Tuesday, April 01, 2003

To begin again where I paused for a moment, this life is precious we only have a short time to explore the world in earnest, so explore I say. begin your beginning today, right now this very moment.

Today has been rough, I've had to deal harshly with fellow co-workers, subordinates, but I had to do it. I was left with no choice in the matter. now I have this sick feeling in my stomach, I dislike being mean, it makes me physically ill, but that doesn't mean I won't do it when the the time comes and I have.

When a job needs to be done, you should do it right then and not wait.

"How monotonously alike all the great tyrants and conquerors have been:how gloriously different the saints." -- C.S. Lewis

Am I to be the Tyrant? I'm not a Saint, this is well known, I simply try to do the best I can and yet they fail again and again to understand. The rules and regulations are pre-set there is nothing to question, but they fail me time and again so the Tyrant may come to the fore and business will be handled.

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