Wednesday, March 19, 2003

This is poetry, this is real, I am real, this is my story and it is real, though at times it is intermittent. A fragmented reality exploding softly upon this existence, my life exposed. shared for all to view with eyes unshadowed by the mists of propaganda. I am who I am, though I am changing who I am yet remaining the same. This life is as simple as it is complex. I face hardships now that I have never had to face before, though I am lucky to have friends to help carry me through. to all of you who know and read this I say simply "Thank you" for everything.

These past few weeks, have brought me more questions and few answers... I have so much that I want to know and too much time to think about things in my life that have gone both well and wrong. Mostly I dwell on the wrongs instead of the rights, but that is human nature and I accept that. I wonder who really reads this blog if anyone reads it at all.

my life, shared with those around me, my family is thankfully doing better, but has a long way to go. My friends, those staunch allies and supporters, They are there for me as I am for them. There is so much to say on them that I would be sitting here for days continuosly typing. As for the woman in my life, Alas currently there isn't one, though I have possibilities I haven't taken advantage of them. I tend to screw up relationships. I'm not sure why, perhaps I've been hurt too much in the past and so I habitually sabotage my relationship, ruining both a great relationship and a friendship. Now I hesitate to make that next step. So I don't and I miss out.

Any advice for this weary warrior?

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