Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Caffeine, that wonderful stimulant. This brown, crushed, boiled bean is the only thing that's keeping me alive. I barely eat, sleep isn't an option, overworked, overstressed. I'm burning from the inside out, a bright blaze fueled only by this little bean turned liquid into so many wondrous forms, whether it's tea, coffee, hot chocolate or some frozen caffeine concoction, though lately it's been in the straight black variety, sometimes with a little sugar and cream. I like my coffee like I like my women: Hot, light, sweet, with a bitter aftertaste that lingers in my mouth... yes, Caffeine is a wonderful stimulant, though it's a harsh mistress... it gives you what you want and deserts you in your time of greatest need, making you hunger for it even more. I spend what little free time I have in an almost catatonic state when it leaves me. oh damn, my cup's empty again. Time to brew another pot... until next cup.

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