July 22: Audience Potpourri Participation! an EXTENDED version of This-Or-That Tuesday!
1) DVD or VHS?
lately it's been DVD, it's just so portable and storable, though I still have a ton of VHS
2) Best Literary/Movie Villan: Voldemort (Harry Potter) or Sauron (LoTR)?
Voldemort's a pansy compared to Sauron, Voldemort couldn't even handle a little kid like harry potter fumbling through his so called magic spells, Sauron however has to deal with Gandalf, that's some major work there and he just throws him around like a rag doll at first and then creates a massive army of magically and genetically altered super-soldiers, Voldemort can't even light a candle compared to Sauron. And now that I've proclaimed my geekdom, let's move on. next question.
3) Meat: rare or well-done?
I like my meat medium-well, cooked just so that it's slightly tough, but still juicy.
4) High Speed Internet-Cable or DSL?
Wi-Fi baby it's all about the roaming freedom, other times I'm dealing with my T-1 connection here at work, but at home I have the option of getting Cable, but I really don't need it.
5) Women: 1-piece bathing suit or Bikini?
6) To be fair--Men: Boxers or briefs?
I'm a boxer's kind of guy, I like the freedom it affords me, cause I need room to move. but for working out I have some spandex type stay dry shorts I wear under my workout shorts.
7) Beer or Liquor/Wine?
I don't drink all that often and only with friends or possibly on a date, I guess it depends on the situation.
8) Coke or Mountain Dew? I don't drink coke's/soda and when I do it's rare, but I'll take a mountain dew over a coke any day. Have you seen the acid levels in Coke? that stuff could take the paint off cars and people put it in their stomachs, crazy.
9) In honor of my 10/18/03 nuptials: Morning or Afternoon/Night Wedding?
early morning leaves plenty of time in the day for other things, like the reception and everything, but it will leave you little time to get some sleep and get ready the afternoon will give you time to get ready and you can (if you can ) sleep in, but at night you'll have the stars to guide you.
10) Carpet or Hardwood Floors
Hardwood floors in the kitchen and possibly the living areas with throw rugs to help muffle the sound and something to roll around on in front of the fireplace. but carpet in the bedrooms, definitely. you don't want to wake up in the morning and put your feet down on a cold floor.
11) American cars or foreign?
Honestly I'm a big Toyota and Nissan fan, Trucks and SUV's mainly. I know, I know I should buy American to help on the homefront, but I like the look and the feel of the foreign make.
12) Cutest TV Twin: Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen?
These girls combined form the anti-christ... it's a sickening situation of juvenile exploitation.
13) Coffee: Caffeinated or Decaf?
Seriously, do you even have to ask this, Caffeine is my best friend and lately it's the only thing keeping me alive. Ah that sweet caffeine...mmm...how do I love thee? let me count the ways, coffee, tea, frappuccino, hot chocolate, red bull....ah sweet caffeine...
14) Thought-Provoking Question of the Week: Computers: Do they make life better or worse? Why?
As with everything there is a give and take to things, Computers are both good and bad, good in that they allow us to do so much more, to communicate across vast distances and create worlds of wonder. Bad in that they allow others easier access to personal information. Also with the advent of things like paper, books, computers and other storage devices have affected the human brain's capacity to remember and function and I'm not sure we as a species are better for it.
Moving on to the events of the day at hand or at the very least the morning post:
Yesterday I got the film developed from the Change of Command ceremony this past weekend and I'm sad to say that some of the pics didn't come out due to poor lighting, I'll remember to use color film next time in the bubble dome. I am glad to report that my good friend's Clay and Suzannah that crazy cute couple have finished moving into their new Ikea furnished apartment, it's like some great artists dream. my other good friend Grace has almost finished moving into her new apartment. I hear things are going well.
Last night when I got home I decided to spend some quality time with mi familia and my little brother, who incidently is not so little, he being about an inch taller than me, or maybe it's the boots he's always wearing...hmm...I know he's got me on weight, but I can take him with my years of experience and skill. We just gung out and goofed off until he had to go to work, he works nights and I work days so we hardly get to see each other. We had dinner with the family and I helped cook, incidently I love cooking. Afterwards we just sat and talked. I was feeling the lure of my favorite coffee house and friends, but I was feeling a bit lethargic and just couldn't seem to get up to go there. perhaps what I need is a change for a little while, it's kind of hard to sit there when all your friends are hooking up and you're still flying solo, I don't begrudge my friends happiness, I'm just tired of dwelling in my loneliness, you see my face and I'm smiling and laughing but thats just to cover the truth inside even then I'm not sure if what lies beneath the surface is the truth or not. I've gotten so good at masking my feelings and lying to myself that sometimes I don't know what the truth is. However; it was a good night spent with my family and later alone with my thoughts.
Now on a lighter note: http://www.showyourfriends.com/pictures.php. Gotta run people, there's work to be done!
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