Today is a Wednesday, A day just like any other day, the middle of the week, anticipation is building for the weekend. But this weekend is different from all others in a certain respect, I'll be headed to Houston and once there I'll be helping my parents move whatever is left of their belongings out of the house they've lived in for almost a year. I don't know yet where they're going to end up, I don't think they have a plan or anything set up.
I also have duty this weekend, I made a promise to both myself and my country, but a profound lesson I'm still learning and that is echoed by Retired U.S. Army Major Coffey is that "It ain't about you." It ain't about your boss or the Army either. It's about taking care of your soldiers and serving this nation's defense needs. The Army is only the organizational venue to make this happen. One not-so-pleasant morning in Ranger School when I was down and out and feeling sorry for myself, a wise Master Sergeant, who "knew the deal," pulled me aside and explained to me, "It ain't about you." It was a profound lesson taught to me during my green days as a Second Lieutenant. In so many words he told me that "service" and being an officer was about the soldiers you lead, the nation you serve and the ideals you embrace, and that any consideration of "self" had no place in this Army business. It took some time and thought, but his words of wisdom finally set in and were fully understood. He knew the deal, and cared enough to explain it to me. "
Yes, I have duty this weekend, but it's not just about me having duty it's about all those other soldiers above and below me having duty as well and taking care of business, because that's the right thing to do. Yet I am so conflicted with my sense of duty and my sense of self. I want so much in life and yet I feel like I've been pushed and pulled along this path by forces and events out of my control.
I think I think too much. Sometimes my mind literally runs away from me, I've got so much going on in my head, it's just hard to keep up.
I want to take the time to say that I miss my friends, all of you near and far and I want to thank you for being a part of my life even when I've not been a part of yours. you all rock!
My email account is in a state of flux, I've had it for years, but I think it's time for it to retire, even though it's being done without my consent. Apparantly it's a source of email virus's and the site might have to delete it for the common good. So what do you think my new email should be?
Possible 2004 Tour Dates For myself around the country and as always are subject to change, Have a great one!
5-7 March Houston, Texas
12-14 March Houston, Texas
30 March ? 4 April Jonesboro, Arkansas
23-25 April Houston, Texas
28 April ? 2 May Clackamas, Oregon
14-16 May Houston, Texas
18-23 May Iola, Kansas
3-6 June Houston, Texas
11-13 June Houston, Texas
9 July-24July Hastings, Nebraska
9July-11 July Houston, Texas
13-15 August Houston, Texas
10-12 September Houston,Texas
22-26 September Fort Chaffee, Arkansas
my schedule from 15Mar2004-20Mar2004 at Barton Springs.
15 M 7:45am - 2:30p.m.
16 T 7:45am - 2:30p.m.
17 W 7:45am - 2:30p.m.
18 Th - Free!!!!!!!!!!
19 F 7:45am - 3:30p.m.
20 Sa 7:45am - 2:30p.m.
21 Su - Free!!!!
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