Saturday, November 19, 2005

So today I went to Huntsville to visit Sam Houston State University I wasn't sure of the directions and I got there a little late, but with enough time to check in and run up the stairs to my first group, which consisted of me and 2 other people. We toured the campus and facilities and generally got to know the lay of the land. It was rather short and rushed.

The drive up brought back a lot of memories, not only from the last trip up there, but also from when I went to Sam back in 1997. A lot has changed since then, not everything, though some things that were new then were either old or closed down now. After the Sam day I drove around looking for a place to eat and got a little lost, but that's okay, I found some things I had forgotten and visited some new places.

I came back to Spring and of course went to Starbucks to pour over all the accumulated crap and schwag that I had picked up on Campus. Most of it is useless paper mainly garnered towards freshman, but I'm a Nontraditional/Former/Transfer student, they weren't sure how to deal with me. I ran into an old friend at Starbucks, one I hadn't seen for a long time, She's doing well I hear, working on her Masters. We sat and talked for several hours, exchanged numbers and said we'd talk again. It was good to see her and to know she is doing well.

My niece Haley was in the Tomball Parade today, unfortunately I couldn't go, but I hear there are rolls of film waiting to be developed! My other niece, Cheyanne, and my sister, Vicky, went to Nacadoches today for a girl scout day at a camp up there. both of the girls, Haley and Cheyanne, are involved in girl scouting and I think it's a good program, though I wonder why they have to go so far away to participate in a Day Camp? Aren't there any programs closer to Houston?

What next? I have the Army for the next few days, though I need to go ahead an register for classes, thats a very important thing which I think I will get to now. So this is goodnight for now, here's wishing you all a Safe journey and a peaceful nights sleep.

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