Thursday, March 17, 2005

My week is turning into a repetitive moment of waking up at about 12ish getting ready for work/notdoing anything till about 3ish then going to work till midnight or just a bit later, coming home and staring at the wall or tv it doesn't really make much difference, then eventually turning everything off and trying to sleep, then starting the whole process all over again. I need to work on managing my time a bit better I guess.

What are you doing Saturday? I had plans, but they were canceled and no you're not an afterthought these were work related plans. I'll be off of work from around midnightish Friday night and won't have to go back till about 3ish on Sunday. So there's plenty of time to get into trouble.

bleagh, I'm tired, I need to get ready for work, what's new with you?

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