My friend, Haitham has gone on a vacation to Jordan over this past weekend, he'll be gone for a month and when returning he'll be in the process of moving to sunny Puerto Rico approximately two minutes from the beach( how's that for editing? ) and yet he has not left our thoughts, he is constantly in our conversations, we communicate as we can via the power of the networks and the internet, if you're reading this my friend, half a world away, know that you are missed and loved. Incidently, my friend Haitham has a friend named Robert, who threw him a 4th of July / Going away party, this friend just happened to be Robert Reid who used to play for the Rockets! That was way cool.
Recently I've been reading some articles concerning Non-Local Communication (NLC) and we all know that a little knowledge is dangerous, especially in my hands. NLC is the apparent communication of molecules and atoms across vast amounts of space regardless of time and space. Thus, one group of atoms may form a helix pattern, while, at practically the same time, millions of light-years away, another group of atoms is doing the exact same pattern.
On a more humanistic level, NLC is that strange "coincidence" that we often experience when two people say something at the same time, or when you think of a song and it just happens to be the next song played on the radio.
Many scientists feel that these incidences occur far too often to be mere coincidence and believe that their is some sub-atomic communication going on. The further claim, which I have seen, is that scientists, via NLC, are explaining the miracles of God (if you believe); thus, they are explaining away God in favor of science.
The reasoning here is that anything which we can not explain through science has always been attributed to God or magic. Even gravity is a miracle, as we can test it and see its effects everyday, but gravity is completely inexplicable.
My question, then, is are we slowly explaining the miracles scientifically, such that there is no God, or are we simply looking at the scientific repercussions of God's work? i.e. Did we evolve simply, or was evolution part of God's plan all along?
Secondly, if NLC works, which it seems to, what are the untapped resources out there for us to use? Maybe prayer is simply a primitive form of NLC. Maybe using magic and casting circles to gather "will" are also primitive forms of NLC. If we can harness this power, like we harness the power of electricity or fire, what will be possible in the future?
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