Tuesday, May 27, 2003

"I believe -- anything that can love has a soul. Have you ever felt love?"
"I've learned -- that it's dangerous to love. It can drive you crazy."

"Then perhaps -- that's what tears are for."

- Andromeda "The Mathematics of Tears"

I love qoutes, little pieces of everyday wisdom and insight that have the ability to encompass an entire thought. what does the above qoute mean to you? what does it mean to me? I believe I have a soul, though it is locked away at times deep inside, I believe I have the capacity to love, but due to my own dysfunctional upbringing and the many failed relationships I've been in ( I say failed due to the fact that I am no longer with said person in the relationship) I believe I have the capacity to love, but that I have been scarred to the point where I don't recognize or even know what love is. Have I ever felt love? I'd like to believe so, to have known it just once would be a godsend. I do know that it is dangerous to love, you open yourself completely holding your arms wide fearing nothing for you are truly free and that is to be forever crazy. Sometimes love is unrequited, meaning not returned and that's ok as long as you keep control over your emotions, over who you are and can remain impartial. Yet there are times that try everyone's soul and emotions can run out of control and you try to hold them so tight inside to try to keep yourself together... perhaps then that is what tears are for, to help get everything out and cleanse the soul of the pain. perhaps...when was the last time you cried?

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