Friday, May 19, 2006

Chemical Reaction

When I hear your voice
a hormone that I can’t name
and that can’t be measured
by any scientific tool,
makes me feel
like I am in paradise.

It starts like a late night glass of wine
On a warm summer beach
caressed by the sound
of gentle waves
coming home

And it ends like
the sound of a symphony
on the 4th of July,
just after the fireworks
and imaginations
have exploded
in star studded sky.

When I look it you
it is like striking a match.
All my sensations flare
like the smell of sulfur
that singes my nostrils
and the sound
of that crisp sizzle and crack
before chemicals
spontaneously combust
into skin burning flame.

And when you touch me
it is even more volatile,
like nitro glycerin,
as my heart and such
seems ready to burst
at the thought
of you.

So I sit here waiting
for that reaction to begin
as everything starts
with you.

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