Sunday, January 12, 2003

So, I'm back from out of this place, I just arrived in a few hours ago and I have much to tell, but so much more that I cannot tell. There are things afoot in my life that I want/need to talk to someone about, but I am here, alone, and this prevents me from saying the things I need/want to say. This weekend was spent in preparation for a future conflict that I don't wholly agree with. I cannot say more because I have been sworn to silence and I take my duties very seriously. I know I write ambiguosly and for that I apologize. This voice inside me tends to speak this way when I type out my inner thoughts. My time spent was good and productive, I was glad to have the chance to spend time with friends and family of which the time I do spend is never enough. There are those that I care about that I do not get to spend time with and this I regret. To those of you that I don't spend enough time with know that I do think of you. I need to walk outside for awhile, I know it's cold, but it helps me think... I shall return.

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