Monday, June 30, 2003

this morning I had the opportunity to take part in the army physical fitness test and now my body is so shredded... I'm glad to say that I passed it, at the minor expense of my health for the next several days. I workout daily, but on Test days I always take a little something extra to get me going, this morning consisted of about 3 redbulls, a bananna and a cliff bar, my heart was ramming against my ribcage and then I started on the test... right now my heartrate is still jumping, my right half of my head is simply pain, my legs are on fire and my arms are barely able to allow me to type this and my abdomen is cramping up, I'm trying to get water into my system, but I gotta do it slow...need to take my time to rebuild, oh wait, I've got to work today, no rest for the weary, just a shower and a quick change then it's high ho high ho off to work I fun fun for everyone!

In other news this weekend was great. I was able to have so much fun with my friends that I only partially got my homework done for class tonight, hooray, gonna cram all I can in the few minutes before class begins tonight, come up with something brilliant like I always do. My truck is still making funny noises, I just had the brakes worked on last Monday. I'm not liking the idea that I may have to spend more money on it to get it working right.

In other news I may be purchasing a Jeep Cherokee Sport soon, though I still have to view it and get it checked out. I also recently retrieved a book of writing of mine from my friend Clay and Suzannah, they're moving so I wanted to get it before they make the move, even though it's local things still have a habit of disappearing.

After today, I have 11 days and then I'm on a plane, this past weekend my good friend Adam Giralba moved with his family to Washington D.C., you will be missed, Also in a few more days my good friend Haitham will be going to Jordan for a month or so and then back for a couple of weeks before venturing over to Puerto Rico to live and help run his father's business. He is new to the group and will be missed as much. I don't know when I'll be able to return, the life of a soldier is not his own, he goes where the decisions of others send him. My good friend Tim from Austin was accepted into a Music School in New York and will be leaving soon, Alex and Juibo also are moving I hear, so many friends all scattering to the winds...

*sigh* time to get back to work

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