Tuesday, October 26, 2004

My pirate name is:

Dirty Tom Flint

You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from fidius.org.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Sorry I've been out of touch, I tend to do that sometimes. I head out to the lake or the river when I'm seeking some me time. I've got a few places around town that I don't tell my friends about and when I need it I just go. Sometimes though it's not enough since this is a little big city, so I pack my gear and I head out on the road and wherever I wind up is where I wind up. One time I just got in the car and drove. 15 hours later I was in Florida, I spent the weekend on the beach, slept in my car and just had a good time. It had been dark and raining back home so imagine my coworkers surprise when I came in with a nice sunburn tan.

I'm not always good at sharing my thoughts and feelings with someone. I tend to keep them to myself and I've noticed a pattern of fear of success in my life. I want to be happy, that's what I've come to realize, but I think I fear to be happy and that fear causes me to push people away, to not call to not message them when I know I should. It's not that I don't think of them or not want to call or write.

I've got an oral presentation in my british literature course and an exam in my psychology class coming up soon again. It seems the semester is flying by and I don't know what to do about it.

I'm still working at Barton Springs, though this is my last week and I have been looking for other possible jobs, I'm just not sure what I'd like to be doing, but I need to make a decision soon. the army still hasn't given me any idea of whether or not they're going to mobilize me. I've heard rumors that I can volunteer to be mobilized, but I'm not sure if I want to do that or not. I know it would give me a steady income and I'd be able to come back to Houston for awhile. It's something to think about. but nothing is ever guaranteed right?

I think about you and I wonder what you're doing and how things are going with you. How your studying is coming along and if you need a break from it to hang out with a certain someone, who knows? I've got to get some sleep for I'm working tomorrow, hooray for me.

Smile, cause I'm asking you too. have a great night, sleep well, sweet dreams and have a great day, a great week and whatever makes you happy.

thinking of you,

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

All across the country on October 26th :
Video stores across the country will be waiving the usual rental fee for "Fahrenheit 9/11," beginning on October 26.

If you are a video store owner interested in getting involved, please e-mail us at F911ForFree@michaelmoore.com.


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Recent news:
- My Roommate and friend Darren had a cd release party at Firehouse on 6th and Brazos Tuesday the 12th, that was a lot of fun, I wore an eyepatch most of the night cause I thought it would be funny. I loved staring at people staring at me and them looking away really quickly. It was a good night, I'm still waiting for my free cd though, haha. Oh and I ran into someone I hadn't seen in a long time, he's a friend of a friend I used to have and I don't know if I want them back in my life or not.
- Wednesday the 13th of October I went to a birthday party for my friend Margarette and Heath at the RedEyeFly and had a frickin blast, I seriously enjoyed talking and meeting everyone there, ya can't beat free beer and friends!
- Thursday 14Oct I had a psychology test that I was really worried about, but I got to talk to my brother Charles over Xbox live so that was cool. later I hung out with the guys from FunnyPapers, I watched them play a very interesting game. it was kind of like Battle Chess with Superheroes.
- Went to houston for the Army 16/17October. I got a really bad haircut(15Oct), I'm practically bald. The Army proceeded to kick my ass physically then verbally. I'm sick, bruised, battered and tired. Oh and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I did get to stop by the Starbucks at Kuykendahl and louetta and see a bunch of friends I hadn't seen in a long time.
- I lost my glasses 16October and had to drive all over Houston and then back to Austin without them, yeah that wasn't a whole lot of fun. luckily I have an up to date prescription and if I can scrape together enough cash then I'll be purchasing a new pair or two soon. any style reccomendations?
- Fell asleep at work while doing the new york times crossword puzzle, yep your tax dollars hard at work, haha. hey I was tired from this past weekend with the Army and I almost finished the crossword puzzle all by myself, so HA!
- Received my psychology test back and I'm happy to report a successful 86 on it. I'm happy with it, you should be too.
- Went to the Botanical Gardens for the first time, no I didn't see the Dinosaur prints, but I did see the turtle fossil. I highly reccomend it if you're coming to Austin, that and Barton Springs is right across the street along with the Umlauf Sculpture garden nearby, not to mention the hike and bike trails around the lake.
- I have an upcoming test in my British Lit II course that I'm a bit worried about. It's an in class essay test on the reading we've read up to this point and that's a lot of reading.
- I read comics and I'm not afraid to let people know. I shop at FunnyPapers at the Dobie Mall, I've got friends there who I hang with outside of the store.
- I think I might get into the Heroclix game because some of my friends here play it.
- I might go back to Houston this coming weekend for my friend Jason and his new band are having their first show at Helios at 7:00 p.m. and I'd like to see it and my friends.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
-- Dalai Lama

Friday, October 08, 2004

Due to this being a very politcal year, I decided to take a few online quizes to see where I fell in with the political spectrum. Here are the results:

The above test labeled me a Social Moderate (55% permissive)and an Economic Liberal
(33% permissive)and that I am best described as a: Centrist, I exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.

Explanation Of Results

http://www.okcupid.com/politics wanted to get beyond the two catch-alls of American politics, the Democratic and Republican parties, and see where people actually stand. Parties can bring together people with marginally differing values and make collective action easier. But party platforms can misrepresent their constituents, and blind loyalty to a party can convince individuals to harbor inconsistent views.

The goal of this test was to exactly classify your personal politics, without the traditional labels. We avoided the edgy party issues and focused on fundamental values. Your score is a measure of what you believe in, economically and socially.

Higher permissiveness, on either axis, indicates a "live and let live" philosophy. Of course, we're almost conditioned in America, "Land of the Free", to think positively of such a philosophy. But practically speaking, permissiviness (or its opposite, regulation) can create any number of outcomes:

For example, on the economic axis, a highly permissive system, like the American system of the early 1900s, might mean things like low taxes and increased scientific innovation. It might also result, as it did back then, in unrestricted child labor and millions of poor people with black lung.

At the other end of the economic spectrum, a highly regulated system might conserve the environment, establish national health care, and eliminate poverty. But as we've learned from the Soviet system, extreme regulation can also lead to stagnation, sameness, and unhappiness.

Whereas http://www.politopia.com/ said that my political standpoint exists in Centerville - You would feel most at home in Centerville, which means that you are more or less pleased the status quo-you think the US government has just about the right amount of control over your economic and personal decisions. Your neighbors include democratic and republican party leaders and others who call themselves "moderates" and "centrists."

Now what does this mean? I don't know, but I invite you to respond and let me know what you think, I look forward to it. here's a recent conversation I had with my good friend Kyle, immediately after I took the first test. I respect his opinions and would like to share them with you.

HughHudson3: so I took this politics test to see where it said I fit in with my views and I was wondering what you might think
K Nielsen7: libertarian, authoritarian, liberal, or conservative?
HughHudson3: http://www.okcupid.com/politics
HughHudson3: You are a Social Moderate (55% permissive) and an...
Economic Liberal (33% permissive)You are best described as a: Centrist
HughHudson3: You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
HughHudson3: what do you think? and what does this mean?
K Nielsen7: Liberals believe in government control over economic issues (high taxes, social programs, many regulations) and freedom in social issues (abortion, gay marriage, no sodomy laws, no indecency laws, strong support of free speech).
K Nielsen7: Conservatives favor government control over aforementioned social issues and freedom in economic issues.
K Nielsen7: Libertarians favor freedom in both areas, and authoritarians favor government control over both areas.
K Nielsen7: try this one: politopia.com
HughHudson3: oh by the way, the debate was at the west mall of the ut campus
HughHudson3: or the western side of the ut tower
K Nielsen7: ah ok
K Nielsen7: Badnarik was arrested tonight trying to get into the debates
K Nielsen7: along with the Green Party candidate
K Nielsen7: they said they were either going to debate or get arrested
K Nielsen7: and they got their wish
HughHudson3: haha
K Nielsen7: so anyway, think of a libertarian like the liberal social issues, like freedom of speech support, abortion, allowing gay marriage, and etc. and the conservative part of economics. Low taxes, few social programs, few regulations and such.
K Nielsen7: you are basically a liberal-leaning centrist
HughHudson3: haha, okay.
K Nielsen7: you're very close to the center on social issues and you lean a ways liberal on economic issues.
K Nielsen7: on the politopia map, top left is libertarian, top right is conservative, bottom left is liberal and bottom right is authoritarian
HughHudson3: taking the test now, but the questions are more cut and dry
K Nielsen7: yea, some quizzes have nebulous questions.
K Nielsen7: that don't really determine political ideology well
K Nielsen7: like for example "do you believe in helping people?" Many conservatives believe in helping people, but do not believe government is the best way to do so, so it makes for an ineffective question.
K Nielsen7: if you score the same, you'll be in the south, somewhat toward the center.
HughHudson3: actually I'm dead centerville
K Nielsen7: coo coo
HughHudson3: Centerville-You would feel most at home in Centerville, which means that you are more or less pleased the status quo-you think the US government has just about the right amount of control over your economic and personal decisions. Your neighbors include democratic and republican party leaders and others who call themselves "moderates" and "centrists."
HughHudson3: now what does that mean? that I could go either way, that I'm comfortable in all situations?
HughHudson3: so where do you fit in?
K Nielsen7: your opinions may become more solid one way or the other as the years pass
K Nielsen7: I'm top left
K Nielsen7: northwest
HughHudson3: really?
K Nielsen7: yeah
HughHudson3: who else do you know that has taken the test?
K Nielsen7: I believe in personal and economic freedom
K Nielsen7: some people at DSLR
HughHudson3: that's cool
K Nielsen7: some scored center, some liberal, some conservative
K Nielsen7: 1 authoritarian

The idea I get from Kyle is that it doesn't matter what your beliefs are you can still be friends with someone who thinks and acts differently from yourself. There are more political quiz's out there and I might take them and I might not, I've got time to think about my decision. Who am I going to vote for come November 2nd? like that freaky chick from that movie, " I'll never tell".

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I'm pleased to announce that on Tueday, October 5, 2004 Mason Thomas Cooper made his debut weighing in at 8lbs 11oz after 13 hours of labor. He is the newborn son of my good friend Leslie Cooper, the proud mother who is now resting at home in Houston.