Thursday, July 31, 2003

In an unfortunate/fortunate turn of events I will not be going on the mission as previously noted, I will however be in town for Alicia's Birthday! ( at least as far as I know) you can learn more about her at

Sorry for the short post. life's been a little crazy lately, The Army is always a Hurry up and wait type of organization which changes it's mind on a moments basis. So I passed my physical fitness test this morning for nothing, well not nothing I know that I can pass the standards that are set and that is something positive.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

in a totally unrelated post that will make you smile anyway, The incredible Hulk's Blog. Have a nice day! I'm leaving work now!
TEMPORARILY I'M OUT OF ORDER my reccomendation for the day don't bite the hand that feeds the gift horse that you can't look at in the mouth that bites off more bullets than he can chew. I hope all your dreams come true. I am currently accepting applications for drinking buddies, that swear like sailors, drink like pirates, and have hearts of gold. I can always use another ass to be smart with or something like that.

Goodmorning everybody, last night was a late one for the ol'Hughster and this morning's breakfast consisted of pretzels and red bull and I'm existing in a fog of caffeine and mental wonderings. So here I sit all caffeineted and thinking.

I'm planning to be at Starbucks for a bit tonight if y'all want to meet up let me know or hell just show up.

"Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times." -Anon.

"People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost." -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

"Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action." -Benjamin Disraeli

Basically I'm Happy and I know that it requires work to be such, but most of the time it's easy other times it's not so easy. It is a choice that requires effort to not fall into a funk or let things get you down. Not everyone's view of happiness isn't the same as everyone else that's what makes this world so great, sometimes we stray from the path and we could use the help of our friends and I'm glad for mine. I know I truly live for others, my friends are chief among the things that make me happy and I am glad for that. In order to be happy you must make a concerted effort to be happy you must act happy and you will eventually be happy. If you sit idle and alone you're going to feel idle and alone and that road leads to nowhere but sadness. If that should ever occur give me a call and I'll be more than willing to listen or come if you need me.

We might be best friends one year,
Pretty good friends the next year.
Don't talk that often the next year,
Don't want to talk at all the year after that.

So, I just wanted to say,
Even if I never talk to you again in my life,
You are special to me and you have made a difference
in my life.
I respect you, and truly cherish you.

No matter how often we talk,
Or how close we are, or are not
I just want to let old friends know I
Haven't forgotten them, and to tell new friends I never

Remember, everyone needs a friend.
Someday you might feel like you have no friends at

Just remember this post and take comfort in knowing
that someone out there cares about you and always

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

I'm patiently awaiting the next installment of This or That Tuesdays.

In other news I'm still a little frustrated, but I'm dealing with it. I was able to vent a little and that has helped a tremendous amount, Thank you all for bearing with me in my own mental crisis.

Today should be a good day, there is no other way to describe my expectations

*UPDATE as of 3:15p.m. 29July2003*
Today was a good day, will goals accomplished and plans made, I'm still working on plans though, never idle for very long am I. I'm glad to report that I am in a happier mood thanks to a certain phone call I received last night that just made me smile like crazy, ah plans are indeed being made. I'm still leaving again on Friday, though that still rests on what happens Thursday morning. The Army has a rule that all soldiers going on a mission must be physically fit, so they test us before we go. As if we didn't have enough pressure on us already with the lives of our fellow soldiers in our hands. So I hit the gym hardcore this afternoon, though I did most of my workout outside in the 100 plus degree heat and am feeling a little light headed, and I have an hour drive or more to the northside after this, why we don't do physical training in the morning I don't know. Anyway I'm going to cool down and hit the road. if you want to make sure that I get home safely feel free to contact me at any time. Have a great one!

And now for my public service announcement of the day:
10 Tips for Backpacking
10. Always underpack, as you'll end up wearing most of the same stuff anyways. Allow for weather, but disregard a fresh-ironed fashion sense. Remember, you'll be carrying everything on your back.
9. Stay in hostels as often as possible. If you're not a delicate sleeper and don't mind sacrificing a little privacy and some pampering, they're the best place to meet new people and get the real scoop on the places you're staying. They're also the cheapest option by far.
8. Be careful what you bring with you between countries, you know what we mean? What might be legal in one country, or a slap on the wrist in the U.S., could be a huge deal just one country over, and American tourists are often searched. You remember all those movies with naive Americans in foreign jails? Don't be that kid. Your real-life cellmate probably won't be as attractive as Claire Danes.
7. Don't bring anything too nice, like laptops or expensive cameras. You'll stand out as a target and spend the whole time worrying about it. Buy disposable cameras along the way and send them home when they fill up.
6. Try not to travel in too big of a group. Anything more than two people and you risk isolating yourself from meeting anyone new. The same goes for guy and girl groups of two. If you look like a couple, people will probably treat you like a couple. That really hurts your chances of any hookups.
5. Learn the name and a good pronunciation of the place you're staying, as well as the name of the largest street it's near. This leaves the option of cabs open, and you don't have to worry about getting lost along the subways of some new country or finding your way back after too long at the club.
4. Don't count your money in public. Keep a small amount in an accessible pocket to pay for your lunch or small incidentals, and keep the rest in a travel wallet or tucked away somewhere on you. This way you don't have to lug out a big pimp-roll every time you want to buy a drink.
3. Keep your passport and your license in different places, along with a photocopy of your passport. Never have one bag that you'd be absolutely screwed if you lost.
2. Take plastic trash bags -- you'll be surprised how often you'll use them. They're good for everything from a poor man's tent to a raincoat, carrying dirty or wet laundry, trash and for wrapping up your more delicate items when you're really roughing it.
1. Keep your schedule as open as possible. A place you thought you might have wanted to be for four days might start feeling old after two. You'll probably also miss a train here or there or miscalculate traveling time, and a strict itinerary of sightseeing and hotel reservations will feel like an overwhelming obligation.

I will be posting more later so stay tuned!

Monday, July 28, 2003

I had an awesome past four days while in Austin and last night some people had to go an fuck it up, thanks a freaking lot for busting my natural high with all your crap, and you want to know what else is going on? this morning the shit keeps coming, what the fuck is wrong with you people is it crap on Hugh week or what? I'm seriously going to loose it sometime real soon and just beat the hell out of someone. damn I'm angry, and I don't get angry!! I keep a tight reign on my emotions, I hold them close inside. my usual existence is one of a zen mental calm but y'all seem to want to persist in trying to force me out of it.

I hate people who want to play games both figuratively and metaphorically, y'all want to stack the deck against your opponents so that you can shine and feel all good about yourselves. that's no challenge it's simply disgustingly disrespectful.

I had something good going and y'all fucked it up.

I live within a tight restraint of codes and ethics, you don't seem to realize this, yeah I laugh and I joke a lot, but I control myself. I place a restriction or I say I'm going to do something and I do it. I knew my time here was only temporary so I decided to not try to form a relationship with anyone and when I in the last few weeks of my being here I violate my own code and everything's going to shit and I've got too much to deal with to think about it.

You might see me for about five minutes before I leave again. I leave on friday Aug 1st and will return about the 15th and then I turn right back around and leave again on the 17th, but I should be back by the 23rd or possibly later. I have no idea where I'm going, but the pressure and the responsibilities are intensely enormous and it's crushing me, not to mention the fact that there's talk of me being released from Active Service after I return so I have to line up a job in this messed up civillian world, college is still up in the air, where I'm going to live is almost uncertain. How my family is going to be able to cope when I'm gone, if I even get the chance to go. I've got friends here that I'll have to leave behind, not to mention certain others who are close to my heart and yet everyone expects me to be Happy Ol'Hugh... well screw you!! life ain't pretty... DEAL WITH IT!

ARRGHRRR!!!! my head is going to explode with all of this... Fuck I'm gone...

Saturday, July 26, 2003

There is out there one Blog to guide them all, And in the Darkness Blog Them. Tonight, this early morning, I blog this blog for you.

I'm currently in Austin and thouroughly enjoying the experience, I miss this town immensely. The mood, atmosphere and the scenery are by far unmatched. I long to return here fully and that is the reason I am here now, to prepare for my return.

While here in Austin, I have noticed changes to the landscape or should I say cityscape. old establishments are gone, while new grow in their place, such is the life cycle of this town.

I will be returning to Houston soon, but not for long, work will soon take me away again, leaving the 1st of August I won't return for several weeks, and when I return I may not be staying very long and after I return from that I'll be better able to make a decision as to when I'll be able to return fully to Austin.

Tonight, this morning I want to say to all of you who matter and you know who you are because you're reading this or you're not, either way you all matter to me and I want to thank you for being a part of my life.

Tomorrow I will be at the Austin Gaming Expo a little fringe benefit that I didn't know about when I came up here. details will follow.

As for now, everyone have a great night and a great day!

Thursday, July 24, 2003

"One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams."
-E. V. Lucas, 365 Days and One More

"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country." -Anais Nin, The Diaries of Anaïs Nin

"Dreams are the touchstones of our character." -Henry David Thoreau

never stop dreaming or seeking or striving for your goals, life is beautiful as my friend Haitham says... I'm never gonna stop, so you'd better not.

By the way, I think I'm going to go to Austin this weekend...
Today I'm a new day rising...last night was beautiful...the dawn is so much the better for it.

Though I woke up late, got to work late, was yelled at for being late, I've got a blister on my foot, right between my toes from the physical fitness test I took yesterday and I was threatened with a paint detail all weekend, put in charge of a bunch of idiots and am about to go to lunch with a moron who doesn't have any cash to pay for his own lunch...there's oh so many more hours in the day to go...

tick tick tick... goes the clock...

Lunch was decent, Chick-fil-A'd it, the food was okay the company wasn't. now I've got some things to do, like work or something.

On behalf of ronincyberpunk:

I have less than 48 hours until it is time for me to spend 24 hours blogging, and living in this desk chair.

BLOGATHON 2003 - stay up late, make a difference.

48 hours for me to raise another two hundred dollars. My original goal was $1,000 for the Myeloproliferative Disease Foundation, so I'm planning to raise $200 before the event and then during the day and the day after I'm hoping to tip the scale past the mark.

Now, I need to make sure everyone who wants to donate knows how this will work - the MPD Foundation only accepts donations by Check.

And what do you get for donating? Well I'm going crazy trying to get rid of all this networth! Check this out:

$5 still gets you blogshares cash $10,000,000
$10 returns to you b$50,000,000
$25 returns to you b$250,000,000
$50 returns to you b$600,000,000
$100 returns to you b$1,500,000,000

Is that crazy or what!? --

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

July 22: Audience Potpourri Participation! an EXTENDED version of This-Or-That Tuesday!

1) DVD or VHS?
lately it's been DVD, it's just so portable and storable, though I still have a ton of VHS
2) Best Literary/Movie Villan: Voldemort (Harry Potter) or Sauron (LoTR)?
Voldemort's a pansy compared to Sauron, Voldemort couldn't even handle a little kid like harry potter fumbling through his so called magic spells, Sauron however has to deal with Gandalf, that's some major work there and he just throws him around like a rag doll at first and then creates a massive army of magically and genetically altered super-soldiers, Voldemort can't even light a candle compared to Sauron. And now that I've proclaimed my geekdom, let's move on. next question.
3) Meat: rare or well-done?
I like my meat medium-well, cooked just so that it's slightly tough, but still juicy.
4) High Speed Internet-Cable or DSL?
Wi-Fi baby it's all about the roaming freedom, other times I'm dealing with my T-1 connection here at work, but at home I have the option of getting Cable, but I really don't need it.
5) Women: 1-piece bathing suit or Bikini?
6) To be fair--Men: Boxers or briefs?
I'm a boxer's kind of guy, I like the freedom it affords me, cause I need room to move. but for working out I have some spandex type stay dry shorts I wear under my workout shorts.
7) Beer or Liquor/Wine?
I don't drink all that often and only with friends or possibly on a date, I guess it depends on the situation.
8) Coke or Mountain Dew? I don't drink coke's/soda and when I do it's rare, but I'll take a mountain dew over a coke any day. Have you seen the acid levels in Coke? that stuff could take the paint off cars and people put it in their stomachs, crazy.
9) In honor of my 10/18/03 nuptials: Morning or Afternoon/Night Wedding?
early morning leaves plenty of time in the day for other things, like the reception and everything, but it will leave you little time to get some sleep and get ready the afternoon will give you time to get ready and you can (if you can ) sleep in, but at night you'll have the stars to guide you.
10) Carpet or Hardwood Floors
Hardwood floors in the kitchen and possibly the living areas with throw rugs to help muffle the sound and something to roll around on in front of the fireplace. but carpet in the bedrooms, definitely. you don't want to wake up in the morning and put your feet down on a cold floor.
11) American cars or foreign?
Honestly I'm a big Toyota and Nissan fan, Trucks and SUV's mainly. I know, I know I should buy American to help on the homefront, but I like the look and the feel of the foreign make.
12) Cutest TV Twin: Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen?
These girls combined form the anti-christ... it's a sickening situation of juvenile exploitation.
13) Coffee: Caffeinated or Decaf?
Seriously, do you even have to ask this, Caffeine is my best friend and lately it's the only thing keeping me alive. Ah that sweet do I love thee? let me count the ways, coffee, tea, frappuccino, hot chocolate, red bull....ah sweet caffeine...
14) Thought-Provoking Question of the Week: Computers: Do they make life better or worse? Why?
As with everything there is a give and take to things, Computers are both good and bad, good in that they allow us to do so much more, to communicate across vast distances and create worlds of wonder. Bad in that they allow others easier access to personal information. Also with the advent of things like paper, books, computers and other storage devices have affected the human brain's capacity to remember and function and I'm not sure we as a species are better for it.

Moving on to the events of the day at hand or at the very least the morning post:

Yesterday I got the film developed from the Change of Command ceremony this past weekend and I'm sad to say that some of the pics didn't come out due to poor lighting, I'll remember to use color film next time in the bubble dome. I am glad to report that my good friend's Clay and Suzannah that crazy cute couple have finished moving into their new Ikea furnished apartment, it's like some great artists dream. my other good friend Grace has almost finished moving into her new apartment. I hear things are going well.

Last night when I got home I decided to spend some quality time with mi familia and my little brother, who incidently is not so little, he being about an inch taller than me, or maybe it's the boots he's always wearing...hmm...I know he's got me on weight, but I can take him with my years of experience and skill. We just gung out and goofed off until he had to go to work, he works nights and I work days so we hardly get to see each other. We had dinner with the family and I helped cook, incidently I love cooking. Afterwards we just sat and talked. I was feeling the lure of my favorite coffee house and friends, but I was feeling a bit lethargic and just couldn't seem to get up to go there. perhaps what I need is a change for a little while, it's kind of hard to sit there when all your friends are hooking up and you're still flying solo, I don't begrudge my friends happiness, I'm just tired of dwelling in my loneliness, you see my face and I'm smiling and laughing but thats just to cover the truth inside even then I'm not sure if what lies beneath the surface is the truth or not. I've gotten so good at masking my feelings and lying to myself that sometimes I don't know what the truth is. However; it was a good night spent with my family and later alone with my thoughts.

Now on a lighter note: Gotta run people, there's work to be done!

Monday, July 21, 2003

Monday bloody Monday, if you're in it to win it and want a good laugh go here

This past weekend was interesting to say the least, I hung out with the Houston Texans at their practice facility, participated in a division change of command ceremony as a guard, fried in my own juices in full battle dress uniform the evidence of which is still marked in the crazy tan on my head, almost got ran over several times. took some pictures, hung out with some crazy kids. Another excellent time was had at Starbucks with everyone, though Saturday I was feeling the heat from working outside all day and the absence of friends was felt deeply, a few of my friends have started a band and I realize it's going to take them away from me for awhile, but I'm just a selfish not-so-little guy and I'm happy for their opportunity more than happy ecstatic even. I'll just have to learn to live without them as I realize when I have things to do they have to learn to live without me.

So I have things to deal with as usual, plans are in motion and things will start to occur. I'm patiently awaiting the return of someone newly close to me, I wasn't looking for something to happen, but everything seemed to fall into place, we just began talking one day and that day turned into several where we have begun to get to know each other and though we've only been on one official date it was a good one and the memory has lasted, it still brings a smile to my face.

Other plans such as my preparation to return to Austin are in motion. I have phone calls to make and apartments to check on, job searches to do and college classes to prepare for. ah, life is grand. talk to me people!

Friday, July 18, 2003

Today's Friday Five seems a bit deep and personal:
1. When was the last time you cheated? I've never cheated on a relationship, though I have been known to cheat at cards.
2. When was the last time you stole? yesterday
3. When was the last time you lied? I don't remember, the truth is so much more fun to mess with.
4. When was the last time you broke or vandalized another's property? This morning, I spit on the Houston Texans Turf. Some sort of special million dollar grass, whatever that grass is my tax dollars not at work.
5. When was the last time you hurt a loved one? I think I may have hurt my Mom's feelings the other day, it's just so hard to tell, she's a big drama queen and uses emotion to get what she wants. my family exemplifies the word dysfunctional.

Today has been interesting, I'm involved in this huge change of command ceremony, I'm on guard detail, which is being held at the Houston Texans Practice field, there were several players in residence when we made our rounds and it was interesting to meet Mr. Mcnair. the day was long after that, A Storm blew in and shook the roof and tore some tiles loose flinging them through the parking lot into cars, crazy stuff I tell ya. it looks like tomorrows going to be a busy one here at work too, I hope I get off in time to see Clouseaux tomorrow night at Helios.

it's time to get off work, so I'm headed out of here. Call me if ya need me!

Thursday, July 17, 2003

It's Thursday in the big City, and I'm always planning for a trip that may never come whether overseas with STA Travel or locally with the Adventure bus at Adventure planet, who knows?
I need to get back to work aka reality...
more to come later in the day!

in fact here it is:

Invitation to join Friendster from Hugh Melrose
To: Everyone!
Body: Hugh Melrose has invited you to join Hugh's personal and private community at Friendster, where you and Hugh can network with each
other's friends.

Friendster is an online community that connects people through networks of friends for dating or making new friends.

Friendster is for people who are single, people in relationships, and anyone who wants to make new friends or help their friends meet new people.

You can use Friendster to:
* Meet new people to date, through your friends and their friends
* Make new friends
* Help your friends meet new people

Once you join Friendster, you will be automatically connected to your friend Hugh, and all of Hugh's friends.

Click below to join Friendster:

Oh man, A Ramen noodle and Red Bull lunch is not a healthy one, someone save me from this debacle of culinary disaster... screw work I'm going home.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Last night was a night well spent with Clay, Zach, Alicia, Anita and Suzannah at Starbuck's playing chess, expounding on life, talking in odd accents and generally crossing the line.

It was good to get my mind off things for a while, there is so much I don't think I can talk about. Simple things, complex things and just things. Things are so up in the air with my life right now it's hard to make the plans I want to make. I think I have a way to get into college at UT-Austin through the ConAP. I'll just have to wait until the spring semester, we'll see what will be, will be. I've got to get to work so I'll post more later!

This or That for July 15: Summer Re-run! This is a repeat of the very first T-or-T, The Cartoon Edition!

1. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck? Bugs
2. Tom or Jerry? Jerry
3. Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck? Donald
4. Rocky & Bullwinkle or Boris & Natasha? R&B
5. Road Runner or Wile E. Coyote? Road Runner
6. Sylvester or Tweety? Tweety
7. Popeye or Bluto? Popeye
8. South Park or The Simpsons? The Simpsons
9. Jetsons or Flintstones? tough one, but Judy Jetson will win in the end.
10. And finally, the eternal question asked by all good Scooby-Doo fans: Velma or Daphne? Daphne's a hottie, but I've always gone for the intellectual type and I bet Velma's a little vixen under that sweater.

Monday, July 14, 2003

So yours truly is back in town.
Clouseaux & Three Fantastic!this Saturday the 19th.
@ Helios, 411 Westheimer (713-526-4648 )
see ya there!

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

*NEWS FLASH!!* My Finals are completed!!! WOO HOO, now I just need to prepare for my trip...

Tyson, Nicki, Adam and Haitham, friends scattered to the winds, You are all missed.

In other news I ran into someone I've been wanting to talk to for awhile this past weekend, it was awkward, but it's a start, hopefully a misunderstanding will be soon resolved and things will progress. It's hard to let someone into your life and then have them leave. It will take time, but I'm willing to wait.

Interesting events will be unfolding in the next few days, I'm not sure if I'll have time to post, but I'll say it here right now anyway. I'm leaving for a bit, heading out into the wide world. Don't worry though. I'll be back.

Don't forget to check out the latest mirror project

Todays July 8 This or ThatTitled: Summer Potpourri

1. Strawberries or blueberries? blueberries, but strawberry jelly and shakes are great!
2. "Legally Blonde 2" or "Terminator 3"? haven't seen either, yet
3. Hamburgers or hot dogs? Hamburgers every time
4. Boating or hiking? Hiking
5. Suntan lotion or sunblock? block
6. "Big Brother" or "The Amazing Race"? hands down the amazing race
7. Beach Boys or Jimmy Buffett? both
8. Grow your own produce or buy from supermarket/greengrocer/farm stand? buy
9. Drive with car windows/top down, or with air-conditioning on? windows down
10. Go away for vacation, or stay at home? away for vacation that's what it's for right?

Last weeks Friday Five, late but up:
1. What were your favorite childhood stories?
King Arthur and the knights of the round table
2. What books from your childhood would you like to share with [your] children?
all of them...
3. Have you re-read any of those childhood stories and been surprised by anything?
I recently reread some Dr. Seuss and the Tao of Pooh to bring me back down to unreality
4. How old were you when you first learned to read?
I think I learned to read before I learned to crawl and I haven't stopped since
5. Do you remember the first 'grown-up' book you read? How old were you?
6 or 7 I started in on reading hardcore at an early age... I know I'm such a nerd...

speaking of being nerdy, just when we all thought the Cartoon Network had the market on everything zany, imaginative and illustrative, here comes a site that breaks us free from the Hanna-Barbera chains of love. Now you can be your very own cartoonist with (Although we can't guarantee top-notch replications of crazy sounds, swirling bundles of fleeing-the-scene dust and mail-order ACME products.) This site provides the basics for kids and young adults to learn a downright zippy trade. Even if you have no interest in drawing or animation, take a spin —- we guarantee that you'll look at animation in a different light.

Monday, July 07, 2003

My friend, Haitham has gone on a vacation to Jordan over this past weekend, he'll be gone for a month and when returning he'll be in the process of moving to sunny Puerto Rico approximately two minutes from the beach( how's that for editing? ) and yet he has not left our thoughts, he is constantly in our conversations, we communicate as we can via the power of the networks and the internet, if you're reading this my friend, half a world away, know that you are missed and loved. Incidently, my friend Haitham has a friend named Robert, who threw him a 4th of July / Going away party, this friend just happened to be Robert Reid who used to play for the Rockets! That was way cool.

Recently I've been reading some articles concerning Non-Local Communication (NLC) and we all know that a little knowledge is dangerous, especially in my hands. NLC is the apparent communication of molecules and atoms across vast amounts of space regardless of time and space. Thus, one group of atoms may form a helix pattern, while, at practically the same time, millions of light-years away, another group of atoms is doing the exact same pattern.

On a more humanistic level, NLC is that strange "coincidence" that we often experience when two people say something at the same time, or when you think of a song and it just happens to be the next song played on the radio.

Many scientists feel that these incidences occur far too often to be mere coincidence and believe that their is some sub-atomic communication going on. The further claim, which I have seen, is that scientists, via NLC, are explaining the miracles of God (if you believe); thus, they are explaining away God in favor of science.

The reasoning here is that anything which we can not explain through science has always been attributed to God or magic. Even gravity is a miracle, as we can test it and see its effects everyday, but gravity is completely inexplicable.

My question, then, is are we slowly explaining the miracles scientifically, such that there is no God, or are we simply looking at the scientific repercussions of God's work? i.e. Did we evolve simply, or was evolution part of God's plan all along?

Secondly, if NLC works, which it seems to, what are the untapped resources out there for us to use? Maybe prayer is simply a primitive form of NLC. Maybe using magic and casting circles to gather "will" are also primitive forms of NLC. If we can harness this power, like we harness the power of electricity or fire, what will be possible in the future?

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Today is the day of today, ha! I won't be posting much in the next few days because of the Holiday, Happy July 4th by the way!, I also have a paper to write that is due in the next few hours and a class presentation to do also in a couple of hours. I love SCHOOL!! seriously, the collegiate system is a beautiful way to work out your brain... I just wish I had more time to devote to it.

Have a great Independence Day!

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

I'd rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are; because a could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I'd rather be a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; because a might-have-been has never been but a has-been was once an are. Oh and by the way, Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings... they did it by killing all those who opposed them...

I come to a
with a sign
but both roads
are called
This-or-That Tuesday July 1, 2003: Summer Fun!
The subject of todays this or that is "Summer Fun!"

1. Lemonade or Ice Cold Beer? it all really depends on the event, I don't drink alchohol a lot though, not that I don't like it, it's just not my first inclination.
2. Swimming pool or beach? there is so much more to do at a beach than at a swimming pool
3. Long weekends here & there, or a 2-week vacation? Yes
4. Destination: Acapulco or Hawaii?
5. Destination: Mountains or Beach? Both, especially if you're in Japan, Hawaii, Costa Rica, or the northern coast of California
6. Hotel/motel/B&B or camping? Camping rules, but getting cozy in a motel is good too
7. Carefully planned vacation, or play it by ear? both, plan for it and then go and experience it
8. Sneakers or sandals? sneakers
9. Air-conditioning or fans? A/C is one of the most beautiful inventions that has ever been made
10. Concerts in the park or baseball games? both, I'm an equal opportunity kind of guy.

have you ever noticed that an elevator is yet another box within a box designed to take you to a box?