Monday, October 25, 2004

Sorry I've been out of touch, I tend to do that sometimes. I head out to the lake or the river when I'm seeking some me time. I've got a few places around town that I don't tell my friends about and when I need it I just go. Sometimes though it's not enough since this is a little big city, so I pack my gear and I head out on the road and wherever I wind up is where I wind up. One time I just got in the car and drove. 15 hours later I was in Florida, I spent the weekend on the beach, slept in my car and just had a good time. It had been dark and raining back home so imagine my coworkers surprise when I came in with a nice sunburn tan.

I'm not always good at sharing my thoughts and feelings with someone. I tend to keep them to myself and I've noticed a pattern of fear of success in my life. I want to be happy, that's what I've come to realize, but I think I fear to be happy and that fear causes me to push people away, to not call to not message them when I know I should. It's not that I don't think of them or not want to call or write.

I've got an oral presentation in my british literature course and an exam in my psychology class coming up soon again. It seems the semester is flying by and I don't know what to do about it.

I'm still working at Barton Springs, though this is my last week and I have been looking for other possible jobs, I'm just not sure what I'd like to be doing, but I need to make a decision soon. the army still hasn't given me any idea of whether or not they're going to mobilize me. I've heard rumors that I can volunteer to be mobilized, but I'm not sure if I want to do that or not. I know it would give me a steady income and I'd be able to come back to Houston for awhile. It's something to think about. but nothing is ever guaranteed right?

I think about you and I wonder what you're doing and how things are going with you. How your studying is coming along and if you need a break from it to hang out with a certain someone, who knows? I've got to get some sleep for I'm working tomorrow, hooray for me.

Smile, cause I'm asking you too. have a great night, sleep well, sweet dreams and have a great day, a great week and whatever makes you happy.

thinking of you,

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