, we're men and women, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, aunts and uncles and we are scared, though we fight on even in the midst or irksome tasks and weighty responsibilities, we continue on.
War isn't a good thing, nor is it always a necessary thing, but sometimes it is.
I'm a big fan of the comma myself and use it absurdly, but then absurdity is the thing to do these days, kind of like being on a reality t.v. show. Yes, I write, but I hesitate to call myself a writer even though anyone who can pick up a pencil and drag it across a piece of paper is technically a writer. My own work includes, poetry, lyrics, short stories, massive amounts of pages of illegible well past midnight scrawlings among other things. I have so much in me that I need to get out and I can't always find the words. Lately I've been in a slump, I have a character, an idea, a moment, but I don't know where to go with him... he seems so lost in the rain I don't know how to bring the sunshine back into his life.
I must say though that I'm entertained by the notion of "act wisely" if I did that I wouldn't be on the internet, but then the search for truth doesn't have a paved road or a map, so maybe the internet is appropriate after all. Read? Yes, Yes I read a lot. Practically anything I can get my hands on though I grew up in mythology/history/ sci-fi/fantasy realm and have lately in the past few years ventured into the fictional arena of Vonnegut, Welsh, Pahlaniuk, etc.
Do you enjoy playing in the rain, how wonderful is that? I need more friends that don't mind getting a little wet and muddy. Most don't seem to understand that it's the same thing as taking a shower or walking through Houston on any given day of the year and they're perfectly fine with that.
This could go on and on, but I've got to get some sleep in me before the dawn gets too much closer. enjoyed and looking forward to more replies. I doubt most of us will ever meet as I don't happen to live on your street or even in your neighborhood, but if fate does turn it's eye our way I'd like to think we'd at least be great friends. Have a great one all!
I must say though that I'm entertained by the notion of "act wisely" if I did that I wouldn't be on the internet, but then the search for truth doesn't have a paved road or a map, so maybe the internet is appropriate after all. Read? Yes, Yes I read a lot. Practically anything I can get my hands on though I grew up in mythology/history/ sci-fi/fantasy realm and have lately in the past few years ventured into the fictional arena of Vonnegut, Welsh, Pahlaniuk, etc.
Do you enjoy playing in the rain, how wonderful is that? I need more friends that don't mind getting a little wet and muddy. Most don't seem to understand that it's the same thing as taking a shower or walking through Houston on any given day of the year and they're perfectly fine with that.
This could go on and on, but I've got to get some sleep in me before the dawn gets too much closer. enjoyed and looking forward to more replies. I doubt most of us will ever meet as I don't happen to live on your street or even in your neighborhood, but if fate does turn it's eye our way I'd like to think we'd at least be great friends. Have a great one all!
Saturday, June 05, 2004
the time is never now. we never know who we should love and we're never certain how. these things used to come so easily when it didnt really matter where you were in the end.
It'll never like the night we spent together, the time spent didn't last forever and I only have these stolen words to remember a passion like the night we spent together.
What is this pain that reminds me, resides within me, abides me, chides me.. haunts me throughout the night, forces sleep away from my tired eyes, so many sleepless nights, so many paths of memory wandered, tired walking, a dead man, heart shattered and poor, bedraggled, a fierce love's fire died in the onslaught of a shower of tears, a storm of pain, fizzled out this burning ember, endings never a beginning...
It'll never like the night we spent together, the time spent didn't last forever and I only have these stolen words to remember a passion like the night we spent together.
What is this pain that reminds me, resides within me, abides me, chides me.. haunts me throughout the night, forces sleep away from my tired eyes, so many sleepless nights, so many paths of memory wandered, tired walking, a dead man, heart shattered and poor, bedraggled, a fierce love's fire died in the onslaught of a shower of tears, a storm of pain, fizzled out this burning ember, endings never a beginning...
ok, who i really am sort of, so at first I refused to be involoved with myspace or friendster because I hate to sit in front of the computer, but then I was convinced by friends so I decided to join but only as half me / half joke. but I've been thinking lately, about me and all this info and maybe I should be more specific about who I am. so I guess here it goes in no particular order and much more of a rambling on of who I think I am at this point in time.
I hate to work a lot, but I work three jobs. I love to be alone but then I feel something's missing. I have anxiety issues especially in the morning when mixed with too much coffee or when I play video games. I'm way too self conscience, then some days I'm too vain. I would say I'm shy but given the right people, circumstances and usually alcohol I'm not at all. I'm ambitious and I want a lot out of life but I'm lazy. I'm a procrastinator but who isn't. I want to be loved but am afraid of getting hurt and where there is love there is usually pain. I love my friends and my family more than I feel they'll ever understand and they'd say I'm crazy for saying that. Some days I feel like I know exactly who I am and what I want and then other days it's all in question. I think sometimes I try to hard to fit in or be "cool", whatever that is, then other days I could care less. I wish I acted more out of impluse but thankful I don't. I'm sure there's more but the truth serum is fading. oh yeah, I have no regrets.
I hate to work a lot, but I work three jobs. I love to be alone but then I feel something's missing. I have anxiety issues especially in the morning when mixed with too much coffee or when I play video games. I'm way too self conscience, then some days I'm too vain. I would say I'm shy but given the right people, circumstances and usually alcohol I'm not at all. I'm ambitious and I want a lot out of life but I'm lazy. I'm a procrastinator but who isn't. I want to be loved but am afraid of getting hurt and where there is love there is usually pain. I love my friends and my family more than I feel they'll ever understand and they'd say I'm crazy for saying that. Some days I feel like I know exactly who I am and what I want and then other days it's all in question. I think sometimes I try to hard to fit in or be "cool", whatever that is, then other days I could care less. I wish I acted more out of impluse but thankful I don't. I'm sure there's more but the truth serum is fading. oh yeah, I have no regrets.
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Memorial Day Poem
Many have walked a path, a jagged road
Leading to tears of peace entwined with fears.
These times were not their chosen ways,
But soldiers took their stand.
The breezes of war, kiss their brow
Made the young old before their time
...and others ageless from the sound of reapers in the field.
They lived in a time of unfamiliar boundaries
Life made up of loyalty to our country and forced survival.
Preserving independence, rights and liberties
Freedom redeemed at countless costs
Common men and women performing uncommon acts of valor
Leaving behind all they have ever known
...Family, friends, jobs and mother-land.
Masses went, to fight upon foreign soils
Their faces have been forgotten,
But the wounds, the pains and the cries remain.
Tired eyes mourning from within, looking out at
Blood covered promises and sorrow worn victories.
Searching for, yet not wanting to find,
...Buddies that have fallen, the victims of war.
Pride in serving, the pain in remembering
Colors of the crimson soaked sod and blurred visions of the mind.
How thankful we should be, we should sing the tune of memories
Of forgotten heros standing at past history's door
They went and came home, many returned in part...
Let us remember those who returned in lifeless form
...and never stop looking for those labeled M.I.A. and P.O.W.
Memorial Day, a time to pay tribute for the ultimate sacrifice.
Celebrate with your picnics, beach outings and reunions,
But teach your children about the sacrifices made,
Pride in the United States and the courage of the past.
Men and women, no matter how large or small the part,
Left their all behind, footprints of war imprinted in the annals of time.
Let us give them bitter-sweet honor of a hero-respect
...and a heartrending thanks.
Many have walked a path, a jagged road
Leading to tears of peace entwined with fears.
These times were not their chosen ways,
But soldiers took their stand.
The breezes of war, kiss their brow
Made the young old before their time
...and others ageless from the sound of reapers in the field.
They lived in a time of unfamiliar boundaries
Life made up of loyalty to our country and forced survival.
Preserving independence, rights and liberties
Freedom redeemed at countless costs
Common men and women performing uncommon acts of valor
Leaving behind all they have ever known
...Family, friends, jobs and mother-land.
Masses went, to fight upon foreign soils
Their faces have been forgotten,
But the wounds, the pains and the cries remain.
Tired eyes mourning from within, looking out at
Blood covered promises and sorrow worn victories.
Searching for, yet not wanting to find,
...Buddies that have fallen, the victims of war.
Pride in serving, the pain in remembering
Colors of the crimson soaked sod and blurred visions of the mind.
How thankful we should be, we should sing the tune of memories
Of forgotten heros standing at past history's door
They went and came home, many returned in part...
Let us remember those who returned in lifeless form
...and never stop looking for those labeled M.I.A. and P.O.W.
Memorial Day, a time to pay tribute for the ultimate sacrifice.
Celebrate with your picnics, beach outings and reunions,
But teach your children about the sacrifices made,
Pride in the United States and the courage of the past.
Men and women, no matter how large or small the part,
Left their all behind, footprints of war imprinted in the annals of time.
Let us give them bitter-sweet honor of a hero-respect
...and a heartrending thanks.
Monday, May 24, 2004
I rarely post anything personal here anymore, I bet you're wondering if there's a reason? yes, there is always a reason, will I go into it? I don't know...
I fell, we all fall, clinging to our lofty ideals.
I suppose it was bound to come together this way.
I don't really have anything to tell you. I'm just...I'm doing well. I have no complaints. You know me,there's always a school, or a work, or a girl. Or all
three. Though right now there just happens to be too much work and not enough school and no girl, These things catch my attention and don't let go.
I'm told pride is my vice among other things. I am prideful. Maybe it's not conciet. Maybe it's not condescention or cockiness, or convolution of thought. Maybe I'm just prideful.
Yesterday my pride got me into trouble. Anne, one of my boss's, asked me to take out the trash and mow the lawn of our apartment complex that I manage. It was the way she told me. Her voice. Not sotto voce by any means. And the fact that she never does it herself anymore, the old manager never mowed the lawn, I feel trapped.
I got angry. I was about leave. I hadn't felt good all day. And I have had a hard week with little to no sleep especially for the last 36 hours and I wasn't ready to deal.
She yelled about my never being there and that I would have to make a decision, I told her she needed to fix things around here, that I couldn't keep lying to people. I feel ill about it all.
Whatever it was, I got pissed and we argued about everything and anything. I raised my voice only twice.
(I think.)
Finally, I said I would take out the trash and go mow the lawn. I apologised and I asked her nicely not to tell me what to do, but simply ask. I am after all a Human being. I swallowed my pride, in other words. She, however, gave me an ultimatum. I apparrantly need to make a choice. whether to work for her or for the city.
And I wished she would have just accepted my words. But instead, she says, that I need to make a decision.
I was on my feet before my mind kicked in.
I was upset. Again. And I started over.
Self-control is important.
The number one thing to do on Maxim's (and my) List of Things To Do Before You Die is thus: Sucker punch your boss.
I was closer that day than ever.
But I'd like to be a better person than I am ...
one day.
Anyhow, I didn't plan on having a post for you today or really any other day, I never plan these things. So here is an old one that summarizes kind of whom I am. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it hurts.
But in the end, we all fall, clinging to our lofty ideals.
Ode to Myself.
(Statements in the first person.)
I got a letter in the mail today. It read: "Class action lawsuit."
I got a letter today that said, "Harris County Criminal Courts."
I'll be fine ... One of these days!
I am the slow down ramp.
I mention this because my own love life is fuct.
I'm such a hopeless romantic.
I'm a gentleman, and old-fashioned scholar.
I fell, we all fall, clinging to our lofty ideals.
I sat on the curb and cried.
I wish they were here.
I wish she were here.
I used to stand in the rain.
I know that you have low self-esteem.
I know that I have low self-esteem.
I got kicked out of the cage by some cunt.
I got pissed and wandered around the inner city.
I was like, not much, are you going to rob me like that?
I couldn't think of anything funny to say as I drove off, so I said, "You're fired. I don't love you, it's not my child anyhow, and I hope I never see you again..."
I own the road. When I say 'I own it' it's not like I think it's mine. It really is mine. I have paid for 1/276,000th of that road through city and county taxes. It's mine. I own it.
I am going to Los Angelos to write a screenplay about lovers that kill each other...
I know you don't care.
I live inside a bubble. My own little world where nothing really ever happens and there is a happy ending. I decieve myself often on this basis.
I drink Dr. Pepper out of wine glasses.
I woke up and screamed 'God is trying to kill me.'
I had three chicks hovering around me. Proof positive, in my mind, that women still feel the need to be protected in dark places.
I am going to flunk out of school and become a car salesman. That way I can get paid to lie.
I was a cocky fuck back then (and now still am or so I'm told) but it didn't amount to much then and it doesn't amount to much now.
I wanted to tell you so much.
I wanted you to know so much.
I feel bad for him, I really do.
I find it the most unfair thing in the world that I am now half through my Bachelor's Degree and yet I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
I don't care what you saw on a cartoon, don't do that again in public...
I figured on checking him, hunting him down and swiftly, furiously beating him.
I ran right up to him this morning and pushed him back into the maintenance closet.
I told him he didn't know me.
I ripped through that school looking for this dude.
I did it in front of my girl, she was my girl then.
I was extra chipper this morning.
I actually SANG this morning.
I stalk my neighbors.
I Say Whatever The Fuck I Like.
I'd beat my postman senseless if I didn't fear ...
I fell, we all fall, clinging to our lofty ideals.
I suppose it was bound to come together this way.
I don't really have anything to tell you. I'm just...I'm doing well. I have no complaints. You know me,there's always a school, or a work, or a girl. Or all
three. Though right now there just happens to be too much work and not enough school and no girl, These things catch my attention and don't let go.
I'm told pride is my vice among other things. I am prideful. Maybe it's not conciet. Maybe it's not condescention or cockiness, or convolution of thought. Maybe I'm just prideful.
Yesterday my pride got me into trouble. Anne, one of my boss's, asked me to take out the trash and mow the lawn of our apartment complex that I manage. It was the way she told me. Her voice. Not sotto voce by any means. And the fact that she never does it herself anymore, the old manager never mowed the lawn, I feel trapped.
I got angry. I was about leave. I hadn't felt good all day. And I have had a hard week with little to no sleep especially for the last 36 hours and I wasn't ready to deal.
She yelled about my never being there and that I would have to make a decision, I told her she needed to fix things around here, that I couldn't keep lying to people. I feel ill about it all.
Whatever it was, I got pissed and we argued about everything and anything. I raised my voice only twice.
(I think.)
Finally, I said I would take out the trash and go mow the lawn. I apologised and I asked her nicely not to tell me what to do, but simply ask. I am after all a Human being. I swallowed my pride, in other words. She, however, gave me an ultimatum. I apparrantly need to make a choice. whether to work for her or for the city.
And I wished she would have just accepted my words. But instead, she says, that I need to make a decision.
I was on my feet before my mind kicked in.
I was upset. Again. And I started over.
Self-control is important.
The number one thing to do on Maxim's (and my) List of Things To Do Before You Die is thus: Sucker punch your boss.
I was closer that day than ever.
But I'd like to be a better person than I am ...
one day.
Anyhow, I didn't plan on having a post for you today or really any other day, I never plan these things. So here is an old one that summarizes kind of whom I am. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it hurts.
But in the end, we all fall, clinging to our lofty ideals.
Ode to Myself.
(Statements in the first person.)
I got a letter in the mail today. It read: "Class action lawsuit."
I got a letter today that said, "Harris County Criminal Courts."
I'll be fine ... One of these days!
I am the slow down ramp.
I mention this because my own love life is fuct.
I'm such a hopeless romantic.
I'm a gentleman, and old-fashioned scholar.
I fell, we all fall, clinging to our lofty ideals.
I sat on the curb and cried.
I wish they were here.
I wish she were here.
I used to stand in the rain.
I know that you have low self-esteem.
I know that I have low self-esteem.
I got kicked out of the cage by some cunt.
I got pissed and wandered around the inner city.
I was like, not much, are you going to rob me like that?
I couldn't think of anything funny to say as I drove off, so I said, "You're fired. I don't love you, it's not my child anyhow, and I hope I never see you again..."
I own the road. When I say 'I own it' it's not like I think it's mine. It really is mine. I have paid for 1/276,000th of that road through city and county taxes. It's mine. I own it.
I am going to Los Angelos to write a screenplay about lovers that kill each other...
I know you don't care.
I live inside a bubble. My own little world where nothing really ever happens and there is a happy ending. I decieve myself often on this basis.
I drink Dr. Pepper out of wine glasses.
I woke up and screamed 'God is trying to kill me.'
I had three chicks hovering around me. Proof positive, in my mind, that women still feel the need to be protected in dark places.
I am going to flunk out of school and become a car salesman. That way I can get paid to lie.
I was a cocky fuck back then (and now still am or so I'm told) but it didn't amount to much then and it doesn't amount to much now.
I wanted to tell you so much.
I wanted you to know so much.
I feel bad for him, I really do.
I find it the most unfair thing in the world that I am now half through my Bachelor's Degree and yet I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
I don't care what you saw on a cartoon, don't do that again in public...
I figured on checking him, hunting him down and swiftly, furiously beating him.
I ran right up to him this morning and pushed him back into the maintenance closet.
I told him he didn't know me.
I ripped through that school looking for this dude.
I did it in front of my girl, she was my girl then.
I was extra chipper this morning.
I actually SANG this morning.
I stalk my neighbors.
I Say Whatever The Fuck I Like.
I'd beat my postman senseless if I didn't fear ...
Friday, May 14, 2004
You're GI Joe with the Kung Fu Grip!! You're
strong, tough, and know how to kick some ass.
Don't forget though, no matter how manly you
think you are, you're still just a doll. God
Bless America.
What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Sunday, May 09, 2004
I'm in the process of attempting to call all the Mom's out there who've had an influence on my life, I just want them to know they still mean so much to me and I thank them for putting up with a rambunctious crazy kid from Texas all these years, hopefully all their hard work has paid off. please don't let a day go by without letting your mum know how much you love her.love her the way she loves you and never say anything that one day you're truly going to regret! All my best wishes for you and your family.
In other news check out http://kalahari.blogspot.com
the Kalahari Peoples Fund (http://www.kalaharipeoples.org), a small non-profit founded by anthropologists who felt they should be giving something back to the communities they were researching. It funds primary education and land rights projects, mostly, but as it's small and donations are unpredictable, its personnel is largely volunteer and most of the larger projects they end up working on are separately funded grants. This year, they're project is focused on linguistic training for local people, with ultimate goals of native language materials generation and general capacity building. Along with their trainees, they have recorded and videotaped traditional stories and healing narratives from community elders, then transcribed, translated, and interlinearized them on the computer. Interlinearization is a way of breaking down texts to reveal their structure to linguists who may not speak the language – and of course it's an infinitely helpful learning tool for those of who speak the language badly. For my friend personally, this has meant purchasing and maintaining a hardware system (portable solar panels to high end audio equipment) as well as working intensively with two trainees who'd been filmed and written about their entire lives, but had never actually controlled the technology surrounding them. She also offered some basic computer literacy training to the Village Schools teachers and anyone who showed up during the couple of weeks she could devote to community training.
That, of course, is the official answer.
In other news check out http://kalahari.blogspot.com
the Kalahari Peoples Fund (http://www.kalaharipeoples.org), a small non-profit founded by anthropologists who felt they should be giving something back to the communities they were researching. It funds primary education and land rights projects, mostly, but as it's small and donations are unpredictable, its personnel is largely volunteer and most of the larger projects they end up working on are separately funded grants. This year, they're project is focused on linguistic training for local people, with ultimate goals of native language materials generation and general capacity building. Along with their trainees, they have recorded and videotaped traditional stories and healing narratives from community elders, then transcribed, translated, and interlinearized them on the computer. Interlinearization is a way of breaking down texts to reveal their structure to linguists who may not speak the language – and of course it's an infinitely helpful learning tool for those of who speak the language badly. For my friend personally, this has meant purchasing and maintaining a hardware system (portable solar panels to high end audio equipment) as well as working intensively with two trainees who'd been filmed and written about their entire lives, but had never actually controlled the technology surrounding them. She also offered some basic computer literacy training to the Village Schools teachers and anyone who showed up during the couple of weeks she could devote to community training.
That, of course, is the official answer.
Saturday, May 08, 2004
Here's a bit of tale that I hold dear.. cause baby it's true.
Someone once said....
A girl asked a boy if he thought she was pretty, he said..no. She asked him if he would want to be with her forever..and he said no. She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry? and once again he replied with a no. She had heard enough. As she walked away, tears streaming down her face the boy grabbed her arm and said... Your not pretty, your beautiful, i dont want to be with you forever, i NEED to be with you forever, and i wouldnt cry if you walked away...i'd die...
Someone once said....
A girl asked a boy if he thought she was pretty, he said..no. She asked him if he would want to be with her forever..and he said no. She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry? and once again he replied with a no. She had heard enough. As she walked away, tears streaming down her face the boy grabbed her arm and said... Your not pretty, your beautiful, i dont want to be with you forever, i NEED to be with you forever, and i wouldnt cry if you walked away...i'd die...
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
What happens when you have way too much free time on your hands? This Happens
The real cost of the war in Iraq
The real cost of the war in Iraq
Monday, May 03, 2004
Curious? take the test.... I did, the results are in..
My results
The Loverboy
Random Gentle Love Master (RGLMm)
Well-liked. Well-established. You are The Loverboy. Loverboys thrive in committed, steady relationships--as opposed to, say, Playboys, who want sex without too much attachment.
You've had many relationships and nearly all of them have been successful. You're a nice guy, you know the ropes, and even if you can be a little hasty with decisions, most girls think of you as a total catch. Your hastiness comes off as spontaneity most of the time anyhow, making you especially popular in your circle of friends, too.
You know not to make the typical Loverboy mistake of choosing someone who appreciates your good humor and popularity, but who offers nothing in return. You belong with someone outgoing, independent, and creative. Otherwise, you'll get bored. And then instead of surprising her with flowers or a practical joke, you'll surprise her by leaving.
FACT: You embody the German principle of Konstantzusammenschaft, which is best described in English (without using the obscure English word "sammenschaft") as "eternal togethermanship".
Your exact opposite:
The Billy Goat
Deliberate Brutal Sex Dreamer
CONSIDER: The Window Shopper, The Peach
My results
My results
The Loverboy
Random Gentle Love Master (RGLMm)
Well-liked. Well-established. You are The Loverboy. Loverboys thrive in committed, steady relationships--as opposed to, say, Playboys, who want sex without too much attachment.
You've had many relationships and nearly all of them have been successful. You're a nice guy, you know the ropes, and even if you can be a little hasty with decisions, most girls think of you as a total catch. Your hastiness comes off as spontaneity most of the time anyhow, making you especially popular in your circle of friends, too.
You know not to make the typical Loverboy mistake of choosing someone who appreciates your good humor and popularity, but who offers nothing in return. You belong with someone outgoing, independent, and creative. Otherwise, you'll get bored. And then instead of surprising her with flowers or a practical joke, you'll surprise her by leaving.
FACT: You embody the German principle of Konstantzusammenschaft, which is best described in English (without using the obscure English word "sammenschaft") as "eternal togethermanship".
Your exact opposite:
The Billy Goat
Deliberate Brutal Sex Dreamer
CONSIDER: The Window Shopper, The Peach
My results
Okay everyone, I have two things to tell you. Well, really I have only one, but I think that it would be inappropriate if I just said that so I'll say another to make up for it. I feel that if I don't say something "Army" then it might reflect poorly. Okay, sorry, I'm rambling.
The first thing: This is the "Army" part. I think that this is a really cool poem about being American. http://www.angelfire.com/il3/durham/iamtheflag.html
Okay, the second thing: My good friend Christopher Travis hase been selected as one of the seven finalists in the KPRC, Channel 2 "Sports Apprentice" contest. Please stay tuned to the 10PM news on Houston's loyal NBC station. If I'm not mistaken, the winner is selected by popular vote from viewers, if so, I'd love to have the entire 75th Division supporting him and anyone else, after all, HE IS the only member of the Armed Forces that is competing. If you have any questions, please email him at christopher.travis1@us.army.mil and I'm sure he will respond as soon as he can. We wish him luck and have a nice day all.
Hugh Melrose
SPC Travis, Christopher
2004 KPRC Sports Apprentice
The first thing: This is the "Army" part. I think that this is a really cool poem about being American. http://www.angelfire.com/il3/durham/iamtheflag.html
Okay, the second thing: My good friend Christopher Travis hase been selected as one of the seven finalists in the KPRC, Channel 2 "Sports Apprentice" contest. Please stay tuned to the 10PM news on Houston's loyal NBC station. If I'm not mistaken, the winner is selected by popular vote from viewers, if so, I'd love to have the entire 75th Division supporting him and anyone else, after all, HE IS the only member of the Armed Forces that is competing. If you have any questions, please email him at christopher.travis1@us.army.mil and I'm sure he will respond as soon as he can. We wish him luck and have a nice day all.
Hugh Melrose
SPC Travis, Christopher
Friday, April 23, 2004
The Portland trip that was to be,isn't.instead it's Albequrque New Mexico...
That's right folks unless I can get my plans changed sometime this weekend when I'm in Houston, I'll be heading to Albequrque New Mexico instead of Portland Oregon for a week beginning Tuesday 27 April 2004 and coming back Sunday 02 May 2004. Life has it's little odd twists and turns, if you're in either area, give me a call at 512-947-2848 and we'll see what we can do. Have a great one all!
That's right folks unless I can get my plans changed sometime this weekend when I'm in Houston, I'll be heading to Albequrque New Mexico instead of Portland Oregon for a week beginning Tuesday 27 April 2004 and coming back Sunday 02 May 2004. Life has it's little odd twists and turns, if you're in either area, give me a call at 512-947-2848 and we'll see what we can do. Have a great one all!
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Monday, April 19, 2004
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Birthday Party:Friday night 16April2004 starts at 9:00 p.m.
Body: Come one, come all and help us celebrate my good friend nix 24th Birthday party at the Whiskey Bar here on Friday, 16April2004 starting at 9:00 p.m. with a performance by our very own Ashli and other local DJ's.
Other Myspace Members will most certainly include...
and of course, Yours truly, me! that's right folks you get to spend a night drinking and dancing (If you get me drunk enough) with the Hugh man.
and many, many others if the reports are true...
So come one, Come all, Singles and Couples, loners and crowd pleasers. If it's anything like her last birthday parties, it's going to border the surrealy insane.
The Whisky Bar is located here in Austin, Texas in the heart of the Warehouse District at 303 W. 5th St. 512-481-8599
Any event details, questions or whatever makes you happy you can call and ask me and I'll try to answer them 512-947-2848
Body: Come one, come all and help us celebrate my good friend nix 24th Birthday party at the Whiskey Bar here on Friday, 16April2004 starting at 9:00 p.m. with a performance by our very own Ashli and other local DJ's.
Other Myspace Members will most certainly include...
and of course, Yours truly, me! that's right folks you get to spend a night drinking and dancing (If you get me drunk enough) with the Hugh man.
and many, many others if the reports are true...
So come one, Come all, Singles and Couples, loners and crowd pleasers. If it's anything like her last birthday parties, it's going to border the surrealy insane.
The Whisky Bar is located here in Austin, Texas in the heart of the Warehouse District at 303 W. 5th St. 512-481-8599
Any event details, questions or whatever makes you happy you can call and ask me and I'll try to answer them 512-947-2848
I take a lot of photos here are the links to a few of my albums, some of you know I've taken a lot of pictures of my friends and if you have any requests feel free to ask and I'll attempt to scan and post them.
My Yahoo Photo Album
Other Photo album on CollegeClub.com
My Yahoo Photo Album
Other Photo album on CollegeClub.com
Friday, April 09, 2004
Happy Good Friday and Easter everyone!
I'm a Heretic!

Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
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Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
Take More of Robert & Tim's Quizzes
Watch Robert & Tim's Cartoons
Thursday, April 08, 2004
A Soldier's Letter from Iraq
I'm in Baghdad, Iraq.
I'm a soldier with the U.S. Army serving in the 16th Combat Engineer Battalion.
The news you are hearing stateside is awfully depressing and negative. The reality is we are accomplishing a tremendous amount here, and the Iraqi people are not only benefiting greatly, but are enthusiastically supportive.
My job is mostly to be the driver of my platoon's lead Humvee. I see the missions our Army is performing, and I interact closely with the Iraqi people. Because of this, I know how successful and important our work is.
My battalion carries out dozens of missions all over the city -- missions that are improving peoples' lives. We have restored schools and universities, hospitals, power plants and water systems. We have engineered new infrastructure projects and much more. We have also brought security and order to many of Baghdad's worst areas -- areas once afflicted with chaos and brutality.
Our efforts to train vast numbers of Iraqis to police and secure the city's basic law and order are bearing fruit.
Our mission is vital. We are transforming a once very sick society into a hopeful place. Dozens of newspapers and the concepts of freedom of religious worship and expression are flowering here. So, too, are educational improvements.
This is the work of the U.S. military.
Our progress is amazing. Many people who knew only repression and terror now have hope in their heart and prosperity in their grasp.
Every day the Iraqi people stream out into the streets to cheer and wave at us as we drive by. When I'm on a foot patrol, walking among a crowd, countless people thank us --repeatedly.
I realize the shocking image of a dead soldier or a burning car is more sellable than boring, detailed accounts of our rebuilding efforts. This is why you hear bad news and may be receiving an incorrect picture.
Baghdad has more than 5 million inhabitants. If these people were in an uprising against the United States, which you might think is happening, we would be overwhelmed in hours. There are weapons everywhere, and though we are working hard to gather them all, we simply can't.
Our Army is carrying out approximately 1,700 convoys and patrols each day. Only a tiny percentage actually encounter hostile action. My unit covers some of the worst and most intense areas, and I have seen some of the most tragic attacks and hostility, such as the bombing of the United Nations headquarters. I'm not out of touch with the negative side of things. In fact, I think my unit has it harder than many other Army units in this whole operation. That said, despite some attacks, the overall picture is one of extreme success and much thanks.
The various terrorist enemies we are facing in Iraq are really aiming at you back in the United States. This is a test of will for our country. We soldiers of yours are doing great and scoring victories in confronting the evil terrorists.
The reality is one of an ever-increasing defeat of the enemies we face. Our enemies are therefore more desperate. They are striking out more viciously and indiscriminately. I realize this is causing Americans stress, and I assure you it causes us stress, too.
When I was a civilian, I spent time as a volunteer with the Israeli army. I assure you we are not facing the hostility Israelis face. Here in Iraq, we Americans are welcomed by most Iraqis.
I'm not trying to sound like a big tough guy. I'm scared every day, and pray before every mission for our safety and success. This is a combat zone. We are in the heart of the world's leading terrorist birthing society. I remember well how families of suicide bombers who attacked in Israel received tens of thousands of dollars from Saddam for their kins' horrendous crimes. A generation of Iraqis was growing up in a Stalinist worship of such terrorism.
They are no longer.
Instead, Iraqis today are embracing freedom and the birth of democracy. With this comes hope for the future.
Yes, there are terrorists who wish to strike these things down, but this is a test of will we must win.
We can do this, as long as Americans at home keep faith with the soldiers in this war.
We are Americans, after all. We can and must win this test. That is all it is.
www.klif.com , click on Greg Knapp, and then click SHOW NOTES
I'm in Baghdad, Iraq.
I'm a soldier with the U.S. Army serving in the 16th Combat Engineer Battalion.
The news you are hearing stateside is awfully depressing and negative. The reality is we are accomplishing a tremendous amount here, and the Iraqi people are not only benefiting greatly, but are enthusiastically supportive.
My job is mostly to be the driver of my platoon's lead Humvee. I see the missions our Army is performing, and I interact closely with the Iraqi people. Because of this, I know how successful and important our work is.
My battalion carries out dozens of missions all over the city -- missions that are improving peoples' lives. We have restored schools and universities, hospitals, power plants and water systems. We have engineered new infrastructure projects and much more. We have also brought security and order to many of Baghdad's worst areas -- areas once afflicted with chaos and brutality.
Our efforts to train vast numbers of Iraqis to police and secure the city's basic law and order are bearing fruit.
Our mission is vital. We are transforming a once very sick society into a hopeful place. Dozens of newspapers and the concepts of freedom of religious worship and expression are flowering here. So, too, are educational improvements.
This is the work of the U.S. military.
Our progress is amazing. Many people who knew only repression and terror now have hope in their heart and prosperity in their grasp.
Every day the Iraqi people stream out into the streets to cheer and wave at us as we drive by. When I'm on a foot patrol, walking among a crowd, countless people thank us --repeatedly.
I realize the shocking image of a dead soldier or a burning car is more sellable than boring, detailed accounts of our rebuilding efforts. This is why you hear bad news and may be receiving an incorrect picture.
Baghdad has more than 5 million inhabitants. If these people were in an uprising against the United States, which you might think is happening, we would be overwhelmed in hours. There are weapons everywhere, and though we are working hard to gather them all, we simply can't.
Our Army is carrying out approximately 1,700 convoys and patrols each day. Only a tiny percentage actually encounter hostile action. My unit covers some of the worst and most intense areas, and I have seen some of the most tragic attacks and hostility, such as the bombing of the United Nations headquarters. I'm not out of touch with the negative side of things. In fact, I think my unit has it harder than many other Army units in this whole operation. That said, despite some attacks, the overall picture is one of extreme success and much thanks.
The various terrorist enemies we are facing in Iraq are really aiming at you back in the United States. This is a test of will for our country. We soldiers of yours are doing great and scoring victories in confronting the evil terrorists.
The reality is one of an ever-increasing defeat of the enemies we face. Our enemies are therefore more desperate. They are striking out more viciously and indiscriminately. I realize this is causing Americans stress, and I assure you it causes us stress, too.
When I was a civilian, I spent time as a volunteer with the Israeli army. I assure you we are not facing the hostility Israelis face. Here in Iraq, we Americans are welcomed by most Iraqis.
I'm not trying to sound like a big tough guy. I'm scared every day, and pray before every mission for our safety and success. This is a combat zone. We are in the heart of the world's leading terrorist birthing society. I remember well how families of suicide bombers who attacked in Israel received tens of thousands of dollars from Saddam for their kins' horrendous crimes. A generation of Iraqis was growing up in a Stalinist worship of such terrorism.
They are no longer.
Instead, Iraqis today are embracing freedom and the birth of democracy. With this comes hope for the future.
Yes, there are terrorists who wish to strike these things down, but this is a test of will we must win.
We can do this, as long as Americans at home keep faith with the soldiers in this war.
We are Americans, after all. We can and must win this test. That is all it is.
www.klif.com , click on Greg Knapp, and then click SHOW NOTES
Sunday, March 28, 2004
This weekend was a good weekend for the most part, two good friends came to visit ( Thanks Kyle and Alicia for everything!) I finished up most of my yard work, despite crappy equipment and went to work at Barton Springs, where I am thouroughly enjoying my job. I had the opportunity to make many pretty girls smile, but I didn't ask any of them for their numbers. For some odd reason it just didn't feel right. I don't know what it is, but I just can't seem to find a girl I'm going to "click" with. Perhaps I'm too judgemental, perhaps I'm just scared and perhaps I still hold out hope for someone else.
There is someone in my past that I regret losing touch with, The time we had together was too short and as I sit here and look back I wonder at what might have been. Things in my life have been okay, but they could have been a lot better or maybe not. Either way I have no way of knowing and I must continue on with this course and hope things will turn out okay in the end.
It was good to see Kyle and Alicia, I hope I was able to provide them with enough to do and see, hopefully they enjoyed their visit here and got to see a different side of Austin than most people do.
Things happened between my boss and I here at El Rio Apartments, apparantly she's not been satisfied with my performance or the way the building is being run/handled. I can't help it if no one is calling to rent apartments or if no one wants to stay in a place that continuosly has problems, the tenants being foremost among them. I do what I must, but I hate lying, they say things like they're going to remodel the kitchen, well in my humble opinion what they want to do wouldn't take more than a long weekend to finish, but they've been working on it for over two years!! and that's not the only thing, Some of the tenants in the building are shady characters, not the good timing college students of the past, but something darker, slimier possibly even with a past if you know what I mean, Hopefully they'll be gone and replaced with some really cool people. I can only hope, but people just aren't looking here at El Rio, it's not like there is a sign outside that says "El Rio Apartments" it's just a building on the street. I don't know what to do, I don't get paid to do this gig or do I get paid to put up with peoples crap, sure I mowed the lawn, take out the trash, collect the money and I show apartments and I used to get free rent for a closet sized room, but now that's not the case I'm going to have to pay approx. $200 a month to do this same stuff. I figure if I'm paying to stay here, then I don't have to be here or I am not obligated to do so, I haven't signed any contract nor have I received a lease. They can't say I haven't reminded them to write something up so I can go at any time. I just don't have anywhere to go or a good paying job to go to with it and being here as a "manager" isn't going to get me a job. They only started complaining when I did get a job now that I think about it... crazy huh? And they even talked about me quiting my job or cutting back my hours, how am I to get ahead? ARRGGH!!!
I don't know what I'm going to do, I think I'm going to look for a full time gig somewhere else and if I can get something then I'll find a cheap apartment and leave. maybe I'll get a roommate or something, who knows. Any takers?
I've got to go now, 6 am comes early, especially when you have take out the trash and have homework to do before you get to sleep. goodnight all.
There is someone in my past that I regret losing touch with, The time we had together was too short and as I sit here and look back I wonder at what might have been. Things in my life have been okay, but they could have been a lot better or maybe not. Either way I have no way of knowing and I must continue on with this course and hope things will turn out okay in the end.
It was good to see Kyle and Alicia, I hope I was able to provide them with enough to do and see, hopefully they enjoyed their visit here and got to see a different side of Austin than most people do.
Things happened between my boss and I here at El Rio Apartments, apparantly she's not been satisfied with my performance or the way the building is being run/handled. I can't help it if no one is calling to rent apartments or if no one wants to stay in a place that continuosly has problems, the tenants being foremost among them. I do what I must, but I hate lying, they say things like they're going to remodel the kitchen, well in my humble opinion what they want to do wouldn't take more than a long weekend to finish, but they've been working on it for over two years!! and that's not the only thing, Some of the tenants in the building are shady characters, not the good timing college students of the past, but something darker, slimier possibly even with a past if you know what I mean, Hopefully they'll be gone and replaced with some really cool people. I can only hope, but people just aren't looking here at El Rio, it's not like there is a sign outside that says "El Rio Apartments" it's just a building on the street. I don't know what to do, I don't get paid to do this gig or do I get paid to put up with peoples crap, sure I mowed the lawn, take out the trash, collect the money and I show apartments and I used to get free rent for a closet sized room, but now that's not the case I'm going to have to pay approx. $200 a month to do this same stuff. I figure if I'm paying to stay here, then I don't have to be here or I am not obligated to do so, I haven't signed any contract nor have I received a lease. They can't say I haven't reminded them to write something up so I can go at any time. I just don't have anywhere to go or a good paying job to go to with it and being here as a "manager" isn't going to get me a job. They only started complaining when I did get a job now that I think about it... crazy huh? And they even talked about me quiting my job or cutting back my hours, how am I to get ahead? ARRGGH!!!
I don't know what I'm going to do, I think I'm going to look for a full time gig somewhere else and if I can get something then I'll find a cheap apartment and leave. maybe I'll get a roommate or something, who knows. Any takers?
I've got to go now, 6 am comes early, especially when you have take out the trash and have homework to do before you get to sleep. goodnight all.
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
You are Sir Launcelot.
Heroicly you are stereotyped into rescuing damsels
in distress...only you get confused and rescue
the wrong sex sometimes. You look for fights
in all the wrong places, and pretend your
friends and loved ones are hurt to dramaticly
avenge their murder. You might be too brave for
your britches.
What Monty Python Holy Grail Quest Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, March 11, 2004
There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there. " A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are very rare jewels, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share words of praise and they always want to open their hearts to us." It's National Friendship Week. So I’m Showing my friends how much I care. Please forgive me if I have ever left a hole.
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Today is a Wednesday, A day just like any other day, the middle of the week, anticipation is building for the weekend. But this weekend is different from all others in a certain respect, I'll be headed to Houston and once there I'll be helping my parents move whatever is left of their belongings out of the house they've lived in for almost a year. I don't know yet where they're going to end up, I don't think they have a plan or anything set up.
I also have duty this weekend, I made a promise to both myself and my country, but a profound lesson I'm still learning and that is echoed by Retired U.S. Army Major Coffey is that "It ain't about you." It ain't about your boss or the Army either. It's about taking care of your soldiers and serving this nation's defense needs. The Army is only the organizational venue to make this happen. One not-so-pleasant morning in Ranger School when I was down and out and feeling sorry for myself, a wise Master Sergeant, who "knew the deal," pulled me aside and explained to me, "It ain't about you." It was a profound lesson taught to me during my green days as a Second Lieutenant. In so many words he told me that "service" and being an officer was about the soldiers you lead, the nation you serve and the ideals you embrace, and that any consideration of "self" had no place in this Army business. It took some time and thought, but his words of wisdom finally set in and were fully understood. He knew the deal, and cared enough to explain it to me. "
Yes, I have duty this weekend, but it's not just about me having duty it's about all those other soldiers above and below me having duty as well and taking care of business, because that's the right thing to do. Yet I am so conflicted with my sense of duty and my sense of self. I want so much in life and yet I feel like I've been pushed and pulled along this path by forces and events out of my control.
I think I think too much. Sometimes my mind literally runs away from me, I've got so much going on in my head, it's just hard to keep up.
I want to take the time to say that I miss my friends, all of you near and far and I want to thank you for being a part of my life even when I've not been a part of yours. you all rock!
My imortalrooster@collegeclub.com email account is in a state of flux, I've had it for years, but I think it's time for it to retire, even though it's being done without my consent. Apparantly it's a source of email virus's and the site might have to delete it for the common good. So what do you think my new email should be?
Possible 2004 Tour Dates For myself around the country and as always are subject to change, Have a great one!
5-7 March Houston, Texas
12-14 March Houston, Texas
30 March ? 4 April Jonesboro, Arkansas
23-25 April Houston, Texas
28 April ? 2 May Clackamas, Oregon
14-16 May Houston, Texas
18-23 May Iola, Kansas
3-6 June Houston, Texas
11-13 June Houston, Texas
9 July-24July Hastings, Nebraska
9July-11 July Houston, Texas
13-15 August Houston, Texas
10-12 September Houston,Texas
22-26 September Fort Chaffee, Arkansas
my schedule from 15Mar2004-20Mar2004 at Barton Springs.
15 M 7:45am - 2:30p.m.
16 T 7:45am - 2:30p.m.
17 W 7:45am - 2:30p.m.
18 Th - Free!!!!!!!!!!
19 F 7:45am - 3:30p.m.
20 Sa 7:45am - 2:30p.m.
21 Su - Free!!!!
I also have duty this weekend, I made a promise to both myself and my country, but a profound lesson I'm still learning and that is echoed by Retired U.S. Army Major Coffey is that "It ain't about you." It ain't about your boss or the Army either. It's about taking care of your soldiers and serving this nation's defense needs. The Army is only the organizational venue to make this happen. One not-so-pleasant morning in Ranger School when I was down and out and feeling sorry for myself, a wise Master Sergeant, who "knew the deal," pulled me aside and explained to me, "It ain't about you." It was a profound lesson taught to me during my green days as a Second Lieutenant. In so many words he told me that "service" and being an officer was about the soldiers you lead, the nation you serve and the ideals you embrace, and that any consideration of "self" had no place in this Army business. It took some time and thought, but his words of wisdom finally set in and were fully understood. He knew the deal, and cared enough to explain it to me. "
Yes, I have duty this weekend, but it's not just about me having duty it's about all those other soldiers above and below me having duty as well and taking care of business, because that's the right thing to do. Yet I am so conflicted with my sense of duty and my sense of self. I want so much in life and yet I feel like I've been pushed and pulled along this path by forces and events out of my control.
I think I think too much. Sometimes my mind literally runs away from me, I've got so much going on in my head, it's just hard to keep up.
I want to take the time to say that I miss my friends, all of you near and far and I want to thank you for being a part of my life even when I've not been a part of yours. you all rock!
My imortalrooster@collegeclub.com email account is in a state of flux, I've had it for years, but I think it's time for it to retire, even though it's being done without my consent. Apparantly it's a source of email virus's and the site might have to delete it for the common good. So what do you think my new email should be?
Possible 2004 Tour Dates For myself around the country and as always are subject to change, Have a great one!
5-7 March Houston, Texas
12-14 March Houston, Texas
30 March ? 4 April Jonesboro, Arkansas
23-25 April Houston, Texas
28 April ? 2 May Clackamas, Oregon
14-16 May Houston, Texas
18-23 May Iola, Kansas
3-6 June Houston, Texas
11-13 June Houston, Texas
9 July-24July Hastings, Nebraska
9July-11 July Houston, Texas
13-15 August Houston, Texas
10-12 September Houston,Texas
22-26 September Fort Chaffee, Arkansas
my schedule from 15Mar2004-20Mar2004 at Barton Springs.
15 M 7:45am - 2:30p.m.
16 T 7:45am - 2:30p.m.
17 W 7:45am - 2:30p.m.
18 Th - Free!!!!!!!!!!
19 F 7:45am - 3:30p.m.
20 Sa 7:45am - 2:30p.m.
21 Su - Free!!!!
Thursday, March 04, 2004
You are kinda Snakepit. if we hang out I'll
probably draw you in the comic cuz you're
pretty cool.
How Snakepit are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Don't get blood splatters on you when you shoot
your victim. Your methods are a bit uncouth but
your finesse and sense of style is impeccable.
With a bit of guidance you could live among us
in the world of vampires.
How would you Murder?
brought to you by Quizilla
Who needs toilet paper?
*LOL* ...I'm not even going to comment.
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Possible 2004 Tour Dates For myself around the country and as always are subject to change, if you're in the area and want to hang out, let me know and we'll see if we can work something out. Have a great one!
5-7 March Houston, Texas
12-14 March Houston, Texas
30 March – 4 April Jonesboro, Arkansas
23-25 April Houston, Texas
28 April – 2 May Clackamas, Oregon
14-16 May Houston, Texas
18-23 May Iola, Kansas
3-6 June Houston, Texas
11-13 June Houston, Texas
9 July-24July Hastings, Nebraska
9July-11 July Houston, Texas
13-15 August Houston, Texas
10-12 September Houston,Texas
22-26 September Fort Chaffee, Arkansas
5-7 March Houston, Texas
12-14 March Houston, Texas
30 March – 4 April Jonesboro, Arkansas
23-25 April Houston, Texas
28 April – 2 May Clackamas, Oregon
14-16 May Houston, Texas
18-23 May Iola, Kansas
3-6 June Houston, Texas
11-13 June Houston, Texas
9 July-24July Hastings, Nebraska
9July-11 July Houston, Texas
13-15 August Houston, Texas
10-12 September Houston,Texas
22-26 September Fort Chaffee, Arkansas
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Are You Annoying? (Quiz #3)
Once again, you can find out just how annoying you really are. Fill out the following questionnaire and the experts at AmIAnnoying.com will carefully tally your score. For the most accurate results, please answer each question honestly. And whenever applicable, base your answers around your regular lifestyle. Your annoyingness will be judged with 14 easy questions.
Quiz Results
Points: 66
After extensive research, our crack team of psychologists have classified you as "moderately annoying." Not to worry though, it is perfectly acceptable to annoy others sparingly. It reminds them that you still exist.
Time Spent: 3:56
Make Plans for this!
Sunday 11 April:
Engine Room, Houston, Texas, USA
Monday 12 April:
Trees, Dallas, Texas, USA
Tuesday 13 April:
La Zona Rosa, Austin, Texas, USA
that's right the darkness in Austin....
Tickets on sale Saturday, February 28th at noon!
The quartet, The Darkness, single-handedly resurrected the rather unfashionable sounds and attitudes of late 70s hard rock for unsuspecting generations. Using outrageous stage antics that include gaudy leotards, leaps and splits, and ear-piercing falsettos has made this band roll out high-energy sets that are now known as legendary. Be sure to catch The Darkness. For they will show you how to really rock.
Once again, you can find out just how annoying you really are. Fill out the following questionnaire and the experts at AmIAnnoying.com will carefully tally your score. For the most accurate results, please answer each question honestly. And whenever applicable, base your answers around your regular lifestyle. Your annoyingness will be judged with 14 easy questions.
Quiz Results
Points: 66
After extensive research, our crack team of psychologists have classified you as "moderately annoying." Not to worry though, it is perfectly acceptable to annoy others sparingly. It reminds them that you still exist.
Time Spent: 3:56
Make Plans for this!
Sunday 11 April:
Engine Room, Houston, Texas, USA
Monday 12 April:
Trees, Dallas, Texas, USA
Tuesday 13 April:
La Zona Rosa, Austin, Texas, USA
that's right the darkness in Austin....
Tickets on sale Saturday, February 28th at noon!
The quartet, The Darkness, single-handedly resurrected the rather unfashionable sounds and attitudes of late 70s hard rock for unsuspecting generations. Using outrageous stage antics that include gaudy leotards, leaps and splits, and ear-piercing falsettos has made this band roll out high-energy sets that are now known as legendary. Be sure to catch The Darkness. For they will show you how to really rock.
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Texas Proverb
Life is NOT like a box of chocolates.
Life is like a jar of jalapenos.
What you do today
May burn your ass tomorrow.
Perhaps you have seen this before. It is a touching tribute to our armed forces.
(turn on speakers)
Life is NOT like a box of chocolates.
Life is like a jar of jalapenos.
What you do today
May burn your ass tomorrow.
Perhaps you have seen this before. It is a touching tribute to our armed forces.
(turn on speakers)
Saturday, February 07, 2004
I want to say that I hate the idea of Valentines Day. the idea that I am supposed to have someone in my life then go through the entire commercialized process of being romantic with a red, heart shaped box and some flowers, while having planned an entire evening around dinner and some type of event just to possibly show my interest in a certain female is ridiculous!
Contrived, commercialized romance isn't a reality, it's all a fantasy or as I like to call it in plainer terms a lie and lieing to someone you care about isn't the way to handle or develop a relationship...
This is just me ranting, raving and whatever about crap that you could probably care less about, sorry for bothering you, but the commercialization of holidays has taken all meaning from them for me and if you're wondering, yes I am single and will be for Valentines day and I couldn't be more... oh forget it, who am I kidding of course I'd like someone to buy candy for and all that crap. So I'm a hypocrite.. get over it.
Contrived, commercialized romance isn't a reality, it's all a fantasy or as I like to call it in plainer terms a lie and lieing to someone you care about isn't the way to handle or develop a relationship...
This is just me ranting, raving and whatever about crap that you could probably care less about, sorry for bothering you, but the commercialization of holidays has taken all meaning from them for me and if you're wondering, yes I am single and will be for Valentines day and I couldn't be more... oh forget it, who am I kidding of course I'd like someone to buy candy for and all that crap. So I'm a hypocrite.. get over it.
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
20 days, it's been 20 days since I've last posted a thought here, y'all are right it's been almost a month and you've been left wondering, wondering what's going on in the life of Hugh, This average boy grown to an average man, or has he?
my life isn't as bad as I make it out to be, I know this, Yes, I am going through some rough times, but I tend to magnify them in my own head. having someone there to talk to just helps me get it all out. I've told you before that I hate being alone with my thoughts, my imagination is too imaginative. do you understand what I'm saying? yes, everyone hates to be alone, but I think I'm destined to have these short lived relationships, you know the ones that only last a few months and then I push them away, or something else happens, I hate being alone, but I think I enjoy the pain, it helps me write sometimes. to get the emotion out, to feel again, I think I do my best writing when I'm sad or depressed. Most of you don't know, but I put on a good mask, I've been unhappy for a very long time. so stop pushing them away you say? stop telling them things they don't want to hear, hide the truth from them, I can't do that, that's not me. So I tell them or I don't tell them what I'm feeling and it's so hard to even realize I'm doing it, even though I know in some odd way that I'm doing it. it's subconcious I think. Perhaps I should stop dating or even looking for the perfect girl until I fix my problem? Yet my problem stems from dating and I can't stop, I just need to figure out where to go from here, I'm working on it though one day though I believe I'll just be walking along and I'm going to have this moment where everything seems clear and then wham, I'm going to be hit by a city bus and I won't have to worry about it anymore. But we'll deal with that when the time comes.
On to other things:
My two week job with the COOP lasted one week and I didn't even get all forty of my hours, but I made enough to buy a textbook and pay for school partially. I only have to come up with another $72.00 by March now, which I hope I will be able to do without having to sell any more of my stuff.
I would like to say thank you to my good friend Zach ( aka SimpleSimon, why he calls himself this I do not know, there is nothing simple about this man ) he is a good friend. It's interesting to note that I'm being paid to blog so I must at least attempt to return his investment.
There are those of you out there that I miss, all of you my friends, my acquantances, my family, my loved ones, those of you who are in my life and those who are no longer in my life, you'll never know how much you truly mean to me. I care for you all very deeply and wish for nothing but the best in life for you all.
It seems my family will soon have some good things coming to them, which will be a load off my mind, I don't know where they're going to end up, but hopefully it will be someplace good, they haven't always been there for each other and even now, they have their moments, but I believe that things will get better for them.
My friends, John and Jamie are getting married this month on the 14th of February, Yes Valentines day, somewhere near Houston, I'm not sure if I can make the wedding, but I am working out some arrangements.
I'm always thinking about what I need to think about, I know I need to be more open, more free, but I lock myself into a shell, I know I'm afraid to get hurt, but I need to just free myself, to be who I need to be, what I need to be, to let the tide of destiny sweep me along, yet we all know that's a bunch of crap, destiny isn't predetermined. We all make for ourselves our own destiny. What will mine be? that remains to be seen.
Some people tell me I'm a jerk and an asshole and I can't agree more with them, I know I'm a selfish bastard, but I try not to be always, I try to be a good friend, a good listener, I try to be there when someone needs my help, when others are in need I have answered the call and yes I have reaped the rewards and I am very much appreciative of those of you out there that deem me worthy of such as you have given me. I only hope that I can live up to your expectations. I've been told that I'm going to hell for things I've done in my past, well big deal, I deal with that when I get there, I'm here on planet earth now, and I choose to deal with this life, not the next existence, that will come when it comes. Right now I'm focused on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, to paraphrase both thomas jefferson and John Locke ( Locke it was who said it first but instead of Happiness, he wrote property, I like how Jefferson changed it ).
This is and isn't the truth. you can't tell emotion through a chat program or by posting to a blog, this is just words in text on a screen. little block letters that are just words without substance, without being able to see a reaction from the person typing them or saying them there is nothing that can either be mean or not be mean.
you're the only people I really talk to, I have a lot going on in my life and it seems you're the only ones listening, so you're going to get the full brunt of it all and yet as always I leave things out. what you wonder? you'll never know.
my head ache's, it's been like this for several days now, I think I have too much going on in my brain, what do you think about when you're all alone, when you think the world has deserted you, when it's all quiet and the hour is late, what do you think about in a room full of silence? I was able to not think about my headache for a good while, while playing games with some friends from the building, but now that they are over and it's late, all is quiet, my head and neck are starting to hurt like crazy now, it's sitting behind my eyes for some reason, I think it might also be allergy related but I'm not sure. it's just something I have to deal with, maybe I'll move to New Mexico, it's very dry there, I wouldn't have to deal with my allergies as much, but I think I won't move to New Mexico, there isn't much there for me. I'm having a hard enough time living here that I don't need to complicate the matter by moving further away. would any of you miss me? all the relationship/friendship we have now would be the same. either phone or internet. If I moved a 5,000 miles away what would change between us?
I'm Human, that means I'm flesh, blood and bone, plus a few other things. A simple meatbag with feelings and emotions, a soul if you will. what am I getting at you might ask? I am nothing special, I'm not unique, I am just like everyone else and like everyone else I'll either survive or I won't, that is life. I know I don't make sense most of the time and that my thoughts jump from topic to topic and that I make references to things that only I can make out and I'm both sorry and not sorry for that. It is what it is and I am what I am. I don't get me, which is why you'll never get me. I can't even accurately describe myself, I believe I'm a Human Chameleon, which means that I constantly change, I adapt to my situation. I can fit in with almost any group. I'm so average it hurts sometimes, 6'2 brown hair, brown eyes, white male, middle class American, how average is that I ask of you?
You are all beautiful people, sometimes... what does that mean you might ask? you listen to me, when I'm being a jerk and an asshole. well we all have our moments where we aren't at our best and I mean that emotionally, not physical beauty, but when you listen to me vent and just blather away, then it comes through in waves and when you listen to others, when you genuinely care about the welfare of others, that is beautiful, to me at least. you actually talk to me, and you give me advice even if I don't take it, you tell me what I should hear rather than feeding me a line and that makes you even more beautiful in my eyes.you listen and you talk to me, you actually have something to say and you stand by what you say and I respect that.
right now, these past few days, I have been ugly, I am still ugly, but I'm working on it. I do have a reason to be angry and upset. I won't go into it, but it's my own fault for letting my emotions get the better of me. Once again something precious and beautiful has slipped through my grasp, like so much sand upon the desert, and even though there is more sand in the desert, I valued this part more than all the rest, we shall see what time and the winds bring us, shall it return to me, or be so much dust in the wind of my past?
I'm a selfish bastard sometimes, but I am glad that I have people like you in my life, that I can share my thoughts and feelings with I still care about you and in time, our friendship will grow and change and all that stuff, Regardless of what happens in our lives there are going to be memories of everything and they are good memories and there are bad memories. You have all brought a little light into my otherwise dark world and you still hold a flame burning bright, to help me hold back the darkness.
This is me trying to take a stand for myself, to steady myself in this river of emotion, if I've seemed a bit rough around the edges it's because I'm afraid of drowning. I told y'all before I have a lot going on in my life, and you're the only one's I seem to be able to talk to about it. I just have to learn to sit down and type, though I should probably become more cohesive in my thoughts and not dwell on the negative so much. If this all seems disjointed and irregular well it's because I've been typing this off and on all day, thank for your patience and for reading this. I'll try to do better in the future.
my life isn't as bad as I make it out to be, I know this, Yes, I am going through some rough times, but I tend to magnify them in my own head. having someone there to talk to just helps me get it all out. I've told you before that I hate being alone with my thoughts, my imagination is too imaginative. do you understand what I'm saying? yes, everyone hates to be alone, but I think I'm destined to have these short lived relationships, you know the ones that only last a few months and then I push them away, or something else happens, I hate being alone, but I think I enjoy the pain, it helps me write sometimes. to get the emotion out, to feel again, I think I do my best writing when I'm sad or depressed. Most of you don't know, but I put on a good mask, I've been unhappy for a very long time. so stop pushing them away you say? stop telling them things they don't want to hear, hide the truth from them, I can't do that, that's not me. So I tell them or I don't tell them what I'm feeling and it's so hard to even realize I'm doing it, even though I know in some odd way that I'm doing it. it's subconcious I think. Perhaps I should stop dating or even looking for the perfect girl until I fix my problem? Yet my problem stems from dating and I can't stop, I just need to figure out where to go from here, I'm working on it though one day though I believe I'll just be walking along and I'm going to have this moment where everything seems clear and then wham, I'm going to be hit by a city bus and I won't have to worry about it anymore. But we'll deal with that when the time comes.
On to other things:
My two week job with the COOP lasted one week and I didn't even get all forty of my hours, but I made enough to buy a textbook and pay for school partially. I only have to come up with another $72.00 by March now, which I hope I will be able to do without having to sell any more of my stuff.
I would like to say thank you to my good friend Zach ( aka SimpleSimon, why he calls himself this I do not know, there is nothing simple about this man ) he is a good friend. It's interesting to note that I'm being paid to blog so I must at least attempt to return his investment.
There are those of you out there that I miss, all of you my friends, my acquantances, my family, my loved ones, those of you who are in my life and those who are no longer in my life, you'll never know how much you truly mean to me. I care for you all very deeply and wish for nothing but the best in life for you all.
It seems my family will soon have some good things coming to them, which will be a load off my mind, I don't know where they're going to end up, but hopefully it will be someplace good, they haven't always been there for each other and even now, they have their moments, but I believe that things will get better for them.
My friends, John and Jamie are getting married this month on the 14th of February, Yes Valentines day, somewhere near Houston, I'm not sure if I can make the wedding, but I am working out some arrangements.
I'm always thinking about what I need to think about, I know I need to be more open, more free, but I lock myself into a shell, I know I'm afraid to get hurt, but I need to just free myself, to be who I need to be, what I need to be, to let the tide of destiny sweep me along, yet we all know that's a bunch of crap, destiny isn't predetermined. We all make for ourselves our own destiny. What will mine be? that remains to be seen.
Some people tell me I'm a jerk and an asshole and I can't agree more with them, I know I'm a selfish bastard, but I try not to be always, I try to be a good friend, a good listener, I try to be there when someone needs my help, when others are in need I have answered the call and yes I have reaped the rewards and I am very much appreciative of those of you out there that deem me worthy of such as you have given me. I only hope that I can live up to your expectations. I've been told that I'm going to hell for things I've done in my past, well big deal, I deal with that when I get there, I'm here on planet earth now, and I choose to deal with this life, not the next existence, that will come when it comes. Right now I'm focused on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, to paraphrase both thomas jefferson and John Locke ( Locke it was who said it first but instead of Happiness, he wrote property, I like how Jefferson changed it ).
This is and isn't the truth. you can't tell emotion through a chat program or by posting to a blog, this is just words in text on a screen. little block letters that are just words without substance, without being able to see a reaction from the person typing them or saying them there is nothing that can either be mean or not be mean.
you're the only people I really talk to, I have a lot going on in my life and it seems you're the only ones listening, so you're going to get the full brunt of it all and yet as always I leave things out. what you wonder? you'll never know.
my head ache's, it's been like this for several days now, I think I have too much going on in my brain, what do you think about when you're all alone, when you think the world has deserted you, when it's all quiet and the hour is late, what do you think about in a room full of silence? I was able to not think about my headache for a good while, while playing games with some friends from the building, but now that they are over and it's late, all is quiet, my head and neck are starting to hurt like crazy now, it's sitting behind my eyes for some reason, I think it might also be allergy related but I'm not sure. it's just something I have to deal with, maybe I'll move to New Mexico, it's very dry there, I wouldn't have to deal with my allergies as much, but I think I won't move to New Mexico, there isn't much there for me. I'm having a hard enough time living here that I don't need to complicate the matter by moving further away. would any of you miss me? all the relationship/friendship we have now would be the same. either phone or internet. If I moved a 5,000 miles away what would change between us?
I'm Human, that means I'm flesh, blood and bone, plus a few other things. A simple meatbag with feelings and emotions, a soul if you will. what am I getting at you might ask? I am nothing special, I'm not unique, I am just like everyone else and like everyone else I'll either survive or I won't, that is life. I know I don't make sense most of the time and that my thoughts jump from topic to topic and that I make references to things that only I can make out and I'm both sorry and not sorry for that. It is what it is and I am what I am. I don't get me, which is why you'll never get me. I can't even accurately describe myself, I believe I'm a Human Chameleon, which means that I constantly change, I adapt to my situation. I can fit in with almost any group. I'm so average it hurts sometimes, 6'2 brown hair, brown eyes, white male, middle class American, how average is that I ask of you?
You are all beautiful people, sometimes... what does that mean you might ask? you listen to me, when I'm being a jerk and an asshole. well we all have our moments where we aren't at our best and I mean that emotionally, not physical beauty, but when you listen to me vent and just blather away, then it comes through in waves and when you listen to others, when you genuinely care about the welfare of others, that is beautiful, to me at least. you actually talk to me, and you give me advice even if I don't take it, you tell me what I should hear rather than feeding me a line and that makes you even more beautiful in my eyes.you listen and you talk to me, you actually have something to say and you stand by what you say and I respect that.
right now, these past few days, I have been ugly, I am still ugly, but I'm working on it. I do have a reason to be angry and upset. I won't go into it, but it's my own fault for letting my emotions get the better of me. Once again something precious and beautiful has slipped through my grasp, like so much sand upon the desert, and even though there is more sand in the desert, I valued this part more than all the rest, we shall see what time and the winds bring us, shall it return to me, or be so much dust in the wind of my past?
I'm a selfish bastard sometimes, but I am glad that I have people like you in my life, that I can share my thoughts and feelings with I still care about you and in time, our friendship will grow and change and all that stuff, Regardless of what happens in our lives there are going to be memories of everything and they are good memories and there are bad memories. You have all brought a little light into my otherwise dark world and you still hold a flame burning bright, to help me hold back the darkness.
This is me trying to take a stand for myself, to steady myself in this river of emotion, if I've seemed a bit rough around the edges it's because I'm afraid of drowning. I told y'all before I have a lot going on in my life, and you're the only one's I seem to be able to talk to about it. I just have to learn to sit down and type, though I should probably become more cohesive in my thoughts and not dwell on the negative so much. If this all seems disjointed and irregular well it's because I've been typing this off and on all day, thank for your patience and for reading this. I'll try to do better in the future.
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