Friday, January 17, 2003

It's another Friday night here in Austin and I'm sitting down to compose this my message to you, those happy, happy few out there in cyberspace and reality who might happen across this site. I've been reading over at Mel's and have quite the discussion going, it seems I've lost points with her mom, more to follow as I find out how. My cousin Yoshi has changed up his layout, lookin good as always! Still working on the code for my comments, should be up soon, but we'll see. The night has turned dark and cold, the temperature has dropped, I'm not a big fan of cold so I'm suffering a bit, being inside now helps. I went by Tower records today and checked out the availability of the LOTR expanded pack set, grabbed a good cup of tea at CC's and hung out at Barnes & Noble for awhile. I came home early and grabbed some chow, left overs rock, I opened my window for a bit this afternoon and for some odd reason a bird alighted on my window sill and started chirping in a very disney like manner... surreal. with that I'll leave you for now as I go roaming the net in search of new reads.

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