June 3: Animals on This-or-That Tuesday!
1. Cats or dogs? I like options of both
2. Butterflies or birds? I'm for the birds
3. Horses or cows? A horse of course
4. Turtles or snakes? ooh tough one...Turtles, the Teenage Mutant Ninja kind that is
5. Frogs or grasshoppers? Go Kermit Go!!
6. Lions or tigers? Or bears oh my...lol...Tigers
7. Elephants or mice? Depends on the mouse, is it Mickey or that hot little honey Minnie?
8. Porcupines or aardvarks? What?!? how about an aardvark, that dudes tongue must drive the ladies wild
9. Unicorns or dragons? Fear my reign of fire!! For I am the Dragon Reborn!
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You live in a rather dumpy apartment. A friend offers you a chance to be a roommate at a new place s/he is moving into, but they don't allow pets. You have a pet. Do you find your pet a new home and take the new place, or do you keep your pet and stay put?
This is a tough one as the question really doesn't describe what kind of pet I have, or even if my friend wants to try to find something else. I'd have to withold my answer until I get more clarification.
That's it for the This-or-That Tuesday!
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