The Friday Five for Jun 20, 2003, Some of you have asked me how this works, where I come up with the questions and whatnot, You simply go to the site and answer the following five questions in your weblog or journal. Make sure you leave a comment there with a link to your post (or just leave your answers in the comments section).
1. Is your hair naturally curly, wavy, or straight? Long or short?
short, thin fine straight hair
2. How has your hair changed over your lifetime?
I've mostly had it cut short, but for the awhile I had long past shoulder length hair and for awhile I was bald.
3. How do your normally wear your hair?
short on the sides, blocked in the back, faded up to the top, which I keep a bit longer and parted on the left side.
4. If you could change your hair this minute, what would it look like?
I've thought of changing the color, to something totally different from my normal brown, I though I might go dark black.
5. Ever had a hair disaster? What happened?
When I let my hair grow long I didn't take care of it and it was nasty, also my hair is thin and fine so it doesn't hold hairspray or gel very well and when the wind catches it, well you guessed it, my hair is everywhere.
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