Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Good Morning Houston! it's June 10th, Tuesday and time for another This or That: TV Shows/Movies
1. "The Munsters" or "The Addams Family"?
In my head both shows are blending together, did they ever do a crossover?
2. "The Sopranos" or the "Godfather" movies?
I've only seen a few of the Sopranos, but all of the Godfather series equals qoutable life
3. "The Jetsons" or "Lost in Space"?
I'm lost in space with the jetsons, that Judy ooh she's an interstellar hottie...haha
4. "Superman" or "Batman" (either the TV shows or the movies)?
once again the questions are pitting two classics against each other... errrgh it's so hard to choose just one..
5. "Sex & The City" or "Friends"?
Friends all the way
6. "The Wizard of Oz" or the "Harry Potter" movies?
Both are good stories, though Oz is a classic
7. "The Simpsons" or "King of the Hill"?
The Simpsons have been losing touch, but are still a classic, King of the Hill is good for a few laughs
8. "Grease" or "Saturday Night Fever"?
I don't watch a lot of TV lately, I've just got a lot of other things going on with college, work and an active social life...or the near semblance thereof...
9. Old prime-time soaps: "Dallas" or "Dynasty"?
never watched any of these, but I know who shot JR
10. Not very thought-provoking this week...do you prefer TV shows or movies?
It all depends on the stories, sometimes I like them short like a movie or long like a TV series...

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