I'm patiently awaiting the next installment of This or That Tuesdays.
In other news I'm still a little frustrated, but I'm dealing with it. I was able to vent a little and that has helped a tremendous amount, Thank you all for bearing with me in my own mental crisis.
Today should be a good day, there is no other way to describe my expectations
*UPDATE as of 3:15p.m. 29July2003*
Today was a good day, will goals accomplished and plans made, I'm still working on plans though, never idle for very long am I. I'm glad to report that I am in a happier mood thanks to a certain phone call I received last night that just made me smile like crazy, ah plans are indeed being made. I'm still leaving again on Friday, though that still rests on what happens Thursday morning. The Army has a rule that all soldiers going on a mission must be physically fit, so they test us before we go. As if we didn't have enough pressure on us already with the lives of our fellow soldiers in our hands. So I hit the gym hardcore this afternoon, though I did most of my workout outside in the 100 plus degree heat and am feeling a little light headed, and I have an hour drive or more to the northside after this, why we don't do physical training in the morning I don't know. Anyway I'm going to cool down and hit the road. if you want to make sure that I get home safely feel free to contact me at any time. Have a great one!
And now for my public service announcement of the day:
10 Tips for Backpacking
10. Always underpack, as you'll end up wearing most of the same stuff anyways. Allow for weather, but disregard a fresh-ironed fashion sense. Remember, you'll be carrying everything on your back.
9. Stay in hostels as often as possible. If you're not a delicate sleeper and don't mind sacrificing a little privacy and some pampering, they're the best place to meet new people and get the real scoop on the places you're staying. They're also the cheapest option by far.
8. Be careful what you bring with you between countries, you know what we mean? What might be legal in one country, or a slap on the wrist in the U.S., could be a huge deal just one country over, and American tourists are often searched. You remember all those movies with naive Americans in foreign jails? Don't be that kid. Your real-life cellmate probably won't be as attractive as Claire Danes.
7. Don't bring anything too nice, like laptops or expensive cameras. You'll stand out as a target and spend the whole time worrying about it. Buy disposable cameras along the way and send them home when they fill up.
6. Try not to travel in too big of a group. Anything more than two people and you risk isolating yourself from meeting anyone new. The same goes for guy and girl groups of two. If you look like a couple, people will probably treat you like a couple. That really hurts your chances of any hookups.
5. Learn the name and a good pronunciation of the place you're staying, as well as the name of the largest street it's near. This leaves the option of cabs open, and you don't have to worry about getting lost along the subways of some new country or finding your way back after too long at the club.
4. Don't count your money in public. Keep a small amount in an accessible pocket to pay for your lunch or small incidentals, and keep the rest in a travel wallet or tucked away somewhere on you. This way you don't have to lug out a big pimp-roll every time you want to buy a drink.
3. Keep your passport and your license in different places, along with a photocopy of your passport. Never have one bag that you'd be absolutely screwed if you lost.
2. Take plastic trash bags -- you'll be surprised how often you'll use them. They're good for everything from a poor man's tent to a raincoat, carrying dirty or wet laundry, trash and for wrapping up your more delicate items when you're really roughing it.
1. Keep your schedule as open as possible. A place you thought you might have wanted to be for four days might start feeling old after two. You'll probably also miss a train here or there or miscalculate traveling time, and a strict itinerary of sightseeing and hotel reservations will feel like an overwhelming obligation.
I will be posting more later so stay tuned!
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