Sunday, September 11, 2005

4 years ago today, in a few hours the world changed forever. I remember. Do you?

I know where I was and what I was doing and I still can't believe it happened. I mourn not only the individuals who lost their lives, but the innocence and isolationist thought that America lost, though some would say that thinking about the world and how it affects us all is a good thing. I am one of those people. We all need to look beyond our borders and see the world, We need to think of others and help them, even though they might not help us. This is especially true in the wake of so many natural disasters throughout the world. The Tsunami, the Hurricanes that hit the southern America coastline, the stampede that cost a thousand lives in Iraq and so many other events that could have been averted or at least planned better for, yet unfortunately they were not and we cannot dwell upon the past mistakes too long, we must acknowledge and move forward and deal with the situation now. So think about your fellow man and woman and see how you can help them and in the end you will be helping yourself. Thank you.

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